Measures of central tendency and dispersion Flashcards
Measures of central tendency
A descriptive statistic that provides information about a “typical” value for a data set.
The arithmetic average of a data set.
Takes the exact values of all the data into account.
Mean - process
Calculated by adding up all the data items and dividing them by the number of data items.
Mean - evaluation
The most sensitive measure of central tendency.
It takes account of the exact distance between all the values of all the data.
This sensitivity means that it can be easily distorted by one or a few extreme values and therefore end up being misrepresentative of the data as a whole.
It can’t be used with nominal data.
The middle value of a data set when the items are placed in rank order.
Median - process
The middle value in an ordered list.
All data items must be arranged in order and the central value is then the median.
If there’s an even number of data items there will be two central values.
To calculate the median, add the two data items and divide by two.
Median - evaluation
The median isn’t affected by extreme scores.
It can be used with ratio, interval and ordinal data.
On the other hand, the median isn’t as “sensitive” as the mean because the exact values aren’t reflected in the median.
The most frequently occurring value or item in a data set.
Mode - process
The value that is most common data item.
With nominal data, it’s the category that has the highest frequency count.
With interval and ordinal data, it’s the data item that occurs most frequently.
To identify this, data items need to be arranged in order.
The modal group is the group with the greatest frequency.
If two categories have the same frequency the data have two modes.
This means the data set is bi-modal.
Mode - evaluation
Unaffected by extreme values.
Is much more useful for discrete data.
The only method that can be used when the data are in categories.
For example:
Nominal data.
It’s not a useful way of describing data when there are several modes.
Measures of dispersion
A descriptive statistic that provides information about how spread out a set of data is.
The difference between the highest and lowest item in a data set.
Usually 1 is added as a correction.
Range - process
The arithmetic distance between the top and bottom values in a set of data.
it’s customary to add 1.
Range - evaluation
The range is easy to calculate.
However, it’s affected by extreme values.
It also fails to take account of the distribution of the numbers.
For example:
it doesn’t indicate whether most numbers are closely grouped around the mean or spread out evenly.
Standard deviation
Shows the amount of variation in a data set.
It assesses the spread of data around the mean.
Standard deviation - process
A more precise method of expressing dispersion.
This is a measure of the average distance between each data item above and below the mean, ignoring plus or minus values.
It’s usually worked out using a calculator.
Standard deviation - evaluation
A precise measure of dispersion.
All the exact values are taken into account.
It’s not difficult to calculate if you have access to a calculator.
it may hide some of the characteristics of the data set.
For example:
Extreme values.
Data in separate categories.
For example:
Grouping people according to their favourite football team.
Data ordered in sone way.
For example:
Rating how happy you feel that day on a scale of 0-10.
Data measured using units of equal intervals.
For example:
(Interval data can drop below the value of 0)
(Ratio data can’t drop below the value of 0)