Maurice- Social Psych Of Lang Flashcards
Organisation of speech
Orderly exchange of turns (words or monologue)
Situation affects e.g. informal convos, interviews have q and a but swaps, informal and formal) and ceremonies like parliament where turns pre arranged. Walker 82: timed pauses between turns about found less than 200ms on avg and completion of turn is projects le (know it’s happening)
Managing turns
Duncan and fiske 72: 6 diff turn yielding cues: rise/fall in pitch at end of clause, drawl on last syllable, termination of hand gestures, stereotyped expressions like you know, drop in loudness, completion of a grammatical clause (group where verb and subject related). More cues means smoother switch. Hand gestures can be attempt suppressing signal (stop another)
Predicting turns
De ruiter 2006: ps heard recordings, found accurate at predicting end of turns. When intonation synthesis to produce flat pitch but words and syntax not, still accurate but when content filtered, couldn’t tell words so speech content more important
types of Interruptions
May involve simultaneous speech. Silent interruptions occur without sim speech e.g When stop to think, another takes over. Listener responses not interruptive as back channels like yea, uh huh show listening
Dimensions of interruption
Roger bull and smooth 88, 14 typology of interruptions. 2 dimensions single or complex (many attempts) or successful or not (stop and completed thicker ojw turn). Excessive interruption can breakdown convo but can signal enthusiasm
Medical consults
Menz 2008: doctors believe ps will talk for too long. 576 medical interviews, 48 qual anal. Non supportive interruptions used more by doctors than ps, ps suceed less interrupting, failed more W senior than junior to interrupt. Interviews take longer the more doctors interrupt, now doctors have training
Trump vs Clinton debate. Coined by benett 2015 as unnecessary interruption, can result in frustration. Och 2020 looked at German parliament, women 17.7% more likely to be interrupted but women interrupted men more often. Men weren’t systematic enough tot be resistance against women, it was political opposition not gender.
Theory of communicative conflict
Bavelas 1990: situational theory of communicative conflict where it occurs in response to conflict where all response is negative. 4 dimensions are sender (extent it’s the speakers own opinion e.g. not parties), content (unclear is equivocal), receiver (extent addressing other person e.g. diana crowded) and cortex (answered or not)
Study showing equivocation from conflict
Bavelas 90: ps shown conflict (bad presentation asked for feedback) and saw 3 responses: subtle changes like it not them, deferred replies like I’ll say later and hints like do more prep. Response to conflint means more equivocation
Weaknesses of situational theory of communicative conflict
No theory of what causes it, could be role of Dave management e.g. saving face. Bull 96: conflict in political interviews created by threats to face. Need to consider consequences, analysed Diana interview as she used implicit replies but used as a skill so not deceitful bavelas. Howard deceitful as didn’t ask were politics q
Communication accommodation theory- giles 2023, based on similarity attraction theory byrne 69. We reduce differences to make us more likeable, cat evolved out of speech theory as also change body lang
Accent prestige
Fuertes 2012, meta anal of 20 studies comparing standard and non accent to status, solidarity and dynamism. Standard rated higher on all then regional. Did us, Spanish, French , uk (received pronunciation used)
Accent change
Giles 73: accent change either divergence (more diff) or convergence (more same). Convergence can be upward (more posh) or down (regional). Willemyns 97: Australian job interviewers either used broad or posh accent. Applicants became broader/converged if broad but didn’t agree and f disagreed more than m
Welsh convergence
Bourhis and Giles 97: Welsh students either integrative (learning for heratige) or instrumental (for jobs) listened to English person asking why they would learn a dead lang. instrumental softened (converged) but integrative broadened/ diverged. 3 introd Welsh words (content divergence)
Optimal convergence
Possible to be over accommodating as patronising. Giles and smith 79: canadian man describing education either accommodated in speech rate, content or pronunciation, more favoured when slowed speech rate and either content or p but not both/less on all 3. Communication w elderly can be patronising