Functionalism Flashcards
outline logical criticisms as an external critique of functionalism
- F is teleological - the idea that things exist because of their function
- however a real explanation is one that identifies the cause of things
- F is also unscientific - a theory is only scientific if it can be proved wrong
outline conflict criticisms as an external critique of functionalism
- Marxists critique F for its inability to explain conflict and change
- society isn’t harmonious - its based on exploitation + divisions
- F is a ‘conservative ideology’ - justifies the existing social order
outline action perspective criticisms as an external critique of functionalism
- Wrong: F has an over socialised and over deterministic view of the individual. e.g. socialisation shapes peoples behaviour - they have no free will
- F reifies society (treats it as a distinct thing over individuals, with its own needs), whereas social reality is only constructed by individuals
outline postmodern criticisms as an external critique of functionalism
- F assumes society is stable which doesn’t explain instability/ conflict in PM society
- F is a meta narrative - is a big story of society that isn’t applicable to PM fragmented society
name Parson’s 3 similarities between society and a biological organism (organic analogy)
- system
- system needs
- functions
outline Parsons view of the family in terms of social change
- the functions performed by the family depends on the type of society
- there are 2 family structures: the nuclear family and the extended family
- there are 2 types of societies: modern industrial (fits the NFs) and traditional pre-industrial society (fits the extended families)
- traditional pre industrial society: families spend their whole lives in one village working the same job that could be passed down generationally (agriculture)
- modern industrial society: industries require people to move where the jobs are (a geographically + socially mobile work force is needed)
define structural differentiation in terms of social change
- the gradual process in which separately specialised institutions develop to meet a different need
define moving equilibrium in terms of social change
- as a change occurs in one part of a system, it produces changes in other parts
what is an AO3 evaluation of Parson’s view of the family
- Young and Willmott + Laslett: the NF was the most common family type pre-industrialisation so was the extended family actually the most suited?
- Y and W: industrialisation didn’t give way to a nuclear family but more so a ‘mum-centred’ w/c nuclear family
- the ext. family hasn’t disappeared - and it still performs important functions (financial stability, childcare)
outline system as a similarity between society and a biological organism
- the human body and society are both self regulating systems of independent parts that work together (organs - institutions)
outline system needs as a similarity between society and a biological organism
- organisms and the social system have needs that must be met to survive
- e.g. members must be socialised
outline functions as a similarity between society and a biological organism
- the function of a system it makes to meet the system needs ensures its survival
- e.g. the circulatory system carries oxygen + nutrients to the tissues and the economy helps maintain social order by meeting the need for food and shelter
outline Parson’s idea of the family’s loss of functions
- the pre-industrial family was multi functional; e.g. was both a unit of production (family members worked together) and a unit of consumption (fed + clothed its members)
- when society industrialises, the fam changes its structure from extended to nuclear and loses many functions
- thus, the nuclear fam performs 2 functions: primary socialisation of children and stabilisation of adult personalities
what are Parsons 2 family functions
1) the primary socialisation of children: equips them with basic skills + societies values to integrate them into society
2) the stabilisation of adult personalities: the family is a place where adults can relax / release tensions which allows them to return to the workplace refreshed and ready to meet the demands - its functional for efficiency of the economy
how does Parsons think social order is achieved
- it’s achieved through the existence of a central value system (a shared culture) as it provides a framework for individuals to cooperate through how they should behave etc
- social order is only possible as long as members of society agree on these norms + values (value consensus)