action theories Flashcards
action theory definition
individuals shape society thru their actions
micro approach
focus on small scale research
mead says…
1)ppl interact thru symbols
2)the meaning of symbols can change based on each social setting
3)the interpretations can influence our behaviour+understanding
impact of symbols
1)no fixed meaning to any interaction
2)so structural theories lack credibility
cooley says…
1)looking glass self
2)self concept
3)self fulfilling prophecies
looking glass self definition
individuals shape their view of themselves thru analysing the interactions they’ve had w others
self concept definition
how ppl view themselves
self fulfilling prophecy definition
when a label is reinforced over time, it becomes internalised and part of someones self concept
impact of labels
negative on ppl-self fulfilling prophecies can explain why ppl fall into crime etc
goffman says…
theres a:
1)social audience
social audience definition
life is a stage, we are actors
upstage definition
here they perform for their audience to recieve positive labels
impact of drama
negative as all interactions are based on impression management and we never get to be our true self
cons on action theories
1)fail to consider impact of structural processes on behaviour of individuals
2)can be deterministic-views on self fulfilling prophecy assumes that all negative labels become internalised-some may reject them