Med Evac/Air Evac Operations/HOSP Operations Flashcards
What is your operational priority?
>aircraft in distress >Med Evac >Presidential >SAR >Interceptor
What does TAWS stand for?
Terrain Awareness Warning System
What letter is the prefix for Med Evac aircraft?
(AOI 13-204:
AMOPS will forward what information regarding medical evacuation flights to tower on proposed departures and scheduled arrivals?
Special information or instruction
(AOI 13-204: 9.5)
When will RAPCON advise Tower and AMOPS of arriving aeromedical aircraft?
No later than 30 flying miles
When an aircraft under your control jurisdiction informs you that it is responding to a TAWS (or other on-board low altitude) alert:
Do not issue control instructions that are contrary to the TAWS procedure that they are responding to.
What do you give in the event that an aircraft is responding to a TAWS?
Safety alerts regarding terrain or obstructions and traffic advisories
When is the controller responsible for providing approved separation between the aircraft that is responding to a TAWS alert?
> when they have returned to the assigned altitude or
> you’re told that the TAWS maneuver is completed by a crew member and you observe that approved separation has been reestablished, or
> the responding aircraft has executed an alternate clearance and you observe that approved separation has been reestablished
What is the prefix for air taxi?
What are the prefixes for the:
>U.S. Air Force >U.S. Coast Guard >Air or Army National Guard >U.S. Army >U.S. Marine Corps >U.S. Navy >Canadian Forces >Canadian Coast Guard
>A >C >G >R >VM >VV >CFC >CTG
What is the identifier that the President will use when flying in an AF aircraft?
President flying in an Army aircraft identifier:
What is the identifier of the president flying in a commercial aircraft?
What is the identifier of the president’s family flying in any aircraft?
What is the identifier like if the Vice President is flying in an aircraft?
Same as president, except followed by a 2
What is the identifier of the vice president’s family flying in an aircraft?