May 11th Flashcards
multinucleated giant cells with intracytoplasmic AND intranuclear inclusions
Warthin-Finkeldey giant cells (fused lymphocytes)
Respiratory secretions
Most common causes of common cold
1- rhinovirus
2- coronavirus
Immune complex is what type of sensitivity
Type 3
CMV retinitis
Common cause of blindness in AIDS
Cotton-whool exudates, perivascular hemmorhage, retinal detachment
Mitral stenosis
Late diastolic murmur,
Best heard at apex
PAndemic vs epidemic
Pandemic: segmented virus, antigenic shift.
Epidemic, mutations, drift
S3 gallop
Dialated cardiomyopathy
De Quervain thyroiditis
Transient hypothyroidism following viral illness
Tender thyroid, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation and hypothyroid
EBC, Coxackie, flu, adeno
Varicella roster pathology
Cordry A inclusion bodies. Intracellular eosinophilic sorrounded by halo
Bactrim MoA (TMP-SMX)
Inhibits bacterial dihydrofolate reductase
Causes megalobalstic anemia
Premature baby risk
Bronchilitis caused by RSV
Wheezing bc bronchiole (vs pneumonia which is lung parenchyma)
Alcoholics have increased emzyme:
AST vs ALT (but both)
Gamma glutamyl transferase
Spindle shaped tumor
Kaposi sarcoma
Bordetella pertussis
Also bordet-gengoug
Ventilator associated pneiu==ymonia
CMV vs EBV owl eyes
EBV: reedsternberg, clear cells in lake (higher C:N ratio)
CMV: owl eyes, immediate halo. Owl eye.
Why dont IgG for hep C get rid of diseasse?
Antigenic variation. No proofreading 3’ to 5’
Aniline dyes
Methylene blue (stains orynebacterium diptheriae)
How do sufur granules look in histo
Purple plaque
Von Girk
Deficiency in glucose-6-phosphatase
Seizures, hypoglycemia
Define asterixis
Flapping whne outstretched hands
Suggestive of high ammonia levels
Where is ammonia broken down?
Initial steps: mitochonidrai
Late steps: cytoplasm
Frameshift mutation
Accelerated muscel breakdown, starts pelvis works up.
GOWER’s manuver
X linked
Toxicity of statins
Elevated creatine kinase
Myostitis (muscle inflammation)
Cyanide poining
Bright red vessels in eyes
Bitteralmond breath
From fire/constructoin
Treatment/prophylaxis for TB
Causes neurotoxicity and heptotoxicity
Chornic sinusistis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus (mirror body organs)
Dyenin deficiency
Elevation of leucine, isoleucine, or valine in blood (
I Love Vermont
Maple syrup disease
Alpha ket acid dehydrogenase
Alcohol effect on NADH/NAD
Increased NADH: NAD ratio
NAD is used p.
Vitamin C
Hydroxylation of proline lysine
Facilitates iron obbsorption
Reyes syndrome
Impaired mitochondrial metabolism of fatty acid
Virus + aspirin
Hunter syndrom
Xlinked recessive
Intelectual disability, hearing loss, coarse face, hepatosplenegaly
And NO corneal clouding
Iduronate sulfatase
Ovoid cells within macrophages
Histoplasma capsulatum
Diabetic mononeuropathy
Usually CN III, ischemia of somatic, but spares parasympathetic.
“Down and out” gaze.
Normal reflex
Kidney stone pee
Normocacemia BUT hypercalciuria
Antifungal target:
Mitosis: griseofulvin DNA/RNA synthesis: flucytosine Cell wall: caspofungin Cell membrane: -amphoteracin, nyastatin (bind ergosterol) -azoles inhibit ergosterol synthesis
Type 1 hypersensitivity
Immediate IgE Anaphylaxis/allergies Basophils, mast cells. "Cell surface antibody bridging by antigen"
Type II hypersensitivity
Cytotoxic, IgG, IgM (deposits)
Complement activation.
NK, eosinophil, neutrophil, macrophage
Goodpasture, autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Type III hypersensitivity
Immune complex
Complement activation
Type IV hypersensitivity
Delayed type
T cell, Macrophage (no humoral).
TB skin test
Leukocyte ahesion cascade
Margination: bloodflow
Rolling: P/E selectin (cell) + Integrin/sialyated glycoprotein (cell)
Activation: ICAM-1 (integrin ligand)
Tight adhesion: CD18
Transmigration: PECAM1 (platelet endothelial adhesion molecule