May 4th (star Wars Day) Flashcards
Which type of pneumocytes produce more pneumocytes? (Stem cell)
Type 2.
Confidence interval and relative risk
RR=1 = no association. Over/under 1 = association. If it is large enough to fit into 95% confidence interval, it is significant.
Method of action of atrial natriuretic peptide/ANP and BNP
Bind TM protein linked to guanylyl cyclase -> to protein kinase -> dilation.
How to calculate change of child having autosomal recessive disease
(Chance a random kid gets it with carrier parents= 1/4) X (chance a mom is a carrier) X (chance dad is a carrier)
(Chance of dad giving allele = q if gen pop) X (chance of mom giving allele (50% if carrier)
Ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammatory disorder of sacroilliac and axial skeleton (fusion = bamboo spine). Young men with morning stiffness and lower back pain. HLA B27.
Which MHC is associated with class 1
HLA A, B , C
Noncaseating granulomas like in sarcoidosis?
T4 helper cells
Chemo drug for aml agsint CD20?
How to drive denovo mutation of pyrimidines with low folate
Thymidine. Alternate pathway to make dTMP that does not need folate.
Panic disorder criteria and treatment
Recurrent panic attacks w/ 4: chest stuff/dyspnea, dizziness, fear of dying, depersonalization.
Tx: benzodiazepine immeiate. SSRI/SNRI longterm
Adrenal cortex enzymes
5-alpha reductase: testosterone to DHT
21/11: cortisol and aldosterone (11 downstream)
17: Cortisol, testosterone
Function of T tubules in muscle
Transmit depolarization signals in a UNIFORM way
Dogoxin toxicity
Arryhtmias Anorexia GI pain Fatigue/confusion Color vision alterations.
Pancoast tumors
Non-small cell carcinoma (squamous or adeno)
Can invade brachial plexus = ipsilateral shoulder pain
Cervical ganglia: horner’s (ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis)
Function, attachment, origin, iinnervation of infraspinatus
O: infraspinous fossa
A: greater tuberosity
Function: External rotation
Innervation: suprascapular nerve
Rotator cuff muscles
SItS Supraspinatus: abduction Infraspinatus: external rotation Teres minor: adduction/external rotation Subscapularis: adduciton/Internal rotation
Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis
1st line: peniccilin
2nd line: ampicillin
Type 1 diabetes at risk for what?
Other autoimmune
Increased cortisol causes what?
Insulin resistance (therefore decreased causes insuilin sensitivity)
Addisons affects what part of the adrenals
ALL THREE layers of the cortex. (Aldosterone, androgens, cortisol)
Denge fever infectino and reinfection
First: hemmorhaggic. Myalgias, thromboytopenia, petechiae
Second: worse. Different serotype
How to diagnose congenital lactase deficiency?
Stool pH (down)
Breath hydrogen test (up)
Stool somotic gap (increased)
Antiogensin II receptor Blocker (ARBs)
Losartan: block angiotensin II
No ACE affected therefore no bradykinin affected therefore no cough
Function of BRCA 1/2 genes
DNA repair. Tumor suppressor
Embryologic origin of Anterior pituitary
Ratchke’s pouch (surface ectoderm)
Acute tubular necrosis:
Proximal tubular cell ballooning
Vacuolar degeneration
Oxalate crystals (not calcium oxylate)
Ethylene glycol poisoning
Melatonin agonist
Ramelton, safe for elderly
Superior vena cava syndrome
Cmopression of vein. Easy by mediastinal mass
Puff face, neck, upper extremities
Dizziness/headache if cerebral edema.
Mostly lung cancer/ then non-hodkin lymphoma
Hyperparkaratosis Acanthosis Rete redige elongation No stratum granulocum. Munro microabscess
Muncro microabscess
Neutrophils cluster in superficial dermis and stratum corneum
Fabry disease
Alpha-galactosidase A deficiecny
Accumulation of sphingolipid globotriaosylceramide.
Kidney and CerebroV disease
Chemo receptors
Central chemoreceptor: medulla, decrease pH of cerebrospinal fluid (increased Paco2 That diffuses and forms H+) = increased respiration.
PEripheral: carotid/aortic boies. Arterial paO2 (hypoxemia). Also a little PaCO2/H+.
Pulmonary stretch receptor: regulate duration Of inspiration depending on lung distension. Protect from hyperinflation.
Difference between bipolar 1 and 2
1: mania, more than one week, psychotic symptoms, severe.
2: four days, just hypomania. Lack of sleep and high energy normal.
Rubeola (measles) or rubella
Not vaccinated. Febrile maculopapular rash that begins at face and spreads to trunk.
Differentiate by postauricular lymph = rubella
Pseudogout vs gout
Neagtive bifringent crystal
Cholcicine side effect and use
Second line treatment for gout (NSAIDs but dont use with peptic ulcer)
Side-effect: prevent tubulin polymerization into microtubule. Also nausea/diarrhea (mucosal cells in GI too affected)
Xantine oxidase use
Chronic not acute gout. Acute gout= make worse
Down syndrome
Upslanting palpebral fissure Epicanthal folds Prodtruding tongue Excessive skin at nape of neck. Small, cardiac probs. Weak MORO reflex
Granulomatous information mediated by what?
T-lymphocytes. Delayed hypsersisativity reaction (1)
MAnonyl coA effect on beta oxidation
Sign of excess. Inhibits carnitine Acetyltransferase (used to transfer fatty acids across mitochondrial membrane).
OCD treated with
CATCH 22 (Cardiac, abnormal faces, thymic aplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcemia/hypoparathyroidism (aplasia)
Interstitial lung disease
Fine cracles Clubbin diffuse Reticular opacities Progressive dyspnea FEV1/FVC ratio.
Clavulanic acid use
Beta lactamase enzyme
Used alongside amoxicillin/;eniccillin to prevent destrcution
Horsheo kidney, why?
Cant ascend due to inferior mesenteric artery
Imporferate hymen
Incomplete degeneration of hymen.
Blood fills and causes pain during menstration. Pressure pushes into anus and stops poop
Deciduadized endometrium
Dialted, coiled endometrial glands
Vascularized edematous stroma
How do you elicit asthma when patient has normal breathing
Detection of Epstein-Barr
Heterophile IgM antibodies that react to horse/sheep erythrocytes
Agglutination = positive
Bones, stones, abdoinal groans, psychic moans
Hypercalcemia, hypophophotemia.
Skeltal; compact bonesubperiosteal erosions/osteolytic cysts.
Infant with bloody stool and abdominal distension and curvilinear areas of lucency
Necrtoizing enterocolitis
Myestania gravis
Muscle weakening, especially around eye
Gets worse with activity, at end of day
Open angel glaucoma
Progressive loss of peripheral vision
Due to eleavted intraocular pressure due to more aqueous humor (made by cilliary body)
opioids come from same molecule as what?
Squamous cell carcinoma in esophagus
From smoking, drinking, or grilled foods (nitroamides)
Chance of chronic hep B
High, 90%