Mechanisms to Adjust Urine Concentration - McCormick Flashcards
Na reabsorption in PT
Na/H exchanger
Cotransport with glucose, AA, phosphate
Na reabsorption in TAL
Impermeable to water
Na reabsorption in DCT
Na/Cl cotransporter
Na reabsorption in Late DCT/CD
Luminal Na+ membrane channels
Chloride reabsorption
Always linked either directly or indirectly to Na reabsorpton
Descending loop of Henle
Freely permeable to water
Impermeable to Na+, Cl-
Transport in first half of DCT
Tubular urine: Na/Cl K/Cl Blood side: Na/K K leak Cl leak
What is the major site of physiological control of salt and water balance?
What hormones control salt and water balance?
Aldosterone - Na reabsorption, K and H secretion
ANP - Inhibits Na reabsorption
ADV - water reabsorption
What is the driving force for K and H secretion by the principal cells?
The large transepithelial potential
-50 mV, lumen negative
How does Aldosterone increase Na reabsorption in principal cells
Incorporation of Na channels in luminal membrane
Incorporation of Na/K ATPase in basolateral membrane
How does ADH increase H2O permeability in Late DCT/CD?
Via V2 receptors and insertion of aquaporin channels
Countercurrent multiplier mechanism
Concentrates solute in medullary interstitium
High solute conc enables kidney to excrete high conc urine
How does urea get concentrated in inner medulla?
ADH promotes reabsorption form inner medullary CD
Describe urine in antidiuresis
Low volume, high urine concentration
Describe urine in diuresis
High volume of dilute urine is excreted
Talk to me about obligatory urine volume
The body generates 600 mOsm waste/day
Can concentrate to 1200 mOsm
SO…. minimum to remove waste is 0.5 L/day
Osmolar clearance
Uosm x V/Posm
Free water clearance
Excretion of water in excess of amount needed to excrete isosmotic urine
If Uosm < Posm is positive
Pure water is cleared from body
If Uosm > Posm is negative
Pure water is retained
Fractional excretion
The fraction (percentage) of the filtered load of a substance that is secreted in urine
(Na is first, cr second)
Fractional excretion < 1%
Pre renal and AGN
Na avidly reabsorbed
Fractional excretion > 2%
ATN, Renal