Matrix Flashcards
Matrice Multiplication Rules
Operation Rules
Square Matrice can multiply only if….
A matrice has an inverse matrice if only…
From colum idea,they don’t linear relevant in each column.
Or it doesn’t exist A*x=0.
Because A*x indicates x=0 but actually there are other solutions for x.
When will we introduce Gauss-Jordan’s idea to get inverse matrice ?
How to get inverse matrice: Gauss-Jordan’s idea
Then we get I matrice on the left side
What’s the meaning of upper triangle matrix?
Upper triangular matrices have some nice properties. For example, they are straightforward to solve in systems of linear equations. Since there are no coefficients below the diagonal, we can use back-substitution to find the values of the unknown variables easily.
Additionally, the determinant of an upper triangular matrix is simply the product of its diagonal elements. This property makes computing determinants of upper triangular matrices relatively simple compared to general matrices.
矩阵公式总结 :
2x2 矩阵 伴随矩阵 的规律:主对角线对调,副对线 前面加一个 “-”
有关 抽象逆矩阵的题目 :
有关抽象逆矩阵的题目 :
hint :构造题目要求的
例题 :分块矩阵的计算
例题 :计算分块矩阵的逆矩阵
2x2 矩阵 伴随矩阵 的规律:主对角线对调,副对线 前面加一个 “-”
计算 常见矩阵(2x2 & 3x 3 矩阵)伴随矩阵 的方法
2x2 矩阵 伴随矩阵 的规律:主对角线对调,副对线 前面加一个 “-”
特殊矩阵 归纳 :
单位矩阵也可以叫 I
例题 : 矩阵运算(利用运算顺序可交换)
例题 : 利用逆矩阵计算 A*x = B
例题 :分块矩阵计算矩阵n次方