Market Leader pre intermediate Flashcards
If something happens by accident, no one
planned it or expected it to happen.
accident n. [C)
Most ofthe best ideas are discovered by accident.
dosiahnuť, docieliť, dokázať
to succeed in doing or getting something
you want
achieve v.
The jacket could achieve its sales target with a new
marketing approach
the business of advertising things on
television, in newspapers, etc.
advertising n. [U]
I’ll explain how we can communicate with people through
our advertising and promotion.
when you suggest what someone should do
advice n. [U]
What advice would you give to someone starting their
own business in your country?
to have the same opinion as someone else
agree v.
I agreed with her that we need to change our
marketing strategy.
something that you want to do or get
aim n. [C)
What are the aims of the new magazine?
a business that arranges services for people
agency n. [C)
An advertising agency is a business which advises
companies on advertising and makes ads.
ctižiadostivý, ambiciózny
determined to be successful or powerful
ambitious adj.
Luke is ambitious and does not want to be a sales
assistant all his life
príťažlivosť, pôvab
the quality of something that makes you
like it or want it
appeal n. [C]
Create an event with universal appeal to a potentially
highly diverse audience
páčiť sa, pozdávať sa
If something appeals to you, you like it.
appeal v.
It needs to appeal to people living and working
in cities, as well as to outdoor enthusiasts.
objaviť sa, vynoriť sa, zjaviť sa
become widely available or known about
appear v.
How often will the magazine appear?
1 If you have an argument with someone,
you shout or say angry things to them because you do
not agree with them.
argument, dôvod, argumentácia
2 the reasons that you give to show that something is
right or wrong
argument n. [C]
1 What would you do if you saw two colleagues having an
2 I want to hear all the arguments for and against the
offer before we make a decision.
zariadiť, dohodnúť (si), pripraviť
to make plans so that something can happen
arrange v.
I arranged a meeting with the finance department to
discuss the project.
prítomnosť, účasť
when you go to a meeting, school,
church, etc.
attendance n. [U]
She was warned about her poor attendance and time·
atraktívny, príťažlivý, pekný
If something is attractive, people want
to see it, go to it or have it.
attractive adj.
There could be attractive investment opportunities
over the next five years.
If something is available, you can buy it,
use it or have it.
available adj.
The collar is available in many different styles and fabrics.
rovnováha, balans
singular when you give the right amount
of attention to two different things, rather than giving
too much attention to one of them
balance n. [C]
What is a good work-life balance for you?
zachovať sa, správať sa, konať
to do or say things in a particular way
behave v.
Behave as though nothing has happened.
správanie (sa)
Your behaviour is the way that you act or do
behaviour n. [U]
Certain standards of behaviour are expected at work.
1. za
1. vzadu, za tým
responsible for something that has
behind prep., adv.
Thomas Geissler is the German businessman behind
the machines.
výborne sa predávajúci, najpredávanejší
bought by many people
best-selling adj.
Nestle makes many of the world’s best-selling food
účet, faktúra, účtenka
a list of things that you have bought or that
someone has done for you, showing how much you
have to pay for them
bill n. [C]
Ask for the bill.
reč tela
changes in your body position and
movements that show what you are feeling or thinking
body language n. [U]
Pay attention to the other side’s body language.