Maternal Physiology in Pg Flashcards
What are cardiovascular changes that occur in Pg?
heart size increases 12%, CO and stroke vol increase, 50% increase in blood volume, HR increases, arterial BP decreases and returns to normal toward end of Pg, venous pressure increases, vascular resistance decreases, blood flow to uterus/kidneys/breasts/skin increases. Systolic ejection murmurs are common, heart axis shifts left, continuous murmurs and bruits can be heard from internal thoracic a. RBC/WBC/platelet/clotting factors all increase.
Changes in pulmonary system?
Increased pulmonary blood volume, diaphragm elevates, tidal vol increases, lung reserves decrease.
Renal system?
Kidneys increase in size, GFR increases, ureters dilate, urinary flow/Na excretion increases late in Pg.
GI changes
increased salivation and gum hypertrophy, increased HCl production/relaxes LES = heartburn, decreased intestinal transit/gallbladder emptying, plasma albumin decreases, Alk phos increases
Skin changes
hyperpigmentation, striae, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, spider angiomas, brittle nails, thickening of hair (thinning postpartum)