MCQ Quiz questions Flashcards
Approximately how long ago were farm animals first domesticated?
a. 1000 years ago
b. 10,000 years ago
c. 100,000 years ago
Which molecules form the main component of cell membrane?
a. actin
b. carbohydrate
c. cholesterol
d. phospholipids
Cereal grains are generally a poor source of which mineral?
a. magnesium
b. calcium
c. sodium
d. sulphur
Which of the following options has the highest burden of disease 9using DALY’s measure) of all the foodborne illnesses?
a. campylobacter spp
b. escherichia coli 0157
c. toxoplasma gondii
Which dairy breed is known for producing milk with a high percentage of fat and protein?
a. holstein friesian
b. norwegian red
c. jersey
d. ayrshire
Most systemic infections gain access to the body via which route?
a. conjuctiva
b. insect vectors
c. intra venous catheters
d. mucosal surfaces
What is a specific feature of spinal reflexes?
a. they involve only afferent somatic and efferent motor neurones
b. those seen in the hind limbs are lost if the spinal cord is transected at the level of the thorax
c. they involve afferent somatic neurones and efferent motor neurones and may involve interneurones within the spinal cord
d. they cannot be modified by central (brain) control
Which histological stain is most commonly used to stain sectioned tissues for light microscopy?
a. hematoxylin and eosin
b. masson’s trichrome
c. may-grunwald’s giemsa
d. periodic-acid schiff
The membrane potential of a typical mammalian neurone sits at approximately -70mV. What is the main factor that maintains this membrane potential?
a. the absence of negatively proteins in the intracellular fluid
b. the actions of the ATP dependent Na+/K+ pump in the cell membrane, which results in net movement of positive charge into the cell
c. the greater permeability of the cell to K+ relative to Na+
d. the impermeability of the cell to Cl-
What is the process involved in the formation of RNA from a DNA template called?
a. expression
b. replication
c. transcription
d. transformation
What is the main function of tRNA in protein synthesis?
a. functions to promote RNA synthesis
b. identifies amino acids and transfers them to ribesome
c. inhibits protein synthesis
d. protein folding
How many hydrogen bonds pair guanine with cytosine in DNA?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
In DNA replication, which enzyme is used to join DNA segments together?
a. caspase
b. DNA ligase
c. DNA polymerase
d. endonuclease
An example of a zoonotic disease would be:
a. coronary artery disease
b. glaucoma
c. osteo-arthritis
d. salmonella
Infections are more severe in which age group?
a. adolescents
b. children
c. middle aged
d. neonates
Which of the following study design provides the strongest evidence?
a. cohort studies
b. case-controlled studies
c. randomised control trial studies
d. cross-sectional studies
Which of the following outputs may be best used to assess the provision for the freedom from pain, injury and disease?
a. Crib-biting in a four month old calf which cannot see or touch other calves.
b. Response to handling in beef cattle.
c. The flight distance of an ex-racehorse.
d. The number of calves persistently coughing during a forty-five minute farm assurance inspection (prevalence).
e. The ration formation of a dairy herd
What term is used to describe the effects of a drug on the body?
a. Pharmacodynamics
b. Pharmacogenetics
c. Pharmacognosy
d. Pharmacokinetics
e. Pharmacology
How does smooth muscle differ from skeletal muscle?
a. Smooth muscle contractions are driven by inherent electrical activity generated with the central nervous system.
b. Smooth muscle exhibits a decrease in the speed of crossbridge cycling in response to repeated stimulation.
c. The Ca2+ for excitation contraction coupling in smooth muscle comes principally from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
d. The Ca2+ used for excitation contraction coupling in smooth muscle must be actively pumped out of the cells to allow contractile activity to recede.
e. The regulation of excitation contraction coupling in smooth muscle occurs at the level of the thin filament
The Five Domains is different from the Five Freedoms because?
a. It considers groups instead of individuals.
b. It focuses on the mental state of animals based on their circumstances.
c. It is simpler.
d. It is unattainable.
e. It only applies to wild animals
What absorbable suture material retains strength for the longest duration?
a. Catgut
b. Chromic Catgut
c. Polydioxanone
d. Polyglactin 910
e. Poliglecaprone 25
Which of these suture materials is monofilament?
a. Catgut
b. Chromic Catgut
c. Polydioxanone
d. Polyglactin 910
e. Poliglecaprone 25
Which of these suture materials is non absorbable?
a. Catgut
b. Nylon
c. Polydioxanone
d. Poliglecaprone 25
e. Polyglatin 910
To suture fat which type of needle would you use?
a. Cutting
b. Reverse cutting
c. Round bodied
d. Spatula
e. Tapercut