functionalism Flashcards
durkheim, parsons
structural theory
society shapes the individual
modernists theory
written after industrialisation-urban societies
consensus theory
based on agreement and shared values
evolutionary change
slow+progressive, predictable+stable
equation for social order
value consensus+SDL=social order
value consensus+how achieved?
1)agreed set of norms+values
impact of VC
holds society together like social glue, providing a sense of belonging. prevents egoism and anomie
1)institutions like education teach key skills-then FILTERS them into categories based on ability
2)institutions like family provide EMOTIONAL SUPPORT so ppl can carry out their functions well
impact of sdl
suitable ppl must fill job roles or institutions will suffer disrupting social order leading to anomie
organic analogy
1)both made of interconnected parts-if one struggles whole system does as each part is equally useful
2)both have basic needs to function (functional pre-requisites or GAIL)
3)if something exists it must perform a function
goal attainment
society needs targets to meet and the means in which to obtain them
society must be able to survive at all times (change)
society requires a sense of belonging and community to avoid egoism
all ppl need emotional support to carry out their roles well
impact of functinal pre requisites
achieves social order
structural differentiation
laws changing to reflect society changing eg marital rape act of 1991
impact of structural differentiation
makes change more predictable so society can work together in order to manage change well
cons of functionalism
1)too deterministic-says ppl lack choice in what they do in THEIR lives
2)fails to explain conflict like gender race social class etc
3)rose tinted view of society