Media EN Flashcards
Headline of a newspaper
Titlul unui articol de ziar
What does headlinese mean?
It is the style used by the writers when they create, the author puts in a nt=utshell the main point of the story.
What does ellipsis mean?
We may ommit a phrase/words from the context which isnțt necessary. It means that some words have been missed out, it is frequently used in newspaper headlines.
What does intertextuality mean?
Intertextualitate=un text are conexiuni cu alte texte
What is one of the characteristics of a newspaper headline?
The author uses short words in order to explain the message of the text, the usage of shorter verbs is coomon, EXAMPLE “rig” and not falsify
The use of compund adjectives in newspaper articles
the ever-stronger competition(the competition that becomes stronger)
competiția din ce în ce mai puternică
the bench of a bank
filiala unei bănci
Romanian-based operation
indică locul unde se află o organizație
brew meand bere in romanian, more specific than beer, brew=un tip de bere produs de anumită companie
to lure
to attract
the state-owned-banks
banks that are owned by the state
a long-drawn-out downward trend=something that lasts an unnecessarily or an unpleasantly long period of time
tendință de scădere pe termen lung
low-skill manufacturers
producători mai puțin competitivi
low-skill goods
produse de slabă calitate
to resume
a relua
to resume a trading
a relua comerțul
trashed out
a fost dezbătută
an eight-day suspension(a suspension that lasted eight days)
the 36-mile-long tunnel
the tree-lined street(refers to streets or roads that have trees on either side of them)