Mandy-intelligence Flashcards
Implicit theories of intelligence
These are commonly held ideas by the population about concepts like intelligence. Dwerk: created idea that intelligence mindset is flexible or fixed but not separate, continuum and chnages depending on context
Costa and faria 2018: meta anal found those who saw intelligence as changeable had better grades overall, fixed had better in spec subjects. Blackwell 2007/dweck99: growth mindset leads to more motivation and achievement
Heslin 2005: looked at irrelevant recognition of performance by managers (e.g say improved when not or other way), effect of poor performance on rating or if training to hold a diff belief would affect. Found managers W growth views more likely to Id changes. Irrelevant poor performance more likely to impact performance ratings of those W a fixed view. Trained to have growth mindset allowed them to see changes better
Sternberg 81
Asked people in library, in shop or train station to list intelligence behaviours in diff situations then asked others to rate them. Found 3 parts of intelligence: practical problem solving, verbal ability and social competence. Repeated and found integration, GO/attainment, contextual (from past) and fluid thought
Culturally valued
Va;encia and suzuki 2011: culturall diffs rooted in which aspects are most valued in a culture- often result of deep rooted ideas
Early and ang 2003: intelligence in one may not be the same as another
Abstract concepts
Western ideas
Aristotle and Plato: idea of soul (vegetative for plants, sensitive for animals and intellectual human) what separates us from animals, intelligence based on reasoning (discursive is slow, intuitive fast), not linked to cog abilities like memory/ perception as animals have. From sternberg: reasoning linked to problem solving, goals. Also Greco judeo Christian influence
Eastern ideas
Confucius: love eachother, honour parents, do what’s right, benevolence. Taoist: humility, freedom from conventional, response to change, self awareness. Yang and sternberg 97: asked Taiwan ppl what intelligence is, found cog and factor, interpersonal, intra (self aware), self assertion and effacement (modest). Buddhist and Hindu said noticing, comp and mental effort. Bara and das 2004: high level thinking, decision making but connected by self awareness and interpersonal
Individual vs collectivist
In Malay say adaptability, speed, creative problem solving, value social and cog. Australian say academic and adaptability (Gill and Keats). Fang and Keats 87: Chinese say observe, wide interests independent thinking, similar in AZ but aus has more logical reason and problem solve but Chinese ability to learn, confidence and analytical
Link to growth vs set
Costa and faria 2018: east link between flexible ideas and attainment, europe has link between fixed beliefs and attainment, us had - link w fixed beliefs and achievement
Reduction in cultural diffs
Lim pluker and im 2002: korean adults asked factors of intell and cross rated, found social competence, problem solving, coping w new, self management and practical competence, valued social competence the most valued - still diffs in culture but more overlap?
Og theories
Galton: Galton: forefather for intelligence testing, first to suggest we differ in intelligence, view it as measurable, influenced by plato and aristotle. The ability to reason and respond to large range of experiences via the sense. intelligence heritable/eugenics - + is encouraging e.g. hitler youth or - like stopping disabled
started iq tests, scale to support children in shcool e.g. see what they were struggling with , developed mental age norms for each age. Said intelligence can be changed and developed binet simon scale- smart as saif intell too hard to see in one test, didt want it to be used to define ppl
Goddard and terman
brought binet scale to us, saw need to representative samples, used standardisation, terminal revised scale by adding new items for new age norms, stanford binet scale. Pop term iq, defined as mental age over real x 100. but used it to define intelligence, wanted to categorised us for immigration
No consensus and yerkes
No strong theory of intelligence, journal of educational psych in 21 wanted to gather ideas: thorndike said good responses in truth and facts, terman said abstract thinking and thurstone said inhibition, some said behaviour some said measuring but no link overall. Yerkes adapted stanford Binet for ww1 (alpha for literate, beta for non, mass test )
Outcomes of bias ideas
In 1900 eugenics was popular, included sterilisation and led to nazi beliefs. Goddardused iq test in immigration , influences schools to segregate students to be good workers. Ableism and racism as terman said some cultures had low intell
Spearman general intelligence
First to see Intell as set of cog resources from observing schools, saw link between diff intell scores called + manifold. Said they correlated due to general intell (g). 2 factor model with spec abilities like vocab, maths, spatial. And general intell which underlies. Led to developing measures of g as existing just for kids or army- wais and ravens developed
Weschler - background
Worked with yerkes for army test, then to work W spearman/didn’t always agree but modelled on his work. Test created from iq from many adults, done 1 to 1 and wisc for kids. Wais has diff complement like vocab, similarities, block design, matrix reasoning, digit span, symbol search- testing verbal comp, perceptual org, wm and processing stepped- underlined by g
How waisc differs from others
Built on a theory, all ages can take it and iq comparable. Introd deviation iq - means compare scores to age means using normal distribution curve as old calc doesn’t work as people get older e.g. iq is test score over expected score for age x 100
Ravens progressive matrices amd uses for it tests in general
Diff to wechsler but also based on spearman, focused on idea g was abstract ability so test without cultural influences/language
60 non verbal, multiple choice qs in order of difficulty- measures reasoning / meaning making. Uses: special Ed, research, clinical
Link between diff intell and agreed W concept of g but said g result of primary mental abilities (e.g. abilities come first). G comes from 7: associative memory (rote learning), number, perceptual speed, reasoning, space(transform figures), verbal comp and word fluency
Fluid vs crystallised - catell
Agreed g but fluid is abstract not taught and Crystal is using past knowledge.. e.g. from wisc- verbal comp crystalised but processing fluid
Structure of intellect theory -Guildford
Disagreed w spearman as no g but intell a result of 150 variables in 3 groups: operations (mental processing), content (mental material) and products ( how info stored, processed and used to make connections)
Another multi factor approach
Vernons hierarchical theory
Intell made up of abilities at diff levels from spec, narrow, board then general. Others: 3 striatum model of human cog ability carroll 93: similar but integrated research since then
Cattell-horn-carroll theory 97: brings together carol and catel idea 9 broad g abilities beyond fluid and crystallized- most comp and empirical
Multiple intelligence theories
Gardner- for more practical uses, intell not sensory system but processing that works more or less well/not learning process. Has musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual, linguistic, maths, naturalistic , existentialist: understand surroundings and place within it - each diff section in brain. Law and zetner 2012: made profile of musical perception skills
OMS to test Rythm, melody, tempo to overcome group comparisons. Issues: lack of evidence, supports g and heirachal models (spec)- rebut is doesn’t negate g but equal to other intells
Contextual theories- sternberg triarchic theory
is ability to achieve success within sociocultural context
Componential sub theory: mental mech underlying intell-analytical . contextual sub thoery: way ppl use mech to demo intell-practical. Experiential sub: role of experience in using mechs to meet demands-creative
Stability in intell
Deary 2000: Scottish kids tested in 32 and 98, slight increase in iq but stable. Flynn effect: iq tests need to be renormalised as iq increases but 10pts per gen. 20-40% environmental by nutrition, education, parenting, tech. Batterjee: measured intell 77 and 2010 in saudi using ravens, increase due to econ developing.
Factorial invariance -wicherts 2004
Wais case study) spec tests measure wider constructs but not direct so each has a correlation coefficient value and invariance means don’t expect this to vary much. But wicherts looked at invariance in cohorts 5 studies years apart, found some measures not factorial invariant so increase in iq between gens could be due to tests
Intelligence predicting success
q correlates w grades 0.6, levels of higher education 0.5, job performance 0.5 and personality 0.2. Lower have more unempl, income increases W iq, but highest iq less married. Terman: tested kids in cali, gifted above 150 iq but found achievements weren’t spectacular but had bigger satis W life and well-being. Buck worth and seligman 2005: found self discipline (delay grat and study) bigger predictor for grades than iq