Marx Fem Gender And Class Inequality Flashcards
What are the studies for Marx fem for gender and class inequality?
- Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
- Margret Benston
- Fran Ansley
- Irene Brugel
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
What is the role of the family according to Diane Feeley and how does the family do this ?
Family reproduce the next generation of workers by brains washing them into Norms and values that benifit capitalism by encouraging them to be obedient and hardworking
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
What does the family teach Children
Children to submit to a form of parental authority that is patriarchal
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
How exactly is the family patriarchal
Word of father must not be challenged which helps them to accept place in capitalist heirachy of power and control
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
How are boys brainwashed in the family ?
That their role is To become breadwinner
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
How are girls brainwashed in the family ?
Role to be housewives
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
What does the family socialise its members into accepting ?
To accept traditional gender roles and natural for men and women to have separate roles in the home so can pass to generation to generation
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
How does the family support patriarchy ?
Suggest that men and women should have different roles in the family and society so women are subordinate to men
According to Diane Feeley: reproduction and socialisation of workers
How does family support capitalism
By allowing capitalism to go on and underpay women for their labour
Irene Bruegel: a reserve army of labour ,
What does capitalism exploit ?
The differentiation of sexes
Irene Bruegel: a reserve army of labour
How does capitalism exploit the differentiation of sexes ?
By differentiating by men’s work and women’s work
Irene Bruegel: a reserve army of labour
What are the two ways men and women work is differentiating?
- cheap labour for employment for insecure jobs
- reserve amy of labour : if men are less able to work e.g war women had to pick up what men left off and so women can work cheaply to control wages
What does Fran Ansley say for women and class inequality
-Takers of shit
- physical and emotional abuse as safety valve
- women mantain capitalism
What does Margret Benston argue ?
Supporting male workforce for free: renew men’s ability to work attending to emotional and sexual needs to keep capitalism running
Reproduction of free labour: next workers
What does Margret Benston say for women and capitalism?
Unpaid labour of women supports capitalism society and if women were paid would have redistribution of wealth