Marxism Flashcards
outline the structure of Marxist society
- built on an economic base (capitalism)
- society/ institutions (the superstructure) are formed to maintain capitalism
outline pre modern society
pre industrial revolution, there was the pre-modern society;
- based on agriculture
- the feudal lord/landowner exercised political, economic judgement
- land was the main source of wealth and so was a motive force of the ruling class
- aim of production was consumption - not accumulation
- was a strong collective consciousness
outline modern society
post industrial revolution, is modern society;
- cities + their populations grew - as did poverty, crime and other social issues
- people now work to generate money for themselves + produce goods for the owner of the means for production (bourgeoisie) in return for a salary
- workers have to take on low-paid roles
- modern production maximises output + minimises cost (profit is key)
- with the era of enlightenment, people looked to rational thought
outline the case study of Grenfell Tower
- the Grenfell Tower is based in Chelsea; one of the most affluent areas
- killed 72/350 residents
- the fire was due to the less safe - but cheaper - materials used in its construction (flammable cladding) which enabled the fire to spread quicker
- Laws around construction were ambiguous and allowed loopholes for cheaper construction
- constructors of the block are also to blame as they cut corners to spend less money; profit is key and comes at the danger of the w/c
outline the case study of the Rana Plaza
- a Bangladesh factory producing fast fashion collapsed - killing 1,100 people
- after years of protest, murder charges were filed to those involved in forcing workers to work after a crack in the structure
- consumers of fast fashion must acknowledge their contribution to the continuity of w/c exploitation
outline contextual examples of Marxism
- there is the 1% who exploit the poor
- globalisation allows for exploitation across boarders
- white collar crimes are ignored
- crumb analogy: ruling class feeds the w/c just enough to work without revolting
outline Gramsci’s core views
- a humanist Marxist
- hegemony (ideological leadership) explains how the RC maintains their position
- the WC must develop a counter hegemony to become dominant
- he rejects economic determinism as an explanation of change
- G explains the RC dominance in society by 2 things: coercion (uses institution such as police to force WC to accept its rule) + consent/ hegemony (uses ideology to legitimise their rule)
outline Gramsci’s view of revolution and hegemony
the RC relies heavily on consent to maintain their rule which they’re able to do as they control institutions
- revolution hasn’t yet occurred due to the RC hegemony that society accepts
- the WC can only revolt by having a counter hegemonic bloc - where an organic intellectual (class conscious leader) will bring about an ideological revolution
why does Gramsci think the ruling class hegemony is never complete
1) the RC are a minority:
- to rule they need to create a power bloc by making alliances w/ other groups - like the MC
2) the proletariat has a dual consciousness:
- their ideas are influenced by both bourgeois ideology as well as the poverty + exploitation they experience (their material conditions)
- they can see through the dominant ideology to an extent
outline 2 criticisms of Gramsci
- he overemphasises the role of ideology + underemphasises the role of both state cohesion and econ factors
- many are aware of their exploitation but wont revolt due to fear of consequences
- e.g. Willis: describes WC lads as ‘partially penetrating’ bourgeois ideology by recognising that in schools, meritocracy is a myth
outline Althusser’s criticisms of Marx’s base superstructure model
- Marx: societies economic base determines institutions, ideologies + actions. challenges to the base causes changes in the structure + the downfall of capitalism
- Althusser: society is made up of 3 levels that have relative autonomy (independence)
- the economic, political and ideological level
- a collapse in one level means the others will still exist
outline Althusser’s concept of ideological and repressive state apparatuses
- political and ideological levels perform indispensable functions
outline Marx’s concept of historical materialism
- materialism = the view that humans have material needs (e.g. food, shelter etc). in doing so they use the means of production
- in early history, production is unaided human labour - but over time people develop tools to assist production
- in working to meet their needs, humans enter social relations of production - cooperating with each other
- as the means of prod. develops, so does the social relations of prod and so a division of labour/ 2 classes are formed (class that owns means of prod and the class that doesn’t)
outline Marx’s concept of class society and exploitation
- primitive communism: in early humanity, society was classless, there was no private ownership/ exploitation, everyone worked + everything was shared
- there were 3 successive class societies; ancient (exploitation of slaves legally tied to their owners), feudal (exploitation of serfs (agricultural worker) legally tied to the land) and capitalist society (exploitation of free wage labours)
outline Marx’s concept of capitalism
- cap is based on the division between the owners/ bourgeoisie and the labourers/ proletariat
- 1) proletariat are legally free + separated from the means of prod. they have to sell their labour in return for wages
- this exchange of labour + wage is unequal. the capitalist makes surplus value/ profit
- 2) through competition, ownership of the means of production becomes concentrated in fewer hands. this drives independent owners into the proletariat
- competition also results in lower wages - causing immiseration (impoverishment of the proletariat)
- 3) cap continues to expand means of prod in its pursuit for profit meanwhile tech advances de-skills the workforce
- concentration of ownership + de-skilling of proletariat produces class polarisation of the minority capitalist class and the majority working class