11. Flight Management, Navigation Flashcards
IRS Mode Selector OFF
- All electrical power is removed from the system after a 30s shutdown cycle,
- ALIGN light illuminates during this period
- Related IRS is operating on DC power from the Switched Hot Battery Bus (AC power not normal),
- On the ground horn in the nose wheel sounds,
- Momentary illumination is normal during alignment self test
- DC power for the related IRS is not normal,
- If the other lights are extinguished, the IRS is operating normally on AC power
ADF Panel ADF/ANT and TONE Switches
- ADF: Bearing sent to instruments and audio reception is possible,
- ANT: Bearing not sent but audio reception optimized,
- TONE: Adds tone to the selected ADF receiver audio
PFD Marker Beacon FT Light
Flight Test
VHF NAV Panel Test
With VOR tuned and course of 000 selected:
- Shows VOR Flag,
- Deviation bar biases out of view then turns to centered position,
- Bearing pointer slews to 180 degrees,
- DME: Flag, dashes and normal DME distance shown
With ILS tuned and Course is 90 degrees within airplane heading:
- Pointers disappear and LOC & G/S Flags appear,
- Pointers appear and display one dot up / one dot left then vice versa,
- Pointers return to normal,
- DME: Flag, dashes and normal DME distance shown
Weather Radar Turbulence
- Maximum range is 40NM,
- Detects horizontal flow of precipitation with velocities of 5 or more MPS,
- Shows this areas as heavy turbulence in magenta
FMS and Components
Flight Management System comprised of:
- Flight Management Computer System (FMCS),
- Autopilot/Flight Director System (AFDS),
- Autothrottle (A/T),
- Inertial Reference System (IRS),
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
FMC Position Source Priority
- One of the GPS as the primary update,
- Radio updating can also occur,
- If all GPS data becomes unavailable, Radio or IRS updating used
Inertial Reference System and Its Outputs
- 2 IRS installed, which has 3 sets of laser gyros and accelerometers,
- IRSs are airplane’s sole source of Attitude and Heading information (except Standby Instruments),
- They provide
1-) Attitude,
2-) True and Magnetic Heading,
3-) Acceleration,
4-) Vertical Speed,
5-) Groundspeed,
6-) Track,
7-) Present Position,
8-) Wind Data
- Scratchpad message regarding the IRS,
- Displays when entered position is not within 4NM of the origin airport
IRS Position Entry Error
- If entered Latitude/Longitude position does not pass the internal comparison tests,
- ENTER IRS POSITION scratchpad message is displayed and ALIGN light flashes,
- If the same position reentered, the IRS will accept the position and continue alignment process,
- Second test compares the entered latitude with system computed latitude,
- If the test fails ALIGN light flash again,
- If 2 consecutive entries of the same position do not pass the second internal test, FAULT light illuminates
IRS Fast Realignment
- Takes 30s,
- Zeroes Ground Speed error,
- If airplane is moved during alignment, full alignment begins automatically
IRS Inflight Realignment
- Attitude and Magnetic heading only,
- Attitude requires: 30s straight and level flight,
- Some attitude errors may occur during acceleration, but will be slowly removed after acceleration stops,
- For heading, crew must manually enter the initial magnetic heading,
- Drift up to 15 degrees per hour can occur in the IRS heading
IRS Power Source
- Left IRS normally powered by AC Standby Bus,
- Right IRS normally powered by AC Transfer Bus 2,
- If AC power lost either or both systems powered by Switched Hot Battery Bus,
- Backup DC power to right IRS terminated if AC power is not restored within 5 minutes,
- Initial power-up requires Battery Bus power
FMS LOC Updating
Only occurs after the ILS is manually tuned
FMS DME Updating
- 2 different DME or VOR/DME pair signals provide accurate Radio Geographical Position,
- FMC autotunes DME receivers,
- Specific DME stations can be entered and inhibited on NAV OPTIONS page 2/2
ATC Transponder
- Transmissions are automatically enabled when air/ground indicates Air
- If installed ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) data is downlinked to ATC,
- GPS provides position data to ADS-B,
- Altitude reporting and may also transmit: Flight #, Airpeed or GS, Magnetic Heading, GPS position etc.
Weather Radar Windshear Alert Envelope
Some aircrafts:
- Below 1200FT RA,
- On the ground and inflight below 2300FT RA radar sweep limited to 120 degrees
- 10-60s warning before encounter,
- Operates automatically below 1800FT AGL,
- Alerts available below 1200FT AGL
RDR-4000 Operation
- Multiple radar scans at pre-selected tilt angles detect short, mid and long range weather,
- This results in weather detection at all ranges and in all phases of flight,
- Additional processing provides TS tops within 5000FT of airplane remain displayed,
- Secondary weather shown with black striped through it,
- Nominal flight path weather envelope is +/- 4000FT,
- At cruise envelope floor is 25000FT MSL,
- On the ground and during departure/approach envelope ceiling fixed at 10000FT MSL
FMC Using IRS Position Only
- FMC applies automatic correction to the IRS position,
- This factor is developed by the FMC’s monitoring IRS performance during normal operation
CDU Entry Caution
Simultaneous entries should be avoided
FMC Flight Phases
- T/O: From TOGA to Thrust Reduction Altitude,
- CLIMB: Thrust Reduction Altitude to T/C (as entered on the PERF INIT),
- CRUISE: T/C to T/D
- DESCENT: T/D to Approach Phase
- APPROACH: 2NM before first waypoint of Approach or Approach Transition (ARRIVALS) or 2000FT, whichever occurs first
FMC Position Update Priority
- GPS,
- 2 or more DMEs,
- Co-located VOR and DME,
- Co-located Localizer and DME,
- 1 Localizer
TOGA Update
- If GPS UPDATE is OFF, the FMC updates position to the takeoff runway threshold,
- If GPS UPDATE is ON with valid GPS reception, TOGA update inhibited
- (Vertical) Actual Navigation Performance,
- FMC is 95% certain that actual lateral position lies within a ANP value radius,
- FMC is 99.7% certain that actual vertical position lies +/- VANP value
RNP and Alert Times
- En-route: 2NM / 30s,
- Terminal 1NM / 10s,
- Approach: 0.3NM / 10s
Default VRNP Value
Procedure Fix Waypoint Prefixes
- FA: VFR Final Approach Fix,
- CF: Final Approach Course Fix,
- IF: Initial Approach Fix,
- MD: Minimum Descent Altitude
Cost Index 0
FMC uses Maximum Range Cruise Speed
Automatic Change of VNAV SPD to VNAV PTH
- When VNAV Path is intercepted or,
- When started to fly a Vertical Angle Leg
T/D While Holding
EXIT HOLD executed and:
- If T/D does occur in the holding pattern, entire pattern will be flown,
- If not, inbound leg will be generated immediately
VNAV Airspeed Restriction Altitude
VNAV does not permit descent below until the airspeed is within 10KT
VNAV Path Final Speed Assumption
- Assumes Vref 40 + 20KT,
- At FAF or Glideslope intercept point
VNAV Overspeed Protection
- When passing T/D and using high target speed within 6KT of Vmo/Mmo,
- VNAV may revert to VNAV SPD
If the actual speed is 5-15KT (programmable) less than target speed
VNAV PTH Descent Start
- Must be initiated while within the allowable cross-track error,
- Once started, will remain regardless of cross-track,
- Except on a Vertical Angle Leg and cross track exceeds twice the RNP, while LNAV not engaged
FMC Approach Mode Differences
- If MCP altitude set at least 300FT above the current altitude, VNAV PTH remains,
- If 200FT below vertical path, VNAV commands zero V/S until path interception
Exiting FMC Approach Mode
- Selecting TOGA,
- Airplane lands,
- Waypoint cycles to the first waypoint of missed approach,
- Executing direct-to waypoint in the missed approach
Speed Intervention and FMA
- With Flaps extended it remains in VNAV PTH,
- With Flaps Up and on idle or non-idle leg, changes to VNAV SPD,
- While Vertical Angle Leg is active, remains in VNAV PTH
FMC Go Around Logic Entry
Change to this logic occurs when < 2000FT RA and:
- Pushing either TOGA switch while in descent,
- Executing direct-to in the missed approach (other than MAPt),
- Waypoint cycles to the first waypoint of missed approach,
- Airplane climbs with 600FPM or greater and Flaps retracted to 15 or 1
FMC Go Around Logic Differences
- Thrust limit changes to go-around thrust,
- All descent constraint below current altitude are deleted,
- Original Destination airport becomes new Origin airport allowing SID selection
Go Around Cruise Altitude
Highest of:
- Highest constraint in the missed approach,
- 1500FT AAL,
- MCP altitude
- If the MCP is the lowest of three, the A/P, if engaged, will level off at the MCP altitude
Driftdown Execution
- Select ENG OUT on CRZ page,
- Disengage A/T,
- Set CON thrust on operating engine,
- Set MCP speed to ENG OUT SPD,
- Set MCP altitude to MAX ALT or lower as required,
- Select LVL CHG
Engine Out Cruise Speed
- FMC Operates like normal cruise,
- If range is a factor, determine Engine Inoperative speed from the QRH
Altitude Entry
- 4 digits used,
- For lower values enter as: 50FT / 0050, 835FT / 0835 etc
FMC Databases
Performance Data Base:
- Includes: Airplane drag and engine characteristics,
- Maximum and optimum altitudes,
- Maximum and minimum speeds,
- Maintenance personnel can refine the database
Navigation Database
FMC Supplemental and Temporary Storage Capacity
- Tempo and Supp shares 40 Navaids and 6 Airports,
- Tempo and Supp shares 20 Waypoints,
- Those are first come first served basis,
- Additional exclusive storage of 20 Waypoints in Tempo
FMC Navigation Database Validity
- Contains 2 sets of navigation data,
- Each valid for 28 days,
- Each set corresponds to the normal navigation chart revision cycle
Derated Takeoff Caution
- Thrust setting is considered a limitation for T/O,
- Thrust levers should not be advanced further except in an emergency,
- Increasing thrust following an engine failure could result in a loss of directional control on the ground
Maximum Assumed Temperature Percentage
Derated Thrust Climb Values
- CLB-1: 3% N1 / 10% Thrust,
- CLB-2: 6% N1 / 20% Thrust,
- Both gradually increase to full rated climb thrust by 15000FT,
- Derate and Assumed Temperature affects FMC calculation of CLB
Derated Climb Thrust Pros and Cons
- Reduces engine maintenance costs,
- Increases total trip fuel
- Displayed on scratchpad,
- Indicates Total Fuel Quantity data is invalid,
- PERF INIT / FUEL line changes dashes,
- FMC uses the last valid fuel quantity for performance and VNAV operations,
- Periodic fuel weight entry required (FMC doesn’t update) for the remainder of flight by flight crew,
- Message will be displayed every 30 minutes if no entry has been made,
- Message won’t show up during descent with Vref selected
- Displayed on scratchpad,
- Indicates an unexpected drop in fuel quantity
- Displayed on scratchpad,
- USING RSV FUEL: Arrival estimate is less than PERF INIT reserve value,
- INSUFFICIENT FUEL: Arrival estimate is 900KG or less
Loss of FMC Electrical Power
If less than 10s:
- LNAV & VNAV disengage,
- All data retained,
- FMC resumes normal operation when power is restored
If 10s or more:
- On the ground all entries must be done again,
- Inflight LNAV & VNAV disengage,
- All data retained but when power is restored,
- RTE LEGS page displayed with a scratchpad message SELECT ACTIVE WPT/LEG
FMC Failure
- If system inputs to the FMC fails, affected CDU blanked to prevent the display of misleading information,
- FMC alert light and FMC message light illuminates,
- VTK displayed on failed side,
- LNAV & VNAV disengages if failed side A/P is engaged,
- After 25-30s related ND displays failure information
If right FMC fails:
- SINGLE FMC OPERATION message displayed on both scratchpads
If left FMC fails:
- FMC/CDU FAIL light appears on both CDUs,
- Both CDUs display failure modes (or MENU in some aircrafts),
- Limited FMC operation may be continued (no changes on the CDU),
- Full operation restored by the FMC source select switch to BOTH ON R
Dual FMC failure:
- Same as left FMC failure except no FMC operation is possible
FMC Software Exception Handling Logic
- Software exception is the disruption in the normal flow execution (i.e. unsolvable map calculation),
- Logic prevents complete FMC restart for most exceptions,
- If performance data (CI) entered and executed, exception will result in a downgrade of FMC operation,
- If exception is related to the ACT PLAN, VNAV INVALID - PERF message is shown and VNAV disengages until CI entry
- If exception is related to the MOD/INACTIVE PLAN, INVALID MOD/INACTIVE PLAN message is shown and MOD/INACTIVE PLAN is deleted but LNAV & VNAV remain engaged
FMC Downgrade Mode
- LNAV and Map are retained,
- FMC Predictions are halted,
- VNAV is disconnected
Fleet CPDLC Equipment
- Primarily Honeywell Mark II+ CMU PM,
- Some aircraft are equipped with Boeing System
- Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract,
- FMC can simultaneously receive requests from 5 ATC centers and 1 airline center,
- Functions include: Periodic, Event and On-demand reporting
Same Type ATC Request Messages
When sent a message sent:
- It begins a dialogue which inhibits creating any other request messages of that type,
- Until the dialogue is completed
ATC Message Response Time (Pending)
- Requires a response from Flight Crew within 100s,
- If STANDBY selected as a response, it will restart 100s
- Uplinked clearances monitored by the system,
- Uplinks contain conditional: Location, Altitude or Time,
- System is able to handle up to 3 accepted conditional clearances,
- If clearance executed early, “CLEARANCE CONDITION NOT MET” displayed on scratchpad
FMC Minimum Preflight Data Entry Requirements
- Inertial position,
- Origin, Destination and a route leg must be entered and executed,
- For performance: Airplane weight and Cruising Altitude
POS REF 2/3 Groundspeed Values
Displayed for FMC and each IRS
Quick Delete of the Route
Entry of a new origin erases the previous route
- Shown in PERF INIT page 1/2,
- Entry is blanked with flaps extended or in flight
- Reflects the relative impacts on Overall Trip Cost of Fuel,
- As compared to other direct Hourly Operating Costs,
- Value range is 0-500,
- 0 causes ECON speed to be MAX RANGE; 500 results in a Minimum Time Flight
- Shown in PERF INIT page 1/2,
- Trip Altitude is the predicted Minimum Cost Altitude,
- Determined by operator constraints
- Shown in PERF INIT page 1/2,
- After 5000FT AAL, FMC calculates actual ISA deviation from actual SAT,
- Then projects it up to the MAX and OPT altitude solutions,
- If T/C OAT or ISA DEV entered, it is used for preflight planning forecast of MAX/OPT altitude
- Shown in the PERF LIMITS page,
- Entry range between 5-30s,
- Default value is 30s
- Shown in the PERF LIMITS page,
- Limits both RTA and ECON modes in flight
- Shown in the N1 LIMIT page,
- SEL Maximum allowable entry is 70,
- However FMC will limit the N1 to 25% takeoff reduction
Scratchpad message shown if any of the following changed after V speeds are entered:
- Gross Weight,
- Zero Fuel Weight,
- Plan Fuel
How to Remove TO SHIFT
Reselect RWY on the RTE page
LNAV Armed to Engage During TO
At 50FT RA
VNAV OEI Takeoff
- Below OEI Acceleration height, FMC calculates and issues a speed between V2 and V2 + 20KT,
- This speed will continue to be updated until an engine failure is detected,
- After OEI Acceleration Height or VNAV level off, VNAV target speed will be Vref + 70KT,
- VNAV keeps Vref + 70KT until ALL ENG promt is selected
FMC Engine-Out Mode
- Engine out speeds are available if an engine fails on Takeoff after 60KT,
- Mode canceled when Groundspeed < 60KT,
- Predictions are blanked (Route, ETA and TOC Data),
- All Engine Acceleration and Thrust Reduction Heights ignored
When the Engine-Out operation is terminated due to:
- When reaching cruise altitude or,
- ALL ENGINE prompt depressed by a pilot
MCP V2 Setting
- Cannot be changed after 60KT,
- FMC calculates climb speed of V2 + 20KT until acceleration height
XXX speed based on Leading or Trailing Edge Flaps limit
- Company specified Rate of Climb (default 100FPM) achieved using one engine at CON,
- FMC accounts for wing/engine anti-ice, Air Conditioning and Engine Bleed of the operating engine
Bypass Notification
- Displayed when a normal turn cannot capture the leg into a waypoint,
- Triple bypass condition creates a Route Discontinuity
Abeam Waypoint Creation Inhibits
- For floating waypoints,
- If the abeam distance > 700NM,
- If the abeam waypoint is 10NM within the present position or direct-to waypoint,
- For 2 or more waypoints within 1NM, only 1 will be designated
Abeam Waypoint Wind Values
If the corresponding abeam distance < 100NM, wind values are carried
How to Access Supplemental NDB
- Writing SUPP on the scratchpad,
- Selecting NAV DATA on the INIT/REF page,
- Only accessible on the ground,
- DELETE ALL SUPP DATA prompt is only available before Origin Airport entry
- Used: Large font and highlighted,
- Received but not used: Large font only,
- Tuned but not received: Small font
E/D After a Discontinuity
FMC will contruct a Great Circle path and VNAV is available
RWY EXT and FPA Entry Values
- RWY EXT: With .1NM resolution between 1-25NM,
- FPA: Default 3. 2.0-5.5 degrees can be entered,
- Dashes (-.–) on the DEP/ARR page when default is used
Maximum Hold Pattern Number in RTE LEGS
GPS Loss and ADS-B
Select the operational GPS side for Transponder
- An altitude restriction violated,
- NDB vertical angle is violated,
- Message diplayed 1 minute before violation,
- Re-enter CI (new or old) and execute then re-engage VNAV
- During PTH descent,
- Above or below Speed Restriction Altitude,
- Airspeed exceeds FMC Speed Restriction by 15KT
- Runway data,
- Thrust selection,
- Performance data
Or V Speeds fail to meet relative value check which is done when:
- After first engine start,
- Entered OAT compared with sensed OAT to check they are within 6 degrees
- When airplane has transitioned into approach environment and,
- Vref has not been selected
BUFFET ALERT Display Criteria
Only appears if Flaps are retracted
Call maintenance
Call maintenance
Call maintenance