EDVI - Dates Flashcards
When did Edward’s reign begin
Feb 1547
When did Bishop Ridley denounce images of saints and the use of holy water
March 1547
edward was told stop doing the twerk
but what he heard was step aside n let me get to work
When did Somerset invade Scotland
Sept 1547
somerset was told do not invade
he heard come on bitches lets rain on scotlands parade
When was the English victory at the Battle of Pinkie commissioned by Somerset
Sept 1547
When was the Sacrament Act
u guessed it
When was the Election of Bishops Act
im bored of edward
When was the Vagabond Act
yh im sorry too
When was the Chantries Act
just pls move on
When was Somerset’s Epistle of Exhortation
Feb 1548
yay i bit of a change
When was the proclamation to remove images from churches issued
Feb 1548
When was the Order of Communion to be in English rather than Latin included in the mass
March 1548
When was William Body murdered
April 1548
When did Somerset announce the Enclosure Commission
June 1548
When was the auld alliance renewed
Aug 1548
When was the First Book of Common Prayer submitted to Parliament
Dec 1548
When was the 1st Act of Uniformity
Jan 1549
When was Thomas Seymour executed 4 treason
March 1549
When did the Western Rising begin
6th June 1549
When did Somerset suspend the tax on sheep n woollen cloth to reduce upset causing the Western Rebellion
26th June 1549
rlly didnt last that long
When was the Subsidy Act
March 1549
When did the Privy Council urge Somerset to crush the rebellions decisively
this q sounds like tryna meet the word count on an essay
7th July 1549
When did France declare war on England
Aug 1549
When were the Western rebels crushed which ended u guessed it the Western Rebellion
16th Aug 1549
When did John Dudley (who wud later become Duke of Northumerbland, the President of the Privy Council) offer Kett rebels a pardon to back down
3rd August 1549
When was Somerset arrested for first time on order of Dudley
October 1549
When was the Act against images
Nov 1549
When did Dudley become Lord President of the Privy Council
Feb 1550
When was the Treaty of Boulogne
March 1550
When did Dudley readmit Somerset to the Privy Council
April 1550
When was the proclamation that replaced altars with wooden tables
Nov 1550
When did Dudley commission the seizure of Church plate to be able to turn into coin
Feb 1551
When was the final debasement of the coinage from the church plate
Throughout 1551
When did Dudley become Duke of Northumberland
Oct 1551
When was Somerset arrested the 2nd time for treason
Oct 1551
When was Somerset executed 4 treason
Jan 1552
kid was rethinking in prison 4 a while
When was the New Treason Act established
Jan 1552
When was the 2nd Book of Common Prayer submitted to Parliament
Jan 1552
When was the 2nd Act of Uniformity
where is the originality in laws these days
April 1552
When was the New Poor Law introduced
April 1552
When was the 2nd BCP finally in use
Nov 1552
When was Cranmer’s new canon law idea rejected by Parliament that allowed the Church to have the power to excommunicate ppl
March 1553
When did Dudley have his son marry LJG
May 1553
When did Edward give royal approval to Cranmer’s 42 articles that he presented previously to the Privy Council in Nov 1552
June 1553
When did Edward sign the letters patent that altered the succession in favour of LJG
June 1553
When did Edward die
6th July 1553
When did Northumberland’s army meet Mary’s forces in East Anglia
12th July 1553, 6 days after Edward died
When was LJG announced queen as well as Edward’s death
10th July 1553
When was LJG disposed as queen and Mary was proclaimed queen
19th July 1553
When was Cranmer’s Forty-Two Articles issued but was notably never fully implemented due to EDVI’s untimely death
June 2553
yes it was so complex and layered it needed a millenium to implement
it is still in the process of being written up
thats the right one
move on
What was the worst yr for Tudor Rebellion
there was a lot of em
When was Edward’s royal progress
When was Edward’s age of majority (right to rule in his own right) reduced from 18 to 16 due to his obvious intelligence
Spring of 1552
but ofc course he died b4 he turned 16 so never acc implemented
When was Somerset’s rule
When was Northumberland’s rule
which u will note is significantly shorter