12. Fuel Flashcards
FUEL TEMP Indicator Source
No.1 tank
- With switches ON, continuous illumination of one light for 10s illuminates MASTER CAUTION,
- Extinguished when pump output pressure is normal or related switch is OFF
FUEL Quantity Indicator Power Source
Available with AC or DC power
LOW Alert
- Main tank quantity < 453KG,
- Remains until 567KG,
- Digits and arc turn to amber
Illuminates when:
- Either engine running,
- Center tank quantity >726KG,
- Both related pump switches OFF,
- Digits and arc turn to amber
Remains until:
- Both engines shutdown,
- Center tank quantity < 363KG,
- One related pump switch ON
- Main tanks differ > 453KG,
- Displayed below Main tank with lower quantity,
- Inhibited by LOW,
- Remains until imbalance reduced to 91KG,
- Digits and arc turn to amber
Fuel Measuring Sticks Number
6 for each Main Tanks and 4 for Center Tank
Energizes fueling panel if Refueling Power Control Relay fails
NGS Lights
- Nitrogen Generation System,
- GREEN: Operational,
- BLUE: Operational but degraded,
- AMBER: Inoperative,
- No lights means also Inoperative
Fuel Check Valves Purpose
- Located throughout the system,
- To ensure proper direction of flow and,
- To prevent transfer of fuel between tanks
NGS Operation
- Converts bleed air to nitrogen-enriched air (NEA),
- NEA delivered to Center Tank to reduce flammability,
- Automatically starts after takeoff until short period of taxi in,
- Automatically shut down when:
1-) Bleed air not available,
2-) On the ground and not in test mode,
3-) OEI inflight,
4-) Fire or smoke detected in the cargo or main deck areas
5-) Left PACK overheat,
6-) Center Tank refuelling valve is open
Fuel Pumps
- Each tank uses 2 AC powered pumps,
- Cooled and lubricated by fuel passing through the pump,
- Center Tank Pumps produce higher pressure to Center Tank fuel is used before Main Tanks,
- Each Center Tank Pump will automatically shut off, after a short delay, when low output pressure detected
Suction Feed
- Each engine can draw fuel from its related Main Tank via suction feed,
- During climb dissolved air released from fuel due to pressure decrease,
- The air may collect in the Suction Feed line and restrict fuel flow,
- Dissolved air eventually deplete after reaching cruise altitude,
- Main Tank Bypass valves may also be used for suction defueling
Fuel Crossfeed Power Source
Valve is DC motor operated from the Battery Bus
Fuel Shutoff Valves Power Sources
- Spar Fuel SOV located at the engine mounting wing stations,
- DC motor operated from Hot Battery Bus,
- Engine Fuel SOV are fuel actuated, solenoid controlled,
- Powered from the Battery Bus
Center Tank Fuel Scavenge Jet Pump
Operates when:
- Main Tank No. 1 FWD switch is ON,
- No.1 Tank quantity about one-half
APU Fuel Feed
- When AC pumps operating, supplied from the left side of the fuel manifold,
- If AC pumps are not operating, suction fed from the Main Tank 1
Fuel Quantity Indicator Accuracy
Could show higher or lower than the actual fuel quantity up to 2.5%
Fuel Tank Capacities
- No. 1 and 2: 3915KG,
- Center: 13066KG,
- Total: 20896,
- Calculated with 0.8029 density