Mary - Main Info Flashcards
here we bloody go again
do u get it
tis a bloody mary joke
im sorry ill go now
Why was Mary’s succession greeted, on the whole, by the people
cos she had a big bunda
girlie had gyatt
maybe idk
It restored the legitimate succession of the Tudor Dynasty
the ogs
What was Mary’s priority on her accession
burn the orphans
oops sorry thats my list im so clumsy
Restoration of the Catholic faith
What problems did Mary have to deal w as she ascended the throne
Religious division
Catholic monarch in Protestant country
Spare not heir (run the tape :l)
Her loyal/trusted supporters had no experience in government
Would have to rely on half-brothers’ servers which implicated intro of religious reforms that she found distasteful
What sort of people did Mary’s new councillors include
Bishop Stephen Gardiner
Other churchmen including Lord Paget
Some conservative councillors
Why did Mary not like the old Gardiner
Failed to support her mother Catherine at time of break from Rome
someones a mamis girl
Whose judgement did Mary trust implicity
Her husband, Philip of Spain
girlie pls
hes only after ya drillaz
What was the relationship between Mary and Parliament
Cautious cooperation
Concerns for property rights, doubtless motivated by self-interest in many cases, ensured ex-monastic property would not be restored to the Church, etc
in brief, girlie kept peace to get what she wanted even tho she wanted to swat em like ungrateful lil flies
Why was Mary so keen to get married
*i WonT sAy iM iN lOoVEEEeeee
~meg, hercules
Essential to produce heir to secure Catholic succession to the throne. She was already 37 so needed to marry and reproduce as soon as possible
gyatt shudve frozen em eggs asap
What were the potential problems of marriage to an Englishman?
baked beans 4 dinna luv
Threat of factional rivalry, as husband’s family would inevitably become more influential
Why was Philip favoured by Mary
Was Catholic
Politically experienced
he had a very large penis or two
Why was Philip unhappy in the early years of their marriage
Hated English weather
not kidding its in the textbook. kid was used to warm weather n sunny spells n got stuck w rain and the influenza
Did not like manners of English courtiers
Despite Mary’s age, claimed her attitude towards love and marriage was childish
Why was Parliament not happy with the marriage between Mary and Philip
Saw it as treason with Law of Treason 1555 since marrying out of country
Law prevented his coronation as king
Why did the restoration of Henry VIII’s will cause a problem for Mary?
Elizabeth after Mary in his will
Elizabeth would succeed Mary if she were childless, who was a known Protestant
Why did Mary not like Elizabeth, even growing up
She personified Elizabeth as the reason for the breakdown of her mother’s marriage to HVIII and believed she was illegitimate and so had no moral right to succeed the throne
textbook even says “mary had no love for her half-sister”
kinda harsh icl
What were Mary’s FP aims
Restore England to papal supremacy and marry Philip, heir to Spanish throne
How did Mary’s 2 FP aims of papal supremacy and marrying Philip conflict w each other
philip was in fact satan which the catholic church disproved of
well maybe idk
Spanish-Franco conflict involved papacy on side with France, and so England was effectively against papacy by default due to marriage with Philip
How did England’s involvement in Franco-Spanish conflict turn into a disaster
god i love dave franco
Was a terrible blow for a loyal daughter to the CC. England declared war on France in 1557 due to French troops coming in to England. But became a disaster with humiliaiting loss in Jan 1558 of Calais, which was England’s for centuries. No attempt made to recapture town and full-scale attack on port of Brest in summer 1558 failed miserably
What naval and militia reforms were introduced under Mary
Complete reorgananisation of finance and administration of navy, 6 new ships built, many repaired and Crown finances of £14000 given to navy
What did Mary’s reforms to the navy do for Elizabeth
Laid basis of navy that was crucial to defeat Spanish Armada under Elizabeth
What was the name of Catholicism under Mary
Marian Catholicism
What problems did Mary encounter in trying to restore Catholicism to England?
Protestantism attracted adherents (meaning supporters, for u dumb fucks) in London and other parts of south
Reformed Protestant Church was protected by statute law, and many of political elites who Mary needed support of had no intention to surrender their monastic land even though Mary viewed it as ill-gotten gains from reforms
How many Bishops did Mary imprison at the start of her reign due to their opposition to return to Catholicism
thats like
bigger than 6
What happened at Mary’s first parliament meeting
Religious laws passed during Edward were repealed
Order of service as at time of death of HVIII was restored
All clergy who had married when permitted to do so could be deprived of their livings and legal status of Church of England was upheld
and avani was granted king of the world due to impeccable table manners
What was Mary’s dilemma in attacking Protestantism in law?
she was reading it n was like damn they onto smth oh shi
In order to reverse royal supremacy, she would have to rely on parliamentary legislation, meaning she would have to acknowledge that original laws passed during HVIII’s reign were legally valid
She would have to accept superiority of statue law over divine (against her beliefs completely)
What did Parliament refuse to reintroduce in 1554 and did Mary make them eventually agree?
Heresy laws
Parliament agreed when promised that former monastic lands would not be restored to Church ownership
What happened to the lands from the dissolved monasteries now in private hands?
Was made clear to Pope Julius III and legate Reginald Pole that they should be restored to the Church, but was eventually ignored
Why was plea to return monastic land to Church ignored?
Imperial ambassador Renard told Charles that land was in hands of Catholics>Protestants, but due to political impossibility of getting English Church to submit to Rome, was left
Private owners would not hand it back so simply
they all sayin
that my grass
What religious laws did Mary’s third parliament, November 1554-January 1555, pass?
Henrician Act of Attainder and Act of Repeal Jan 1555 revoking royal supremacy
Why were there furious debates between Cardinal Pole and Mary’s councilors?
Furious debates between Pole and Councillors who asserted the view that no foreigners could have jurisdiction over English property
What was the significance of the death of Pope Julius III and the succession of Pope Paul IV?
Paul was anti-Spanish and therefore hostile towards husband Philip, and suspicious of Pole who he regarded as a heretic
How has Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, first published in Elizabeth’s reign, portrayed Mary?
Published in 1563, was most widely read book in England apart from Bible during Elizebth’s reign, Mary was condemned for cruelty and ungodliness in burnings
Describe the geography martyrdom
wrong fuckin subject if u ask me
Its where the burnings took place
Most were from south-east, close to London, Canterbury, Colchester, so close to Protestant central where Edward resided
How can the burning of heretics be seen to have failed?
Sympathy was great for the martyrs, and also failed to ultimately extinguish heresy
nice to know some thought twas wrong
i mean avanis not one of em but u cant have everything
What measures did the Council take to limit the negative effects of the burnings?
Tried to attempt banning servants, apprentices and the young in general from attending burnings
Reduce audience and ig scaring em
its called character building get tf over it
What other, less repressive, reforms did Mary introduce?
Restoring the resources of the Church that had been removed in the last 20 yrs
Pole tried ensuring quality of pastoral provision
Increasing pastoral responsibilities
Which areas in England were very strongly Catholic
North, such as Manchester
Which areas in England were somewhat strongly Catholic
North west, such as Cheshire
Which areas in England were strongly Protestant
South east, such as Suffolk, Essex and Kent
To what extent had Mary transformed the religious situation by 1558?
to be brief ofc
Bulk of the country remained Catholic
More could have been done if Church’s institutional structure and divisions in Crown weren’t so large, but ultimately Mary did not complete what she set out to do
What were the -ve economic records on Mary
Demand for rapid increase in population directly proportional to inflation
1555 and 1556 poor harvests
Sweating sickness meant people needed healthcare and more curing ailments
What happened to the Court of First Fruits and Tenths and Court of Augmentations
Both taken over by Court of Exchequer
What was a big financial mistake she made involving Edward
Remitting the final part of Edward’s subsidy, which bought her some cheap popularity but at some financial cost
whatever that means
What sort of measures were to later help Elizabeth in her reign?
Plans for recoinage drawn up from 1556 to 1558
What social problems did England face in 1556-58
Huge mortality rate from influenza epidemic
Series of harvest failure
Taxation was high in order to pay for war against France
What measures did Marian government introduce to help the poor?
Emphasis on enforcement of laws against grain hoarders and strong encouragement to convert pasture land to tillage
i mean u cud just give em a house but sure
What was the main grievance of the rebellion
Resentment of the proposed royal marriage, especially amongst rebellions’ leaders
What were the motives of Wyatt + the rebels
Prospect of Spanish marriage
Xenophobia (fear/dislike of foreigners), a tad racist
Decline in local cloth industry (social and economic grievances)
Some gentry who lost office within the country
What was the significance of the rebellion?
Showed despite Protestants in a minority, religious opinions couldn’t be ignored
Demonstrated extent to which was popular suspicion of proposed Spanish marriage
What was a significant consequence of the rebellion
Lady Jane Grey’s execution, innocent victim of father’s support for rebellion
Charged under treason for Devyse and father’s support in rebellion
i will never get over dis
What happened to Elizabeth as a result of the rebellion?
Arrested and confined to the Tower
girlie was being thrown in handcuffs and thru doors
What influence did humanism have in Mary’s reign?
Little influence
No scope under Marian Catholicism for expression of evangelical humanism which had been linked to religion reform
Little sign of Catholic humanism which closely associated with Catholic martyrs
so no
it was a long way of saying no
Why did the Catholic Church wish to dissociate itself from humanism?
Pope Paul IV regarded Catholic humanist scholar Erasmus as a heretic
His work was forbidden by Papacy for Catholics to read)
How were Protestants divided in their ideas?
Those happy to use 1552 prayer book as basis for church services
Those who wished to move in more radical direction
Why do some believe that Mary’s persecution of Protestants wasn’t really that bad?
It was normal for the context of the time
In the 16th century, 1000s of people were slaughtered throughout Europe including Scotland, in the name of some version of the ‘true faith’.
What were the plans of the rebels in Wyatt’s rebellion?
To depose Mary and have Edward Courtenay marry Princess Elizabeth who would become Queen
idk who eddie is but i do hope they asked 4 his consent first
How many MPs opposed the reversal of the Edwardian reformation back to Catholicism
What happened at the London Synod?
Pole drew up the Twelve Decrees which spelt out the necessity of all parish priests being resident and sought to put an end to other abuses e.g. pluralism and nepotism
its all very serious isnt it
Why were there lengthy bishopric vacancies from 1557?
Pope Paul IV refused to confirm Marian appointments due to poor relations with Pole
What did parliament refuse to repeal in 1553? How did Mary respond?
Refused to repeal the Act of Supremacy
Mary decided herself to give up the title of Supreme Head of the Church
What % of clergy were dismissed for getting married
Who replaced Cranmer as Archbishop of Canterbury (ABC)
Reginald Pole
Didn’t get along w Pope Paul tho
What fraction of the Protestant martyrs were in the South East and East Anglia?
What was the issue with Mary’s Catholic advisers which meant they couldn’t spread propaganda as well as the Protestants?
Few of her advisors had studies abroad, and they were therefore handicapped by a narrow intellect and a lack of debating skills
How many Protestants did Mary exile?
Why were there only half as many printers in Mary’s reign than before
Because the Protestant printers had left England on her accession
Where were the 3 co-ordinated uprisings during Wyatt’s rebellion supposed to take place?
Kent, Herefordshire, Devon, Leicestershire
What instead actually happened with the uprisings in the rebellion
Only Kent, under Sir Thomas Wyatt, raised supporters
Who was the first Protestant martyr burned?
John Rogers
Biblical translator
What did Mary’s policy of Protestant censorship involve
Forbade the printing of ‘seditious rumours’
Seditious meaning inciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarc
for the less gifted
Why did Cardinal Pole not give ecclesiastical policy his full attention?
Was his responsibility to seek peace between the Hapsburgs and the French
was it rlly
or was he just inhalin crack
Why did the limited Catholic printers fail to sell and produce works of Catholic propaganda?
Pole’s priority was for the clergy to have all the publications they need (e.g. hymnals) and printers struggled to keep up with the demand
What % of MP’s opposed the reversal of the Edwardian reformation?
By what ratio were pro-Catholic works outnumbered by Protestant works because the Marian government failed to realise the potential of literacy and printing?
lil maths 4 u there
What was the first Act of Repeal?
Undid all of the Edwardian reformation
Basically, restored to Church to what it had been in 1547 under the Act of Six Articles
In 1557, who did the Pope name as the new Papal Legate? How did Mary react?
William Peto
Mary trusted Pole and refused to acknowledge that Peto was in a higher position than him
she was not happy
What was the second Act of Repeal
Undid all anti-papal legislation since 1529 and the Henrecian Reformation
Reunited England with Rome
By 1559, the purchasing power of an agricultural worker’s wages had dropped to what % of what it had been 50 years earlier, as a result of inflation
What event shows that Mary’s suppression of Protestant publications were not effective enough?
Latimer and Ridley = imprisoned Protestant leaders in Oxford
They were able to write pamphlets and letters from inside jail, which were then circulated outside
What did Pole do that delayed the Catholic restoration?
Pole’s scheme to overhaul Church finance required 2 huge surveys = one of pensions to former monks and members of the clergy, and the other of poor benefices
This took 18 months and proved to be a cumbersome administrative task
Where was cardinal pole during Henry viii’s religious reforms?
Voluntary exile in Italy in protest
he obviously was acc exiled n was too embarrassed to have it mentioned in the textbook
How did Mary react to the Pope dismissing Pole as papal legate and accusing him of heresy?
Mary refused to let him go to Rome and face the charge
What was the worst death toll since the sweating sickness
Had the worst death toll since the Black Death
How many troops did Wyatt raise?
How close did Wyatt’s rebellion get to the Queen at the Tower, before being stopped there?
Ludgate = 0.5km from Mary
ooh thats a lil spine chilling
Who caught wind of the 1554 Wyatt’s rebellion plot?
Simon Renard
Who was made to confess all he knew about the rebellion?
Edward Courtenay
What did Mary do in the aftermath of Wyatt’s rebellion?
Rode into London and showed crowds her coronation ring
She said she would not betray them as she was the wife and mother of the realm
What change was implemented by Walter Mildmay in 1554 (supposed to be implemented in Edward’s reign) despite him being regarded with suspicious on religious grounds?
Court of Exchequer taking over First Fruits and Tenths and Augmentations
How many copies for the 1552 Prayer Book were in circulation in Mary’s reign?
Why was the Duke of Norfolk forced to return to court after being chosen to stop Wyatt’s rebellion?
His troops were persuaded to join Wyatt’s
i believe henry cavill played him in ‘the tudors’. id very much like to see this film now
Who did Pole reject the help of in 1555 who wanted to come to England to preach about Catholicism?
The Jesuits (an order of priests)
What propaganda opportunity for Catholicism was not seized?
The recantation of Sir John Cheke
Who did Cardinal Pole compare Mary to?
Jesus’ mother
quite fitting rlly w the name n everything
minus ofc the burnings
but yh
everyones got layers
Why do we think that many of the rebels in Wyatt’s rebellion didn’t actually want to overthrow Mary, only protest against her marriage?
It was only 6 months since she had foiled Northumberland’s plot, largely due to popular support and the belief of her legitimate right
How did Mary react to Pole being recalled to Rome to answer charges of heresy in 1557?
Mary refused him permission to go and rejected his replacement as legate
What did Parliament do instead of repealing the Act of Supremacy in 1553
Parliament did pass an Act of Repeal which undid all of
the Edwardian Reformation, revived the Mass, ritual
worship and clerical celibacy, and implicitly reaffirmed the traditional doctrine of the Lord’s
How many Protestants were estimated to have been killed in Germany and Switzerland in 1554?
now for ppl like me who had to look this up
what is a mass exodus
the movement of a lot of people from a place at the same time, e.g. the hurricane warning caused a mass exodus
normally to escape war, persecution or when everyone exits the movie theater after the show’s over
or ofc the horrific experience of leaving an aeroplane in such a rush as if there as priceless gold waiting 4 u at the baggage claim
What did the 1554 Royal Injunctions do
Ordered bishops to suppress
Remove married clergy
Re-ordain clergy who had
been ordained under the English Ordinal
Holy Days, processions & ceremonies
When Bishop Gardiner began depriving married priests of their livings, how many priests lost their posts
243 in Norwich
90 in Bath & Wells
In total 10-25%, although some were reinstated when they conformed
What did the Second Act of Repeal 1554 do
Undid all anti-papal legislation since 1529 and undid the
Henrician Reformation.
Who was John Rogers
A biblical translator
Became the first
Protestant martyr of the reign, when he was burned under the restored heresy laws
Who became the new ABC after Cranmer
Reginald Pole
What did the London Synod do
Issued Twelve Decrees on clerical discipline, against abuses such as absenteeism, pluralism,
simony, and heresy
In all about how many people were executed during her reign
Why was the capture of Calais Pale by the French
Was a lass of dignity for the country
Twas a symbolic loss more than anything cos improved economy in country since they did not have to pay for its upkeep
for the same reasons i must rid myself off of my private shower
i now belong to the streets
What lil piece of info shows Mary’s genuine desire to remain at peace with FP
obvi this is a different circumstance to national peace because she
she liked the flames
Acting as mediator between France and the Habsburgs at Gravelines in the Spring of 1555
Why did England send troops to the Netherlands in 1557
to find peter pan
To help this trade-sensitive region resist French attack.
Why did England lose the Calais attack and therefore lose Calais
u DonT SAY
They launched a surprise attack in winter 1558
2,000 English troops stood no chance against 27,000 French
the odds were against um ill admit
but w the magic of friendship….
anything is possible
What was the Book of Rates, 1558
Detailed the customs duties that were to be levied on imports and exports, the revenue from which went to the Crown
During Mary’s reign there was a move to open up new trade routes and find new markets for English goods
see she wasnt all bad now was she