MAX & NG Differences Flashcards
- MAX Nose Strut 20cm longer,
- Fan diameter of CFM LEAP-1B 175cm (20cm longer than CFM 56-7)
- Engines have same 43cm ground clearance
- Minimum Use Height for Autopilot,
- MAX: 111FT AGL
In addition to NG BLEED TRIP OFF, illuminates for:
- Failure within Bleed System (may be Non-Resettable) or,
- When both BLEED switches OFF 45s after Flaps retracted
PACK Light
In addition to NG PACK, illuminates for:
- If flow control valve fails in the closed position,
- When both PACK switches OFF 45s after Flaps retracted
- Illuminates if smoke detected in the Equipment Cooling system,
- Extinguishes 30s after smoke is not detected
Bleed Air
Now obtained from 4th and 10th stages (instead of 5th and 9th in NG)
- The core anti-ice system is inoperative or,
- The cowl thermal anti-ice system is inoperative or will not function if selected
Engine Anti-Ice
- New “Core Anti-Ice” function introduced,
- Controlled automatically by EEC
Anti-Ice Valve Indication Lights
- Color changed from blue to amber,
- “OPEN” is deleted e.g. “L VALVE” instead of “L VALVE OPEN”,
- When position of the valve and switch disagrees, light illuminates and after 6s MASTER CAUTION illuminates,
- On MAX Wing Anti-Ice ground logic is same but lights are inhibited on the ground
CFM LEAP 1B Engine
- 18 Carbon-Fiber Fan Blade instead of 24 Titanium,
- Bypass ratio 9:1 instead of 5:1,
- Fuel Burn reduction 15%, Operation Cost reduction 7%,
- Diameter 176cm instead of 155cm,
- Noise footprint -40% (-15EPNdb),
- Improved range: 19%
- Lower Fan Speed, Higher Core Speed,
- Additional HP Compressor and Turbine ,
- Higher EGT due to more forward (hotter core) sensors,
- Max EGTs: 1038, 1013, 753 degrees instead of 950, 925, 725 degrees
- Bowed Rotor Motoring,
- Due to uneven cooling of core,
- Core is longer and narrower and that results top shaft becomes longer,
- Fully managed by EEC,
- Starts between 18-23 N2,
- Maximum time limit is 90s
Engine Start
- BRM may be shown,
- After IDLE detent 10s may be needed before observing a positive fuel flow,
- EGT peak may come close to start limit at higher ambient OAT with hot engine (753 degrees),
- Longer with hot engine (up to 150s),
- Starter limited to 3 minutes instead of 2 minutes for normal starts
Recommended Engine Warm-Up Time
3 minutes instead of 2 minutes
Extended Motorings
- 5 minutes for all,
- 5 minutes needed between first 2,
- 10 minutes needed 3rd and subsequent motorings
Crosswind Taxi Limits
- Above 43KT, limit thrust to a normal taxi setting,
- Above 58KT, limit engine thrust to IDLE
Oil Temperature For T/O
Should be +31 or more
New EEC Shutdown Protections
Electronic Overspeed (EOS):
- In case of and uncontrollable N2 overspeed on the ground,
- EEC shuts off fuel to the engine,
- Below 50% N2 “ENG FAIL” alert shows up
Thrust Control Malfunction Accomodation (TCMA):
- Uncontrolled high thrust event on the ground,
- Protection against unacceptable high asymmetric thrust,
- EEC shuts off fuel to the engine with high thrust,
- Below 63% N2 “ENG FAIL” alert shows up
When the engine start lever is moved to the idle detent:
- EEC performs a functional test of the EOS and TCMA logic,
- During this test fuel flow will indicate zero and the engine fuel shut off valve will open and close repeatedly
Cold Weather Engine Run-Up
- During Taxi: 50% N1 then decrease at intervals 60 minutes or less,
- Before T/O: 50% N1 for 5s
- Highest IDLE setting,
- Engages when EAI selected and both Flaps and Gear UP,
- Not available above 30400FT, and gradually increases to full ICING IDLE at 22000FT
THRUST Engine Crew Alert
- Engine is not producing commanded thrust or not responding thrust command,
- Amber band on N1 display,
- Illuminated for: Over-thrust, Under-thrust, Actual N1 > Max N1 Limit Bug
FUEL FLOW Engine Crew Alert
- Alerts crew for a possible fuel leak condition,
- Illuminates when the difference between actual FF and FMCS expected FF exceeds MEDB threshold value for 5 continuous minutes,
- MEDB: Model/Engine Database
Reverser Alerts
- REVERSER COMMAND: Reverse Thrust Lever is not in the DOWN position in flight,
- REVERSER LIMITED: Replaces REVERSER light. Reverse Thrust not available or limited to IDLE,
- REVERSER AIR/GRD: Reverser Air/Ground protection is lost
- EGT gauge removed,
- APU Door has 3 positions: Ground (fully open), Flight (partially open) and Closed,
- DOOR light: Door is not in the commanded position or open on the ground with APU shutdown,
- Wait for 5 minutes after APU GEN OFF BUS light extinguishes before placing BATTERY switch to OFF (for door)
MCAS General
- Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System,
- MCAS added as a Pitch Stability Augmentation,
- Need for the MCAS: Larger and more forward engines affects flight characteristics,
- Operates at high AoAs, when A/P not engaged and the flaps are up,
- Controls Stabilizer Trim High speed function (flaps extended mode),
- Adds nose down stabilizer trim inputs incrementally
MCAS Activation Conditions
- AoA above threshold,
- Flaps UP,
- Up to MACH .84,
- A/P not engaged,
- 10s after T/O
MCAS Command Limit Logic
- Command Limit Logic computes a nose down stabilizer limit (for a current trim),
- If limit reached: within 5 minutes or before A/P engagement for a 1 continuos minute Speed Trim System inhibited,
- After the time above Command Limit Logic resets,
- Limit can be reached any trim inputs (manual, A/P etc),
- The forward stabilizer limit is between 2.5 (low speed) and 0.65 (high MACH)
MCAS New FCC Logic Enchantments
- AoA Comparison,
- Command Limit,
- Single MCAS Activation
MCAS Single MCAS Activation Logic
Ensures MCAS activate once per elevated AoA event
MCAS AoA Comparison Logic
- FCC uses both AoA Vanes and filters out small differences,
- If Vanes disagree by 5.5 degrees or more with Flaps UP, Speed Trim System inhibited for the remainder of flight
- Failure of Speed Trim System (if one function fails the other function is inhibited),
- If Vanes disagree by 5.5 degrees or more with Flaps UP, System inhibited for the remainder of flight
Stabilizer Trim Override System
- In addition to control column switches, Software Column Cutout Function added to FCC,
- It stops Speed Trim and A/P trim function in case of a opposite control column command,
- Both the control column and software one DOES NOT INHIBIT MCAS Nose Down commands
Runaway Stabilizer Protection
- Cross FCC Trim Monitor,
- FCCs continuously monitors each others trim commands (except dual channel approach),
- If erroneous trim command detected, that sides commands inhibited for the remainder of flight,
- SPEED TRIM FAIL light can illuminate automatically or during RECALL,
- A/P and CWS can disengage automatically,
- If activated on the ground below 30KT with both engines running, STAB OUT OF TRIM illuminates
Spoilers General
- Fly-by-wire and therefore reduces overall weight,
- SCE: Spoiler Control Electronics unit,
- GSCM: Ground Spoiler Control Module,
- Position sensors attached to F/O Control Column and SPD BRK Lever,
- SCE and GSCM send electrical signal to PCUs,
- PCUs transforms the signal and send hydraulic pressure to actuators
Spoiler New Functions
- MLA: Maneuver Load Alleviation,
- LAM: Landing Attitude Modifier,
- EDS: Emergency Descent Speed Brakes System,
- Elevator Jam Landing Assist System,
- SCE prevents further Spoiler extension when Lever moved beyond FLIGHT DETENT inflight
- Maneuver Load Alleviation,
- At Higher Gross Weights, engages when G Load is > 1.3G or < 0.3G,
- Partially retract Speed Brakes,
- SPD BRK Lever does not move,
- When no longer needed Speed Brakes return to original position
- Landing Attitude Modifier,
- For F30/40 maintains acceptable Nose Landing Gear contact margin,
- Symmetrically deploys flight spoilers to reduce the lift and generate higher AoA,
- Deflection begins at Vref + 10KT,
- Maximum deflection occurs at Vref + 20KT
- For Flaps 15/30 and Thrust Lever near IDLE, generates additional drag to capture and maintain G/P like NG,
- Speed Brake Lever does not move,
- Some buffet can occur
- Emergency Descent Speed Brakes System,
- Armed above 30000FT and Cabin Altitude Warning is active,
- Raises Speed Brakes higher than normal position,
- Deactivated when Speed Brakes stowed or Cabin Altitude Warning is no longer active,
- Operation is transparent to the crew
Inflight 1:
-SPD BRK Lever beyond ARMED position and,
- Thrust Lever is above IDLE for 15s or,
- Thrust Lever is above approximately 40 degrees for 3s
Inflight 2:
-SPD BRK Lever beyond ARMED position and,
- TE Flaps > 10 or,
- RA < 800FT
- GROUND Spoilers are not stowed
- Indicates fault in the Auto Speed Brake System,
- Does not illuminate during landing roll < 60KT (NG),
- Momentarily illuminates when pilot retract Speed Brakes by advancing throttles
AFDS Enhancements
A/P disengagement 1s after Stick Shaker:
- In pitch modes which don’t have reversions,
- F/Ds also disappear until the IAS to the top of amber band
Autopilot Trim Inhibit:
- With Flaps Extended and A/P engaged,
- A/P Stabilizer trim inhibited when
One or more Spoiler Pairs are inoperative
Elevator Jam Landing Assist
- SCE function which increase or decrease descent rates,
- Used during approach and landing through the use of the Flight Spoilers,
- To activate the system: Related Switch ON, Flaps extended, A/P disengaged,
- Flight Spoilers deploy to a preset position,
- Via Control Wheel sensors for pitch up spoilers retract, for pitch down spoilers extend farther
Elapsed Time Start / End
- Start at weight of wheels,
- Stops 30s after weight on wheels
Part Time Mini Map
- Only available when PFD and AUX displayed and Inboard Display fails,
- Fixed at 20NM range
- 5/5 of PROGRESS Page,
- TOTALIZER: Default, gets information from Fuel Quantity Indication System (FQIS),
- CALCULATED: Based on TOTALIZER or manual fuel entry at engine start, then uses actual FF and APU
New Fuel System Alerts
- All shown below Fuel Quantity Indications on the Engine Display
- FUEL DISAGREE: Totalizer and FMC calculated fuel quantities disagree,
Main Landing Gear System
- Lever has only UP and DOWN positions,
- Hydraulic pressure removed from the system by PSEU, 10s after all gear are Up and Locked
VSD Shown Area Width and Length
- Cyan dashes seen on the ND shows width,
- 1 x RNP to each side,
- Full VSD range is twice of ND (minimum 10NM),
- Half VSD range is the same as ND (minimum 5NM)
- A/C symbols angle depicts 3 degrees,
- For a full VSD, FPV length is a quarter of the total length
- For a half VSD, FPV length is half of the total length
- Replaces PSEU Light,
- Inhibited from first engine start to 30s after landing
Enhanced Bank Angle Alert
- Shown when Bank Angle > 45 degrees,
- If Pitch Angle > 25 alerts suppressed until 65 degrees,
- Red arrow to the wings level shown,
-“ROLL LEFT/RIGHT X 2” aural alert repeats at 5s intervals - All alerts stop when Bank Angle <35 degrees for 2s or < 10 degrees without time requirement,
- During warning F/Ds removed and TCAS commands inhibited,
- If stick shaker activates, Bank alerts are inhibited,
- If there is IRS roll inputs difference, alerts are inhibited
Roll/Yaw Asymmetry and Roll Authority
- It’s shown when the autopilot has reached 75% of its total roll authority,
- Amber ROLL/YAW ASYMMETRY shown on PFD (above bank pointer),
- Bank Pointer and Slid/Skip indicator outlined in amber,
- If Slid/Skip indicator deflected > 25% of its width, it becomes solid amber
- It’s shown when the autopilot has reached 100% of its total roll authority,
- Amber ROLL AUTHORITY shown on PFD (above bank pointer),
- The aural alert,”ROLL AUTHORITY x 2”,
- The bank pointer and slip/skid indicator become outlined in amber,
- If the bank angle exceeds 15 degrees, the bank pointer becomes solid amber,
- If the slip/skid indicator is deflected greater than 25% of its width, the slip/skid indicator becomes solid amber
RAAS Inflight Overrun Warning
- Armed from 500FT Touch Down Zone Elevation (TDZE) until touchdown,
- A red GO AROUND shown on PFD, above lateral deviation scale,
-“OVERRUN, GO AROUND” aural alert sounds, - Aural alerts repeat: below 150FT above TDZE or condition is true for at least 7s
RAAS On Ground Overrun Warnings
- Armed 3s after Touchdown until < 20KT or A/C comes within 300m of the runway end,
- A red MAX REVERSE shown on PFD, above lateral deviation scale,
-“MAX BRAKES, MAX REVERSE” aural alert sounds once,
If Speed Brakes are not deployed:
- During RTO or Landing above 80KT,
- A red SPEEDBRAKE shown on PFD, above lateral deviation scale,
-“SPEEDBRAKE, SPEEDBRAKE” aural alert sounds once,
- EGPWS monitors 4th and 9th spoiler panels, checking if they are less than half extended,
- If HYD SYS A has low pressure, warning is inhibited (4,9 supplied by it)