Chelsea-personality Flashcards
All ports main ideas
Defined personality as organised system, interaction body and mind, stable, influences a range of experiences. Main traits are OCEAN
Types of measuring, self or others
From self: projective tests, implicit measures, self report. Reports of others: observations, known others, perception of faces
Projective tests
Given ambiguous stim to interpret, examples are rorschback inkblot, thematic apperception test TAT: Henry Murray, 30 grey pics W dramatic event, asked what’s happening (relationships and feelings). W: not reliable or valid, weak predictive power, lack of link to other tests, no diff for mentally ill but icebreaker on therapy
Implicit personality measures
Implicit associations test, if respond faster means part of personality, harder to fake. Emotional strop test: have incong or cong colours and words, testing inhibition, some words anxiety inducing so take longer (mogg for anxiety ps)
Self report questionnaires
Items analysed for clusters of items (factor analysis), each cluster is a personality trait. Cheap and quick but impression management, self deception
Face perception
Oosterhoff and todorov: described 66 faves to see most from lexical hyp: top 10 were attractive, unhappy, sociable, emotionally stable, mean, bring, aggressive, weird, intelligent, confident. Made two factor model of traits from faces W trustworthiness and dominance and others fall into this. From an evolution standpoint. Sutherland added youthful/attractiveness. W: not accurate, doesn’t match own ratings of self (bigger when gender diff) but could explain own thoughts
Culture and personality
Chiu and Hong: culture is shared meanings to provide reference and adapt to environment. Collectivist see personality as changeable. Etic: compare universal personality across cultures (top down) e.g. big 5, western. Emic: personality spec to culture. W: translation issues, response bias bigger in some cultures, social desirability, literacy and tech level
Types of equivalence for cultural tests
Ling: Literal meaning conveyed, need to translate back again, may not have trans. Construct: generalisability of trait, chueng found no openness in China (social potency/expansive). Psychometric/scalar: same intensity across couture. Chueng found diffs. E.g. is superstitions
Reading (Freud, rogers, diff approaches)
Freud says self destructive, Rogers said benign, positive. Cornbach and meehl says describe, measure and test. Personality comes from Latin persona (mask). Ideographic: focuses on ind, qual, deep. Nomothetic means law, finite variables to describe personality, predictive function, quant but superficial to describe one person. Carver and scheier say can do both
Early ideas about personality
Had types and discrete categories and fixed. Then traits on a continuum. Now trait theory assumes characteristics are stable across time and conditions
Gordon allport
Examined words used to describe ppl/lexical approach. Found 18000, 4500 traits. Ideographic better for understanding. Categorised by cardinal (signal, Dom traits), central (5-10 describe personality) and secondary (preferences, not core). Dynamic part is secondary
Raymond cattell background
One of first to use factor anal to see clusters, interested in how personality predicts behaviour. Role of genetics (constitutional traits) and experience (environmental mould). Ideothetic approach/common traits. Start W source/surface traits seen in behaviour. Used factor analysis to get to 46 surface traits via real life data like school, questionnaires and standardised tests (means something in relation to others like iq)
Cattell eval
Created 16 personality factors, not all have same predictive power as outgoing reserved best and tense relaxed worse. Furnham 2013: looked at diffs between students who chose arts and science, found diffs conscientious, perfect vs abstract and sensitive. W: internal consistencies of some factors low, not many have been able to replicate the factors (replicability crisis in research), evidence 16 can be reduced to 5
Eysenck theory of personality - background
Fundamental traits biological but environment can impact expression. Personality based on character, temperament, intelligence, physique and autonomic NS. Hierarchal model with trait level first like sociable, habitual response is talking to ppl, spec response is body lang.
Eysenck supertraits
Extra version, neuroticism and psychoticism (cold, creative, impulsive). Created Eysenck personality questionnaire EPQ W yes no questions. Criminals score high in all 3, creative score high on psychoticism and extroverts more sexual encounters
Eysenck’s theory and mental health
He was clinical psych and developed training. Suggested neuroticism linked to autonomic system reactivity, reactive predisp for psych disorder. S: factors shown to be stable over time, cross cultural valid, child version, application to mental health. W: psychot scale has low internal reliability and reductionist as 3
5 factor model
Lewis goldberg: concluded trait descriptors relate to 5 features of personality: love, work, affect, power and intellect
Emic approach is personality terms found in native lang (bottom up
Etic approach, translated personality questionnaires
More likely to replicate 5 factor mdel using etic approach
Big 5
Costa and mcrae 85. Large samples and questionnaires, factor anal to I’d clusters, data driven hyp. OCEAN. Test is the NEO-PI-R. Hayes and jospeh 2003: high extroversion and low nueo higher happiness. Stoughton: low agreeable more loud on social media. Rentfrow: diffs in regions in the uk e.g. Scotland low nuero but high agreeable. Bleidorn people move to places thier personality fits better in us
Why find diffs in location and big 5
social influence as norms affect behaviour, ecological influence, physical area affects (history of illness makes risk averse ppl), selective migration, certain groups are more likely to migrate (openness, extraversion, agreeableness)
Dark triad definition and big 5
Overlap but distinct: narcissism (superiority, lack of empathy), mach (cold, manip), psycho (low empathy, remorse) shared are coldness and aggressive. Paulhus and Williams 2002: extra version links to N and P. agreeableness linked neg to all 3. Conscientious neg linked to M and P. Neuroticism neg linked to psych and openness linked to N and P
Dark triad and degree subject
Vedel and Thompson 2017: found exon/business scored higher on M than all others. Law and politics higher than psych. Bus higher on N than psych but no diff for law. Bus higher on all 3 than psych, politics higher of psycho than psych. Bus highest, law and politics middle, psych lowest. Students attracted to careers that reward self interest. W: only 4 subjects, don’t know if experience while studying was reason
Emotional manipulation
Ppl high in DT rate themselves more able to emotionally manip others- austin 2014. Hyde : 70% of employees report using emotional manip at work. Measures are disingenuous/softer tactics or malicious/harder tactics. Employees did manip willingness, emotional intelligence and dirty dozen. M related to both measures, P linked to malicious, N to both. W: doesn’t measure success in manip
Dark tetrad
Sadism: common in clinical and forensic samples, taking pleasure in others suffering. Chabrol 201 found all 4 correlate as clusters were low on all, high on M and S, high on N and P and high on all 4. Antisocial behaviour highest in those W all 4, can target intervention. Cannabis, suicide and depression similar in all. W: data driven, not info on how develops, limited by own cog abilities, subjective judgement and lang restriction