Disorders of RBCs DSA Flashcards
iron def anemia- essentials of dx
- serum ferritin < 12 or < 30 if also anemic
- caused by bleeding unless proved otherwise
- responds to iron therapy
iron def anemia- signs and sx’s
- anemia
- smooth tongue, brittle nails, spooning of nails, cheilosis
- esophageal webs (plummer-vinson syndrome)
- pica
iron def anemia- lab
- anemia with MCV (initially)
- anemia with low MCV
- ferritin < 12- indicates depletion of iron stores
other causes of microcytic anemia
- chronic dz
- thalassemia
- lead poisoning
- X-linked sideroblastic anemia
Anemia of chronic dz- essentials of dx
- mild/moderate normocytic or microcytic anemia
- normal or inc ferritin and normal or reduced transferrin
- underlying chronic dz
Anemia of chronic dz- types
- anemia of infl- hepcidin inc- iron-restricted erythropoiesis
- anemia of organ failure- erythropoietin is reduced
- anemia of the elderly- resistance to RBC prod in response to erythropoietin, dec in erythropoietin prod (dec nephron mass), chronic infl cytokines cause deg in erythropoietin
Anemia of chronic dz- tx
- tx the cause
- if severe anemia (Hg < 10)- RBC transfusions or parenteral recombinant erythropoietin
Thalassemias- essentials of dx
- microcytosis
- FH
- lifelong personal hx of microcytic anemia
- normal or elevated RBC count
- abnormal RBC morphology with microcytes, hypochromia, acanthocytes, target cells
- B-thalassemia- elevated levels of hemoglobin A2 or F
Thalassemias- described as
- trait- lab features w/o clinical impact
- intermedia- occasional RDC transfusion requirement or other clinical impact
- major- life-threatening, transfusion-dep
Alpha-Thalassemia syndromes
- due to gene deletions
- asia, china
- silent carrier- 3 alpha genes
- Thalassemia minor (trait)- 2 alpha genes
- Hemoglobin H dz- 1 alpha gene
- Hydrops fetalis- 0 alpha genes
B-Thalassemia syndromes
- due to point mutations
- mediterranean pts
- T minor- Bo, B+ (elevated HbA2)
- T intermedia- B+ (mild)
- T major- Bo
- T major- B+
B-Thalassemia major- sx
- at 6-9 months- anemia requiring transfusions
- stunted growth, bony deformities
- transfusional iron overload- HF, cardiac arrhythmias, cirrhosis
Vit B12 def- essentials of dx
- macrocytic anemia
- megaloblastic blood smear (macro-ovalocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils)
- low serum vit B12 level
Vit B12 def- sx
- anemia
- glossitis
- peripheral n’s- paresthesias first, then balance or proprioception impairment
folic acid def- essentials of dx
- macrocytic anemia
- megaloblastic blood smear (macro-ovalocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils)
- reduced folic acid levels in RBCs or serum
- normal serum VitB12 level
lab features that suggest hemolysis
- haptoglobin decreased (normally binds/clears hemoglobin)
- inc of indirect bilirubin
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria- essentials of dx
- episodic hemoglobinuria
- thrombosis is common
- suspect in confusing cases of hemolytic anemia or pancytopenia
- flow cytometry demonstrates deficiencies of CD55 and CD59
- lysis of RBCs by complement
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria- sx, signs
- reddish-brown urine
- prone to thrombosis- mesenteric, hepatic v’s, CNS veins, skin vessels