Mary and government Flashcards
Privy council
was utilised for the daily running of government and became far more established
Mary expelled Northumberland’s followers from the council, but retained Edward’s experienced administrators like Paget
restored members
like Gardiner to the Privy council
the number increased to about 50 members - some think this number helped lead to factional rivalry
Philip helped establish an ‘inner’ council of 9 trusted men
was initially criticised and could potentially lead to further conflict and factional rivalries
‘inner’ council
set up specialised committees that were able to focus on specialised issues of government; an innovative and effective way to streamline the efficiency of government
Simon Renard
Charles V’s ambassador
she often took advice from him, which tended to reduce the importance of the Privy council in policy matters
factional rivalry
she could not prevent rivalries between Lord Gardiner and Paget
for example the dispute over Mary’s marriage
united front of the council
they tended to maintain a united front
some, like Gardiner, had doubts about the effectiveness of the burnings, but kept these largely to themselves
Oct 1553
voted for the First State of Repeal, repealed all doctrinal legislation passed since 1529
parliament and Mary
generally they supported Mary throughout her reign as she posed little threat to the nobility and gentry
securing support of parliament
married Philip
full return to Rome
declaration of war against France in alliance with Habsburg Spain
her reign saw the continuation of attempts to open new trade routes
her government encouraged trade with Morocco and the Guinea coast
by fostering good relations with Merchants, Mary’s government was able to increase customs rates
revenue collections
Mary attempted to make revenue collections more efficient by transferring more money to the exchequer
was reorganised and re-equipped
main aim to help [hilip in his war against the French, but the improvement were important in helping Elizabeth defeat Philip 30 years later
Problems for Mary
- inherited a kingdom with fundamental religious divisions
- no political experience
financial reforms
Penry Williams - were “at least adequate”
militia reforms
John Guy - “a landmark in English military organisation”