Meat Chicken Nutrition Flashcards
what are feeding objectives
- high-quality meat for human consumption
- economically efficient production
- growth rate and feed efficiency
- carcass quality ( meat yield, freedom from skin defects)
- bird health
what important nutrient concepts need to happen
- provide a balanced diet ( energy, protein, aa, minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids)
- formulate diets to meet or exceed nutrient requirements
- formulate diets on the basis of digestible not total amino acid content (methionine and methionine plus cysteine most limiting, lysine is second most limiting)
- ideal protein ratio for amino acid formulation (relative to level of digestible lysine, match as closely as possible to the nutrient requirements of the bird)
what are the different feeding programs used
- feed allocation ( number of feeds, pre starter diets )
- form ( crumbles, pellets, mash and whole grain feeding)
- medication ( anti- coccidial agents)
- growth promoters
- hormones not used
- feed costs
what do chicken farmers of Canada use for antibiotics
- antibiotics ranked by health canada as categories 1 to 4 based on importance in human health
- may 2014 - elimination of category 1 antibiotics (those most important to human health)
- december 2018 - ending of category 2
- goal has been set to eliminate category 3 antibiotics
- RWA or NAE = same thing
what are the antibiotic rankings
- very high importance
- high importance
- medium importance
- low importance
what is RWA and NAE and whats the difference
- RWA = raised without antibiotics
- NAE = no antibiotics ever
- they are the same thing
what tye of grain is found in chicken feed
- wheat
- corn
- barley
- pea
what kind of protein is found in chicken feed
- soybean meal
- canola meal
- meat and bone meal
- animal and vegitable fat
what crystalline AA is in chicken feed
- Met
- Lys
- Thr
- Trp
- Iso
- Val
- Leu ( not in canada)
what minerals are found in chicken diets
- limestone
- calcium phosphate
- salt
- trace mineral suppliments
what feed additives are found in chicken feeds
- pellet binders
- enzymes = phytase (phosphorus)
- carbohydrases - endo - xylanase, endo b glucanase
pigments = yellow skin and egg yolks = xanthophylls/ carotenoids
what are alternates of antibiotics
- probiotics
- prebiotics
- essential oils ( anti microbial, immunodulating, and anti inflammatory)
- organic acids ( acidifying properties to prevent/ combate harmful microbial populations)
- anti oxidants ( preventing lipid rancidity in feeds)
- anti fungal agents
what is looked for in carcass quality
- meat used in further procesing (economic return - cost of live production and processing )
- cut up trade
- whole bird market - graded free from breast blishers, leg disorders
- carcass fat - not a major issue
what factors influence carcass composition
- low or unbalanced amino acid content = wont have the ability to build protein = reduces meat yeild (usually breast meat first)
- balance between energy and amino acid levels
- age ( fat and protien content increases with age )
- bird gender and genotype
what are external carcass characteristics
- bruising
- skin condition (feathering)
- breast blister
what other minor roles does nutrition have
- vitamin K - blood coagulation = to much delays clotting, excesive bleeding with minor injuries)
- vitamine E/ selenium - exudative diathesis ( oxidation of the tissues - typical with rancid grains - neurological from imbalance peralysis )
what major factors effect bruising
- handling/ loading onto the truck
- on truck bruising
- poor feathering
what happens to feathers when birds are amino acid deficient
- methionine and cystine
- abnormal feather growth
- reduced feathering
- feather eating
what are some growth associated diseases
- leg disorders
- sudden death syndrome( metabolic)
- chronic heart failure or ascites (metabolic)
why can rapid growth be considered undesirable
- metabolic disease
- feed efficiency
- slower early growth can improves bird health
- particularly useful for birds kept to heavier weights and birds sold as whole carcasses (grading)
what causes foot pad dermatitis
- litter moisture - increases foot pad dermatitis
- increased ammonia = more urea