10. Flight Instruments, Displays Flashcards
Speed Trend Vector
Tip of the arrow indicates predicted airspeed in the next 10s
Low Speed Alerts
When current airspeed decreases into the minimum maneuver speed amber bar:
- Airspeed readout box turns amber and flashes for 10s,
- Voice alert annunciate “Airspeed Low, Airspeed Low” once,
- Box returns to white when current airspeed is above minimum maneuver speed
Current Airspeed Display
Indicates current CAS when above 45KT
Maximum Maneuver Speed
When Flaps are up, the bottom of the amber bar:
- Provides 1.3g maneuver capability to high speed buffet,
- 1.3g occurs at 40 degrees of bank in level flight
When Flaps are extended, the bottom of the amber bar:
- Indicates the placard speed for the next normal Flap setting,
- Normal Flap Setting: 1, 5, 15, 30, 40,
- The bar is removed when Flap Lever moved to landing flaps (CDU) or 40,
- Also removed with any Flap retraction
Current Mach Number
Displays when airspeed is 0.40 Mach and above
Bug 5
- Displayed if reference selector on the engine display control panel is in the Bug 5 or SET position and,
- A value greater than 60KT has been selected
Flap Maneuvering Speeds
- Displayed after Gross Weight is entered (via CDU or Speed Reference Selector),
- When V2 + 15 Bug is displayed for T/O, current Flap Maneuvering Speed Bug not displayed (except Flaps 1),
- Numbered Bugs are removed when Flap Lever is 30 or 40,
- Flap Bugs inhibited when below Vref + 4KT
V2 + 15 Bug Disappears When
- First Flap retraction,
- When Vref is entered in the CDU
Takeoff Reference Speeds
- V1 and Vr displayed for T/O when speed is greater than 80KT,
- Amber NO VSPD displayed on the ground when V1 and Vr not selected or set,
- Removed at lift-off,
- V1 Speed is displayed at the top of airspeed when selected and value is off scale
Minimum Maneuver Speed
- Displayed with the first Flap retraction after T/O or when Vref is entered,
- Top of the amber bar provides 1.3g maneuver capability to stick shaker or low speed buffet (>20000FT)
Vref + 20 Bug
White and displayed when Vref is selected
- Pitch Limit Indicator,
- Displayed at slow speeds with Flaps Up or,
- Flaps extended
Slip/Skid Indicator Amber
- When bank angle is > 35 or,
- Full scale deflection
Scale ID Annunciation
- Displayed above the left corner of ADI (Approach Reference Position),
- Part of the Navigation Performance Scales Indications,
- Indicates the source of displayed deviation for each scale,
- Displayed when: LNAV, VNAV, HDG SEL or TOGA are engaged
Anticipation Cues
- Displayed if valid approach course deviation information being received,
- While corresponding NPS deviation scale and pointer are displayed,
- An unfilled white diamond
Expanded Localizer Scale
- Displayed when the A/P or F/D is in LOC mode and,
- Deviation is slightly more than 1/2 dot and,
- Track is within 5 degrees of MCP selected course,
- A Rectangle equals 1/2 dot deviation,
- Reverts to standard scale when out of LOC mode and GS < 30KT or RA > 200FT
Localizer Deviation Scale Cautions
The scale turns amber and pointer flashes:
- For an excessive Localizer deviation at low RA with A/P engaged,
- If Localizer is not captured when below 1000AGL with LNAV engaged and LOC armed
Glideslope Deviation Scale Cautions
- For an excessive Glideslope deviation at low RA with A/P engaged,
- The scale turns amber and pointer flashes,
Rising Runway
Rises towards airplane symbol when RA < 200FT
Radio Altitude Indicator
- Digital display from 2500 to 1000FT AGL,
- Box is highlighted in white for 10s when descending through 2500FT AGL,
- Round dial displays below 1000FT AGL,
- Perimeter and pointer turns amber and flashes 3s when below RA Minimums (numeric does not)
Current Altitude Green Crosshatch Symbol
- For positive values of altitude below 10000FT,
- Negative sign appears when altitude below 0FT is displayed
Landing Altitude Indication
- Shows Departure Runway until 400NM or,
- 1/2 of distance to destination whichever occurs first
Barometric Minimums Reference Colors
- Turns amber and flashes for 3s when descending below minimum altitude,
- Changes back to green during go-around when passing + 75FT of selected minimum or,
- At touchdown
Vertical Speed Minimum Digital Readout Value
> 400FPM
PITCH and ROLL Flags
- CPT and F/Os values differ more than 5 degrees,
- Flash for 10s then remain steady
- CPT and F/Os values differ more than 10 degrees for more than 10s,
- Active above 400FT RA,
- If shown when descending 400FT RA, the alert remains until landing
- A dispatchable CDS fault has occured,
- Displayed on the ground only,
- Prior to start of the second engine
- A non-dispatchable CDS fault has occured,
- Displayed on the ground only,
- Prior to start of the second engine
DEU 1 / 2 failed and:
- If above FL220, A/P and F/Ds are not affected,
- If below FL220 during climb or descent with the failed side A/P engaged:
1-) F/D pitch command bar is removed from both displays,
2-) F/D pitch command bars reappears at ALT ACQ,
3-) A/P engages in CWS P,
4-) LVL CHG, VNAV and V/S are not available with the failed side A/P
- If below FL220 during level flight with the failed side A/P engaged:
1-) Climb or descent to a new altitude is only possible in CWS P,
2-) Initial climb or descent to a new MCP altitude is not possible in LVL CHG, VNAV or V/S with A/P engaged - If DEU fails in the approach mode:
1-) Above 400FT with both F/Ds ON, F/D pitch and roll command bars are removed from the failed side,
2-) Prior engaging the 2nd A/P, engagement of the 2nd A/P is inhibited
- Indicates a failed EFIS Control Panel on the affected side,
- Altitude information is removed
- Indicates both CPT and F/Os displays are using same source of IRU data,
- Displayed when IRS switch is not in NORMAL
CPT and F/Os values differ more than 5KT for more than 5 continuos seconds
CPT and F/Os values differ more than 200FT for more than 5 continuos seconds
VSD Approach Glidepath Angle Line
- Extends 10NM,
- Anchored to the MAPt not the RWY,
- Manual altitude corrections do not change displayed G/P
- Range to Target Speed Dot,
- Shows where the airplane will achieve FMS or MCP target speed,
- Dot blanked within 5KT of target speed,
- Dot reappears if speed increases 10KT or more than target speed,
- Replaced with an unfilled dot at vector end if target speed will not be achieved within the length
VSD 3 Degrees Reference Line
- Displayed for approaches that do not have a designated approach angle,
- Extends 10NM,
- Anchored to the RWY threshold
VSD Terrain Profile Line Colors
- Same colors and values as GPWS,
- Green: Terrain more than 500FT (250FT for Gear Down) below the airplane,
- Amber: Terrain ranges from 500FT (250FT for Gear Down) below to 2000FT above the airplane,
- Red: Terrain is 2000FT above the airplane
RAAS “FLAPS” Caution
- Shown on the ND as amber “FLAPS”,
- Flap handle not within the valid T/O Flap setting and,
- Aircraft enters a RWY and,
- Aircraft HDG is within 20 degrees of the RWY HDG
- Shown on the ND as amber “ON TAXIWAY” each time,
- Groundspeed > 40KT and,
- Aircraft is not aligned with a RWY
- Shown on the ND as amber “UNSTABLE” each time,
- Between 450 and 300FT AAL and,
- Any of the Landing Flap, Excessive Approach Angle/Speed Monitor triggers
- Shown on the ND as amber “TAXIWAY” each time,
- Airborne and between 150-250FT RA and,
- Climb rate is < 450FPM and,
- Within 5NM of a RWY and not lined-up with a RWY
- Shown on the ND as amber “LONG LANDING” each time,
- Within 100FT AGL and,
- Passed 33% RWY distance and,
- Airborne above 5FT AGL or weight on wheels is false
RAAS Status Messages on ND
- RAAS-OK-M (Green): Enabled, functioning, good position information and at validated airport. Meters used,
- RAAS-N/AVLB (Amber): Enabled but the accuracy is temporarily insufficient to function,
- RAAS-NA-XXXX (Amber): Enabled but present airport (XXXX) is not in the database,
- RAAS-INOP (Amber): Enabled but one or more of the RAAS functions is inoperative,
- RAAS-INH (Amber): Enabled but all functions inhibited due to activation of P3-7 RUNWAY INHIBIT switch,
- RAAS-RTO (Green): Enabled and functioning but advisories are temporarily inhibited due to RTO
Weather Radar Flags
- Shown on the left side of ND,
- WXR WEAK: Calibration fault,
- WXR ATT: Attitude stabilization for antenna has been lost,
- WXR STAB: Antenna stabilization is off,
- WXR DSP: Range data input has failed. Only displayed in WXR TEST
- Displays all FMC data base NAVAIDS up to the range of 40NM,
- Above 40NM range shows only high level NAVAIDS
Displays waypoints in the FMC up to 40NM
- Displays altitude constraints, ETA and RNP value for the subsequent leg,
- RNP value only displayed if it’s in the NDB and no manual RNP has been entered
Flight Recorder Operation
- Inflight: Anytime electrical power is available,
- On the ground: Either engine must be operating
Automatic Display Brightness Control
- 2 remote light sensors on the top of the Glareshield,
- Each DU also has an integral light sensor
- Display Electronic Unit,
- 2 DEUs receive data from sensors/systems and supply data to DUs,
- DEU 1 supplies data to the CPTs inboard/outboard and Upper DU,
- DEU 2 supplies data to the F/Os inboard/outboard and Lower DU,
- A single DEU can supply all DUs from independent sources
DU Automatic Switching
- If Outboard DU fails, PFD automatically moves to the Inboard DU,
- If the Upper DU fails, primary engine display automatically moves to lower DU and,
- If secondary engine display is already on the Lower DU, a compact engine display is displayed
ADIRS Components
Air Data Inertial Reference System components are:
- 2 Air Data Inertial Reference Units (ADIRUs),
- 4 Air Data Modules (ADMs),
- 1 Inertial System Display Unit (ISDU),
- 1 Dual Mode Select Unit (MSU),
- 6 Static Ports,
- 3 Pitot Probes,
- 2 Alpha Vanes,
- 1 Total Air Temperature Probe
- Air Data Inertial Reference Unit,
- Provide Inertial Position and Track Data to the FMC,
- Provide Attitude, Altitude and Airspeed data to the displays,
- Information measured by:
1-) Internal Gyros/Accelerometers,
2-) Air Data Module inputs,
3-) Alpha Vanes and other systmes
Air Data
- Comprised of 3 seperate Pitot Probes and 6 flush Static Ports,
- 2 Pitot Probes and 4 Static Ports interface with the Air Data Modules,
- Remaining provide to the Standby Instruments,
- ADMs convert pneumatic pressure to electrical signals and send these data to ADIRUs,
- Each Probe and Ports connected to its on-side Air Data Modules, there is no cross connection,
- CPTs Probe and Ports send information to left ADIRU and F/Os to right ADIRU
- Static Air Temperature,
- Comes from ADIRUs, using Total Air Temperature Probe information
Standby Instruments Power Sources
- Standby Attitude Indicator and ISFD: Battery Bus,
- Standby RMI: AC Standby Bus
Standby Attitude Indicator Startup
- Gyro reaches operational speed approximately 60s after power is applied,
- Indicator requires 3 minutes to achieve accuracy requirements
ISFD and Startup
- Integrated Standby Flight Display,
- 10s after power applied an initialization sequence starts that requires 90s,
- ATT and INIT 90s messages displayed during initialization
ISFD Data Inputs
- Attitude is computed from data provided by internal inertial sensors,
- Airspeed and Altitude are computed from data Auxiliary Pitot and Alternate Ports,
- Localizer/Glideslope deviation comes from MMR 1,
- Magnetic Heading comes from ADIRU 1
ISFD Attitude Reset Inflight
- Wings level, non-accelerated flight,
- ATT 10s message shown,
- If unsuccessful ATT: RST message shown
Clocks Power Source
- Standby 28V DC used when the main 28V DC power is not available,
- Clock reverts to standby power when the airplane is powered down,
- Standby power keeps the time base only
- Digital Flight Data Recorder,
- Records: Time, Heading, Altitude, Airspeed, Acceleration, Attitude, Engine Thrust and Flight Control Surface position,
- Continuously records the last 25 hours of operation,
- Located at far aft cabin ceiling, behind an access door,
- Corrosion, fire and impact resistant and survives deep sea pressure to 20000FT,
- Locator beacon operable for 90 days
Aircraft Condition Monitoring System
Failure Flags and Messages General
- If blank or replaced by dashes, no valid information is available to the display system,
- Might be out of range or malfunctioning NAVAIDS,
- Flags are displayed for system failures or invalid information
- Flight Path Angle,
- Uses inertial and barometric altitude inputs,
- Vertical FPA is unreliable with unreliable primary altitude displays
FPA Brightness
- Dim when either the F/D or TCAS RA is displayed,
- Otherwise bright
ND Expanded Compass Coverage
Displays 90 degrees of compass rose
ND Wind Direction and Speed
- Displayed if wind magnitude > 6KT,
- Blanked if it becomes < 4KT,
- Blank until TAS > 100KT
VNAV Path Deviation Scale Values
- Indicates +/- 400FT range,
- Digital display provided when deviation is > 30FT
Position Trend Vector
- Predicts position at the end of 30, 60 and 90s intervals,
- Dash number depends on the selected range (1 / 10NM, 2 / 20NM, 3 / > 20NM)
Green Banana Proper Name
Altitude Range Arc
Dashed Runway Centerline Length on ND
GPS and ADIRU Position Symbols
- GPS: Looks like a TIE Fighter,
- ADIRU: Looks like a star
ND Cyan Dashed Double Lines
- Enroute swath,
- Indicates area of the map that is shown on the VSD,
- Inhibited both on T/O and Approach when within 6NM of RWY and < 3000FT
TCAS ND Symbols
- RA: Red square,
- TA: Amber circle,
- Proximate Traffic: Solid White Diamond,
- Other Traffic: Empty White Diamond,
- Arrow: Rate 500FPM or more
TCAS Range Ring
- Shows 3NM oriented to aircraft heading,
- Displayed at ranges 80NM or less