May 18 Flashcards
Hypocellularity with fatty infiltration
Bone marrow supression -> aplastic anemia
Prostoglandin E1 analog
Allows for reduction of acid secretion, increased barrier
ConInd in pregnancy bc induce labor
Used for: testicular tumor (first line)
Complex with Fe2+. Pulmonary toxicity, skin changes, alpecia.
CT: cystic degeneration of posterior lung base with interstitial thickening.
Thiazide diuretics inhibit Na reabsorption in early distal tubule
K wasting.
Myotonic dystrophy
Type 1: young Type 2: later Proximal muscle weakness (walking up stairs, rising from chair) Delayed relaxation ofmuscle. CCTG repeat in CNBP gene.
Cherry red spot in macula
Tay Sachs
Nieman Pick (Hepatosplenomegaly)
Both AR.
Tay Sachs
Hexosaminadase A (acts from GM2 to GM3) Cherry red spto on macula Lysosomes with onion skin Progressive neurodegeneration Loss of milestones
For large B cell lymphoma.
Monday disease
Nitroglycerine withdrawl (vasoD) leads to headaches, dizziness, palpitations on mondays.
SSRI (Floaxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, certaline) FAT PUSSY CANT COME.
Best for suicidal ideation
Lactic acidosis. (Normal = 8-12)
anion gap high = MUDPILES (methanol, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis, paraldehyde, isoniazid, lactic acidosis, ehtylene glycol, salicylates).
virilization of C. Diptheriae
Phage infection and transmission of exotoxin
Also, S. Pyogenes, C. Botulinum
Mask hypoglycemia
Nonselective beta blockers (N-Z)
Serotonin snydrome
Combining SSRIs with MAO.
Lithium toxicity
Memory impairement, lethargy, coarse hand tremors
Blurred vision, hyperreflexia. Diabetes inspideous.
Lithium neonatal complication
Increased Ebstein
Downward displacement of tricuspid. Adheres to right ventricle wall. = large atrium, small ventricle, thin proximal right atrium
5-lipoxogenase inhibitor (blocks arachodinoic acid to leukotriene)