med neuro e2 brainstem Flashcards
hypoglossal nerve nuclei
hypoglossal nucelus
spinal accessory nerve nuclei
spinal accessory nucleus
vagus nerve nuclei
nucleus ambiguous, dorsal motor nucleuls of X, solitary nucleus,spinal nucleus of V
Vesibulocochlear nerve nuclei
vestibular nuclei and cochlear nuclei
facial nerve nuclei
facial motor nucleus, superior salivatory nucleus, solitary nucleus, spinal nucleus of V
Aducens nerve nuclei
abducens nucelus
trigeminal nerve nuclei
motor nucleus of V, chief sensory nucleus of V , mesencephalic nucleus of V
spinal nucleus of V
trochlear nerve nuclei
trochlear nucelus
oculomotor nerv
oculomotor nucelus and edinger-westphal nucleus
lesion of pyramid in medulla
originate in iipsis creebral cortex
in brainstem above decussaiont produces contralateral upper motor neuron symptoms
lesion of STT in medulla
originate in contra dorsal horn
contralateral loss of pain and temperature from the body because crossed by brainstem
lesion of medial lemniscus in medulla
originate in contra gracile and cuneate nuclei
contralateral deficit fo rfine touch and proprrioception
nuclei in the contra gracile and cuneate nuclei
lesion of gracile and cuneate fascicuii in medulla
originate in DRG terminate in nuclie
ipsilateral loss of proprioception and fine touch from body
lesion of spinal tract of V in medulla
from trigeminnal ganglioin, synapse ipsi on spinal nucleus of V, carry ipssy pain and temp from face
loss of ipsi pain and temp from face
lesion of sympathetic descending fibers in medulla
origniate from ipsi hypothalamus
ispilateral horners syndrome (ptosis, anhydrosis, miosis)
lesion of hypoglossal nucleus GSE in medulla
innervates tongue
weakness and fasciculations and ipsi deviation of tonuge
lesion of spinal accesssory nucleus SVE in medulla
weakness shrugging ipis shoulder and turning head contra
nucleus ambiguous lesion of SVE in medulla
dysphagia, horseness, loss of gag reflex
lesion of dorsal motor nucleus of X GVE in medulla
not significant with unilateral
lesion of inferior salvitory nucleus GVE in medulla
decreased parotid gland secretion
lesion of solitary nucelus GVA, SVA in medulla
loss of taste
lesion of spinal nucleus of V GsA in medulla
ispi loss of pain and temp from face
lesion of vestibuluar and cohlear nuclei SSA in medulla
balance, dizzy, nystagmus, hearing deficits
lesion in pons of longitudinal pontine fibers
just higher up pyramids
so contra UMN signs
lesion in pons of STT
already crossed
so contra loss of pain and temp from body
lesion in pons of medial lemnisucus
contra from gracile and cuneate nuclei
so contra fine touch and proprioception from body
lesion in pons of spinal tract of V
ipsi all the way so loss of pain and temp from face
lesion in pons of sympathetic division fibers
from ipsi hypo thalamus all the way
horners again
horners syndrom
from lesion of sympathetic descending fibers
lesion in pons of abducens nucleus
rectus muscle
ipsilateral mediale deviation of the eye (medial strabismus)
deficit in horizontal gaze
lesion in pons of facial motor nucleus
ipsi face paralysis
lesion in pons of superior olivary nucleus
deficit of sound localizaiton
lesion in pons ofsuperioroy salivatory nucleus
dry eye and mouth
lesion in pons of motor nuclues of V
weakness of mastication and ipsi devation of mandible
lesion in pons of spinal nuclues of V
ipsi loss of pain and temp from face
lesion in pons of mesencephalic nucleus of V
loss of jaw reflex
innervates spindles
lesion in midbrain of longitudinal pontine fibers
contra UMN signs
lesion in midbrain of cerebral peduncle
continuation of longitudinal pontine fibers
contra UMN signs and drooping of mouth because coritocobulbar fibers
lesion in midbrain of STT
conntra pain and temp form body AND FACE
lesion in midbrain of medial lemniscus
contra deficit in fine touch and proprio form body and face
lesion in midbrain of sympathetic descending
never corss so ipsi horner again
lesion in midbrain of trochelar nucleus
paralysis of contra superior oblique
trochlear nerve would be ipsi oblique and diplopia
lesion in midbrain of oculomotor nucleus
lateral stabismus
lesion in midbrain of Edinger westphal nucleus
loss of accomodation