marxism Flashcards
karl marx
structural theory
1)society shapes the individual
2)macro approach
modernist theory
1)written after industrialisation
2)urban societies
conflict theory
1)negative tone
2)focus on social class inequality
revolutionary change
quick and radical change from capitalism to commie
how is a capitalist society organised?
1)bourgeoisie/ruling class-small wealthy elite w most power in capitalism
2)proletariat/working class-majority of pop,lack power most in capitalism
means of production
things needed to generate wealth (land, factories, machines etc)
relations of production
connections needed to generate wealth (hierarchies in workplace, contacts)
economic infrastructure
economy, consists of means of production and private property owned by ruling class
all other institutions used to justify social class inequality+exploitation
impact of economic infrastructure?
without it, capitalism dies
3 ways superstructure maintains exploitation
1)media-justifies success of rich
2)religion-rewards conformity in afterlife
3)education-promotes meritocracy
lack of connection working class have over products they produce (line production etc)
surplus value
profit absorbed by ruling class after proletariat’s wages have been paid
false class consciousness
proletariat dk they’re being exploited-blame themselves
full class consciousness
proletariat become aware of exploitation and seek change
4 reasons for a revolution
1)cost of living increase
2)mass unemployment
3)reduced wages
4)political corruption
5 features of a commie state
1)no money
2)no religion
3)no government
4)complete democracy
5)full ownership of means of production
cons of marxism
1)too econmically deterministic-ignore racism etc
2)over emphasises conflict- functionalists say theres a sense of belonging