MDS and Myeloproliferative DSA Flashcards
Myelodysplastic syndromes- essential of dx
- cytopenias with a hypercellular bone marrow
- morphologic abnormalities in 2 or more hematopoietic cell lines
Myelodysplastic syndromes- general
- may evolve into AML
- 5q– refractory anemia (without excess BM blasts)
- refractory anemia with excess blasts
- chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML)- prolif syndrome (monocytosis > 1000)
Myelodysplastic syndromes- signs and sx
- > 60 yo
- asymptomatic when dx made
- fatigue, infection, bleeding- BM failure
Myelodysplastic syndromes- lab findings
- macro-ovalocytes
- Pelger-Huet- neutrophils- bilobed nucleus
- bone marrow- hypercellular
- erythroid hyperplasia
- abnormal erythropoiesis- megaloblastic, nuclear budding, multinucleated erythroid precursors
- ringed sideroblasts- prussian blue stain
- deletions of chrom 5 and 7
Myelodysplastic syndromes- tx
- anemia and low erythropoietin- epoetin
- thrombopoietin analogs
- immunosuppressive therapy- ATG
5q- syndrome- tx
used for transfusion-dep anemia due to myelodysplasia
high-risk myelodysplasia- tx
Myelodysplastic syndromes- prognosis
- allogeneic transplantation- only curative therapy- 30-60% cure rate
- die of infections or bleeding
- 5q- syndrome- favorable prognosis- 5 yr survival 90%
- excess blasts or CMML- high risk (50%) of developing acute leukemia, and short survival (<2 yrs) w/o allogeneic transplantation
Myelodysplastic syndromes- international prognostoic scoring system
-based on % of bone marrow blasts, cytogenetics, and severity of cytopenias
Myeloproliferative disorders- 4 disorders
- CML (chronic myelocytic leukemia)
- PV (polycythemia vera)
- ET (essential thrombocythemia)
- MF (myelofibrosis)
Polycythemia vera- essentials of dx
- JAK2 mutation
- inc RBC mass
- splenomegaly
- normal arterial oxygen saturation
- usually elevated WBC and plt count
Polycythemia vera- signs, sx’s
- inc blood viscosity- HA, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue
- median age 60 yo
- engorged retinal v’s
- splenomegaly
- thrombosis- most common complication
Polycythemia vera- lab
- hematocrit > 54% in males, 51% in females
- low erythropoietin levels
- dx confirmed with JAK2 mutation screening
secondary causes of polycythemia
- hypoxia
- smoking
- kidney lesions
- erythropoieitn-secretin tumors (rare)
Polycythemia vera- tx
- phlebotomy- 1 unit of blood removed weekly until hematocrit is < 45%- produces iron def (wanted!)
- myelosuppressive therapy may be indicated if high phlebotomy requirement, thrombocytosis, and pruritus- hydroxyurea!
- low dose aspirin- reduce thrombosis risk