EDVI - Main Info Flashcards
What did Bishop Ridley do in the beginning of Edward’s reign
touch him
i mean probably
Denounced images of saints and use of holy water to establish a Protestant reign
Why were royal commissioners sent to survey the state of the English churches
Because Somerset was trying to implement Protestant reforms in all churches, even Catholic ones in Aug 1547
Who won the Scottish vs English Battle of Pinkie
not to b confused w the battle of pinkie pie
many pony lives were lost that day…
whoop ig
What was the Sacrament Act of 1547
It allowed communion to be taken in both forms of bread n wine
its cos then the protestants wouldnt get drunk too much off of the wine cos they got a belly full of carbs
i always knew edward was a brainy one
What was the Election of Bishops Act of 1547
Confirmed the monarch’s right to appoint bishops
edward was all like
“im the captain now”
but he was not on a ship
What was the
What was the Vagabond Act of 1547
Any able-bodied person (so def not avani or elishka) who was out of work for 3 days wud b branded with a V and sold into slavery
Their children wud be set to work as apprentices
a bit extreme if u ask me
id have like 5739052 Vs on my body by now
What was the repeal of HVIII’s 1536 state law on letters patent, done in 1547 obviously
Stated EDVI wouldn’t be able to revoke any statute law made during his minority without returning to Parliament
this 9 yr old mf rlly thought they gon let him rule the country
he probs was just gon build bouncy castles instead of a brick one
u know smth…i think more 9 yr olds shud run countries
i want a bouncy castle
What was the repeal of HVIII’s Treason Act of 1547
1st written denial of supremacy was still treason
Only 3rd spoken denial of supremacy was
all funny mfs gon b denying twice in their life out loud n b like u cant catch me mf u aint church head man…n then get offed cos that b the 3rd time
What other acts were repealed in 1547 from HVIII
Act of 6 Articles
King’s Book
Heresy laws
Shows not much changed for Edward reign from HVIII, as England still had no official statement of faith (torn between P and C, twas a religious vacuum)
What was the Chantries Act of 1547
Done to raise money for war against Scotland, stupid somerset
All chantries and their properties would thenceforth belong to the King for as long as he should live
thenceforth. ik. im fancy. call me miss hoity toity
Provided £160,000 income per yr for Crown
What were the negative consequences of the Chantries Act of 1547
despite obviously the religious ones
Economic hardship for local urban communities as no alms
Rumours began that parish property would b confiscated next
Now, since I had to google this n b4 avani asks
What are alms
Money or food given to poor people
u r very welcome
What did the Privy Council abolish w Catholic practices in Feb 1548
Candles at Candlemas
Palms on Palm Sunday…so its now just a regular sunday
Ashes on Ash Wednesday…so also just now a regular wednesday
Creeping to the cross on Good Friday…ig u cud say twud b a bad friday to b a catholic
What was Somerset’s Epistle of Exhortation of Feb 1548
Wanted to end expensive Scottish campaign (THAT I FEEL THE NEED TO MENTION HE STARTED) by marrying Edward to Mary Queen of Scots (WHO WAS CATHOLIC BY THE WAY) so he could use troops to ensure domestic stability
Was Somerset’s Epistle of Exhortation of Feb 1548 successful
He couldn’t enforce it as he hadn’t blockaded the place
So French troops took Mary to France
bitch was snatched
Who was William Body n why do I care
He was a supporter and rather radical man of Protestantism
He would remove n destroy statues of saints from Cornish churches to push away from Catholic practices
When he tried to continue to do this in Helston, people became angry n he was stabbed to death
The mob that killed him demanded no further religious changes until Edward was 24
How many ppl were in the Heltson mob that killed Body
What did the Privy Council do following the mob at Helston
Banned all unlicensed preaching
Why did Somerset announce an enclosure commission that wud investigate the scale of enclosure
Cos he mistakenly believed that enclosure was the root of inflation n the country’s growing economic problems
It was acc debasement the stupid mf
What did Mary being held at France do between France and Scotland in August 1548
Auld alliance renewed
England continues to b at war w Scotland
The reason Mary made it to France was cos he hadn’t enforced naval blockade across firth of Forth so French troops could take her
whatever that is
Why did Cranmer begin preparing to write a new prayer book in Sept 1548
Repeal of HVIII’s settlement had not resulted in gradual evolution of Protestantism in England
Instead caused unrest in Helston in defence of Catholic orthodoxy
Suggested England needed a uniform code to follow
What did the First Book of Common Prayer of Dec 1548 outlign
Communion in both kinds confirmed
Plain hosts
No elevation of host
No exorcism by salt (I SHUD FUCKIN HOPE SO) or signing cross over child in Baptisms
No blessing of rings in marriages
No prayers for dead in burials
Feast/Holy days reduced only to Christmas, Easter, Whitsun and a few saints’ days
No feasts of the Virgin (ig we all gon starve)
Transubstiation could b inferred in the wording of Latin Eucharist which remained intact
What was the First Act of Uniformity of 1549
No more regional variations in services
English language for entire service rather than just parts of it
Enforced 1st Book of Common Prayer
Why was Thomas Seymour, Somerset’s brother, executed in March 1549
Convicted of treason by his brother
he mustve taken the last sesame snaps outta the box
Based off an allegation that he sexually abused teenage Princess Elizabeth in hopes to marry her and seize control of the king
mf deserved to die in that case
What made the commoners angry in April 1549 to do w enclosure
Gov pardoned those who illegally enclosed land despite the enclosures commission by Somerset
What was Somerset known as due to his hatred of enclosure
The poor man’s friend
known to b sympathetic to the poor
Why did the Western Rising begin
English Book of Common Prayer challenged regional identity
Local hostility to gov officials
Economic hardships (Hales’ tax on sheep, debasement that caused inflation, collapse tin-mining)
What did the Subsidy Act of March 1549 do
Embraced poll tax on sheep and a purchase tax on woollen cloth
What caused a second rebellion known as the Kett’s Rebellion on the 9th July 1549
Gov announced second enclosures commision with the power to forcibly reverse illegal enclosure
just a complicated way of saying we pro-enclosure now mfs
The rebels wud then send a list of demands to the Privy Council to reverse these changes
What happened from 22nd July to end of August 1549
Kett rebels captured Norwich
Marquis of Northampton retook Norwich and offered pardon
Pardon was refused by rebels
Kett retook Norwich again
i wish to visit norwich to see what all the fuss is abt
me? personally? i wud head str8 to kingston n capture her. love me some bentalls
Why did France declare war on England in Aug 1549
King Henry VII of France wanted to recapture Boulogne
What ended the Western Rebellion on August 16th 1549
Losing the Battle of Sampford Courtenay
Who was good duke n who was bad duke
Good - Somerset
Bad - Northumberland
personally id swap em around but u do u historians
What did the Kett rebels do w the pardon offered by Dudley
Refused it
classic kett
How did Kett’s Rebellion come to an end on 27th Aug 1549
Crushed by Dudley, Earl of Warwick
Kett (obvi the rebellion leader) was arrested and hanged in December
Dudley had military strength and Privy Council support due to this so that he could oust Somerset
What was the Act against images of Nov 1549
rlly useless q but here we go
Stripped churches of remaining vestments, plate, candlesticks and statues
What acts from Somerset did Dudley repeal in Jan 1550 as his parliament reign began
Vagabond Act
Somerset’s tax on sheep n cloth
Who was banned from court due to plotting against Northumberland in Jan 1550
Arundel and Southampton
What was the Treaty of Boulogne of March 1550
Peace w France and England
England withdraws from Scotland n France regains Boulogne in return for an indemnity (compensation paid to England for loss of land)
Why did Northumberland readmit Somerset to the Council in April 1550
Wanted support of him and his allies against his enemies like Arundel and Southampton
Why was Joan Bucher of Kent burned in May 1550
Denied humanity of Christ
Did both dukes continue debasement
Somerset did all throughout time in power
Northumberland knew it caused inflation so only did once more than ended it
What was the reason for the final debasement of the coinage in 1551
To create high quality coins whilst waiting for recoinage
To stimulate demand for English cloth abroad
To reduce inflation
Why did Dudley arrest Seymour for the 2nd time in Oct 1551
For treason
Seymour allegedly plotted to murder Northumberland
What did the New Treason Act of Jan 1552 do
Intended to give gov more scope for charging anyone who might object to upcoming 2nd Book of Common Prayer
coming to local bookstores near u
Continued 1547’s distinction between written/spoken denials of supremacy
However added in whole list of words that were also treason if used abt king
why dont ppl try just whispering em
What did the 2nd Book of Common Prayer of Jan 1552 include
Traditional robes were no longer to be worn
Sign of cross prohibited
Prayers for dead were removed from service
Altars were replaced by communion tables
or as i like to call it, the feelings circle
Laity wud continue to receive both bread n wine
Eucharist now called The Lord’s Supper n was only act of remembrance
What did the 2nd Act of Uniformity of April 1552 do
Enforced 2nd Book of Common Prayer
What was the New Poor Law of April 1552
Parishes to collect n distribute alms (changed from HVIII poor law where it was responsibility of JPs)
Alleviated some of the economic hardship of the commons
They were suffering economic hardships from debasement, inflation n enclosure, collapse of regional industries (like tin mining in Cornwall n cloth trade w Antwerp), no longer monasteries/chantries to offer alms
Why did Parliament reject Cranmer’s attempt to enforce a new canon law that wud give the Church the power to excommunicate ppl
It wud make the Church more powerful than the state
Why did Dudley get Lady Jane Grey to marry his son, Guildford Dudley in May 1553
Dudley knew Edward was ailing (in poor health) n wanted to protect his own power base by changing the succession to Lady Jane Grey n hoped that England wud still have a king (his son)
Also meant England wud remain Protestant n not go to his Catholic older sister, future Bloody Mary
This plan to change the succession became known as the Devyse
evil name for an evil plan
What scored Northumberland his title of bad duke
The Devyse
A selfish plan to keep power after the king’s untimely soon death
Why did Edward sign the letters patent that altered the succession in favour of LJG
Wanted to protect the reformist settlement
He knew Mary wud return England to Catholicism
How many peers and civic leaders signed the letters patent for the Devyse in June 1553
Where did Mary flee to in June 1553 to avoid the summons to court where she knew she wud be arrested after hearing of the Devyse
Why was Edward’s death kept a secret
Privy Council wanted time to capture Mar and install LJG as queen
Where did Northumberland leave London w an army to meet Mary’s forces to
East Anglia
What did the Privy Council do once Northumberland was out of London
Defected to Mary
What happened to LJG
Was disposed on 19th July 1553
Only queen for 9 days
still longer than me tho cant complain im still at 0
She was then executed in Feb 1554 in Tower of London at only 17 yrs old
What do ppl often refer to Edward as in terms of, specifically historian Penry Williams (politics, chessboard)
and yes his name is penry tis not a typo <3
he liked em idk
well a lil
but no
“Edward was a cypher in politics, exercising little influence of his own. He was like a king on a chessboard”
He had potential, figurative power but not literal
What were the problems with Edward’s accession to the throne
Country religiously divided
Crown finances had been ruined by expensive wars vs France n Scotland
auld alliance shi
Debasement = inflation
Decline in real wages
Crown compromised long term security by selling monastic lands to raise money quickly
Insolvent crown
What was in HVIII’s will
Regency council to govern England during Edward’s minority
Set up country correctly in Protestant perspective, ready for Edward’s coming-of-age arrival
What happened to the Regency Council
Didn’t last long
Promptly delegated power to Hertford who was appointed Protector at the time
What did Somerset do to enforce his power after he secured control
by showing off his rlly cool handstands
By controlling Privy Chamber thru appointment of supporter, Sir Michael Stanhope
Who is this Michael Stanhope
we stan his hopeful attitude
Was Somerset’s brother in law
bro tryna keep it in the family
What were some of Somerset’s policy failings
His approach to foreign policy w Scotland
Badly mishandled 1549 rebellions
did anyone ask 4 his content to b mentioned in the textbook
in this economy?
no? well lets start there
Whose support did Northumberland n his supporters try n secure b4 he came to power later on
Princess Mary but she wanted to steer clear of any conspiracy
she aint yoloing
How did Somerset fall from power
ze exploding kind
wrong joke 4 wrong flashcard
what an excellent question
i am currently writing this on the edge of my seat abt to read some notes 4 i do not know the answer to this
r u too on the edges of ur seats ladies? or gents…it wudve been a while since i wrote this to u learning em u procrastinating bitches so u might identify as men by now im not sure
i just realised ive done this flashcard b4
imma kms
but as a reminder
Costly wars
Economic mismanagementn
Brought crown into financial ruin
Imprisoned twice
Eventually hung
U get the drill luv ya<3
What is a coup
smth u r not a part of…a couple
sorry didnt mean to start crying
A sudden, violent and unlawful seizure of power from a government
i need to stop sweating from my eyes
its just so bloody sad
How did Warwick (Northymberland, not to b confused w Earl of Warwick from HVII who caused more problems then I did from when I was 14)
How did Warwick consolidate his power
Presided as Lord President of the Council
Performed a second coup to consoldiate his power, which was directed at the conservatives
Later assumed that wearwick always intended to do the second coup to b able to exercise unlimited power
i made a lot of spelling mistakes in these flaschards
no it is not 3am
it is 1130am on a thursday
i shud b awake
im sorry
Why good n bad duke
guess u never questioned it did u U FREAKING CONFORMIST
N = bad duke, shown as ruthless for coups against S n conservatives, securing S execution n Devyse
S = good duke, im not kidding ppl were just like he wasnt so bad so there
How did American historian Dale Hoak attempt to defend Northumberland despite his bad duke title
he gave good head
well maybe
He claimed that N was no more unscrupulous than any other leading Tudor politician
Said he was “one of the most remarkably able governors of any European state during the 16th century”
a grand compliment. why wudntt hoak say that bout me
Who became Northumberland’s key administrator
William Cecil
What was N’s main priority in gov
Peace in the realm
England needed a period of stabilisation
So he sought to have sound control over Privy Council and localities
Became less conciliar
What was the original plan of succession in HVIII’s will
If Edward dies without children he shud b succeeded by Princess Mary
What did the Devyse do to the succession
Would declare Mary and Elizabeth illegitimate
So if Edward were to die, succession would fall upon Lady Jane Grey (daughter-in-law)
silly lil bugger
Now how did the Devyse collapse
well let me tell u
me n the blacksmith were DYING at the time
was quite the joke of the evening
Edward died on 6th July 1553 b4 parliament cud meet selfish fuckah
Without parliamentary sanction the Devyse was patently illegal
What was Somerset’s approach to Scotland
Very aggressive
like me n ur mum last night
Determined by strategic objective to reassert ancient claim to scottish throne
How did Somerset’s approach to Scotland differ from HVIII’s
HVIII was only aggressive to Scots to sideshow main action against France
But Somerset just wanted to defeat Scotland
What was Somerset’s strategy to defeat Scotland
To defeat the Scots in battle, build and garrison a number of forts in the borders and south of Scotland and force them into submission
How did Somerset’s Scotland strategy succeed
Defeated Scots at the Battle of Pinkie in Sep 1547
go them ig
u may b asking why im a lil salty abt this
well spotted
its cos m n dave were supposed to b leading the battle but then dave was shot in the head cos he stole edwards horse to get there
he died in front of me
so i quickly dug a hole to crete in 15 seconds n was frozen there for a couple centuries n came back in 2005
so yh
im a lil salty
n a lil cold
What was Northumerberland’s approach to foreign policy
Was concerned with expenditure on France and Scotland wars, so reduced it to help stabilise the Crown’s finances
How did Northumberland’s plan to reduce expedentiture in FP succeed
wow i spewlt that wrong
Returned Boulogne to France, which brought about an immediate improvement in Crown’s financial position
How did Northumberland’s plan to reduce expedentiture in FP fail
Return of Boulogne perceived as humiliating FP defeat
What are some stereotypes of Edward that ARE WWRONG
Sickly child
only sick on em waves bro
kinda negative but ok
What are the realities of Edward to defeat said stereotypes
Was healthy, only got sick later on in life
Was highly intelligent, attended council meetings
Wrote his own lil book “Edward VI’s Chronicle” in 3rd person
Was very cold and stubborn
“Boy tyrant”
Rlly interested in learning languages like Greek, loved astronomy, jousting, archery and hunting
twas an alpha male at 9 yrs old icl
What was the dif in style of gov between N and S
very cool n slang
i am suave
S = autocratic, without gov
N = collective efforts, w Privy Council
Who was John Hales
Appointed JP and then MP
Was opposed to enclosure
Supported Somerset’s economic policy
Who was Thomas Smith
Linked to treasury as he was the Secretary of State
Involved w Somerset
thats a lot of sssss
so let me translate for the lisps out there
the Threcretary of Thate
involved w Thomerset
Who was William Paget
King’s Secretary
Highly trusted
idk him so imma keep my distance i watched star wars ik betrayal when i see it
Key member of the Privy Council
What religion were S and N
Both strongly Protestant
good for eddie ig
What % of Londoners were Protestant by 1547
u have no idea how many times i had to retype londoners i kept writing londonders
idk why
Who was Nicholas Ridley
Leader of London Protestantism
Cambridge level student
Chaplain to HVIII and quickly emerged as prominent in EDVI reign
What is iconoclasm
an icon
well no
but in detail
The breaking of images
Part of Protestant reform
What does Zwinglian mean
no im not making that up
Relating to or characteristic of the Swiss Protestant reformer Ulrich Zwingli or his doctrine
ofc everyones first guess
What were Cranmer’s Forty-Two Articles of Religion
Issued in June 1553
Defined essentials of CoE faith
Reflected influence on Cranmer of Swiss reformers Zwingli and Bullinger
But king died within few weeks of issue meant it was never implemented
Why did people spend less on church goods and leave less money to the Church post 1540
Reaction to destructive attitudes of Crown
People increasingly felt there was lil point in leaving money to Church if was chance bequests wud b confiscated by Crown (bequest meaning legacy)
What was the crisis in parishes during his reign
Guilds n special funds abolished
Services became plainer
Plays n ales were abolished
How did parishes try to avoid the Crown taking their plates and jewels (treasury)
Selling them
What is John Guy’s view of 1549 (rebellion yr)
Was “the closest thing Tudor England came to a class war”
but like
who asked
What is another name for the Western Rebellion
The Prayer Book Rebellion
u know
they rebelled against a prayer book
What happened w the maintenance of trade w Netherlands during N’s control
Broke down trade because of Protestantism in 1550
Normal relations were re-established with France (Charles V) in 1552 to sustain economy
go look at the picture of hviii in bed dying pointing at edward n talk abt it
Why don’t ppl often talk abt Edward grieving his mother Jane
Cos as a royal baby he wouldn’t normally spend a lot of time w his mother, so he didn’t miss much
Were subsitutues for affection
Mary and Elizabeth were also always w him
Where was the heartland of Protestantism
u guessed it
or didnt
Who delivered the sermons at Edward’s coronation that spoke of reforming Church of England
Thomas Cranmer
who else
cheeky bugger
Why did Somerset take Edward to Windsor Castle n why was Eddie unhappy w the situation
To hide him from hearing of an upcoming coup
Eddie didn’t like the conditions of the castle (no galleries, no gardens, etc) so he overexaggerated conditions of his cold that he caught on the way
yh cos all my castles have fuckin galleries n shi
ungrateful lil rat
How was Edward’s royal progress of summer 1552 significant
He wud stay in houses of aristocratic courtiers for few days at a time, hunting in their parks and being wined and dined
Was seen as an important figurehead
First real opportunity to be seen
bestie was 14 n downing spiritis w no tmrw
What is England believed to have become at the time if Edward had a long reign
More efficient
Militarised (vast army n network of efficient fortifications)
Centralised the economy (planning markets n investing in industry which did not happen for another century in Europe since obvi Eddie kicked the bucket)
Created Protestant extremism
Modern, Protestant state (like what happened in Prussia n Sweden)
Why did ppl want Mary to take over after Edward despite the Devyse
Cos the ppl wanted a real Tudor as the next monarch to continue the dynasty despite her being Catholic
What did Edward do in 1552 that begun to show his good quality government
Made links with foreign ambassadors
Drafted plans to fortify Portsmouth with a standing army
Plans to establish English textile market to rival Antwerp’s
How did Somerset bypass Edward’s approval to complete his own initiatives while in rule
Used the king’s stamp (seal)
cheeky one
What quote from historian Dickens suggests that the Protestant reformation was long-term, even into Mary’s reign
“The forest of Protestantism was spreading relentlessly across the landscape of a nation”
But these views r often distorted w retrospect into Elizabeth’s rule who made the country permanently Protestant
How often were the clergy instructed to preach with Cranmer’s Book of Homilies
4 times a year