FAST TRACK B1 UNIT 2 6.6.24 Flashcards
architect n /ˈɑːkɪtekt/
Jim Thompson was an American architect who moved to
Bangkok after the Second World War.
(za)blokovať, zatarasiť, zahradiť
block v /blɒk/
They block my way and don’t move even when I say politely,
‘Excuse me …’.
café n /ˈkæfeɪ/
There’s a pavement café in the city centre.
candle n /ˈkændl/
I love the candles in your bedroom.
priemyselná televízia, kamerový systém
CCTV camera n /ˌsiː siː tiː ˈviː ˌkæmərə/
CCTV cameras check their speed.
skriňa so zásuvkami, bielizník, komoda
chest of drawers n /ˌtʃest əv ˈdrɔːz/
I’m surprised there isn’t a chest of drawers in the bedroom.
látka, plátno, tkanina
cloth n /klɒθ/
Please clean the kitchen with this cloth.
zbierať/zozbierať, zhromaždiť/zhromažďovať
collect v /kəˈlekt/
They are developing a new way to collect rubbish.
preplnený, prepchatý, nabitý
crowded adj /ˈkraʊdɪd/
The streets are crowded in the summer.
zničiť, rozbiť, obrátiť na trosky
destroy v /dɪˈstrɔɪ/
The new building work is going to destroy the old town.
ľahostajný, mdlý, otupený
dull adj /dʌl/
It’s quite dull in winter.
lopatka na smeti a metlička
dustpan and brush n /ˌdʌstpæn ən ˈbrʌʃ/
He’s cleaning the floor with a dustpan and brush.
paplón, prešívaná prikrývka
duvet n /ˈduːveɪ/
The blue duvet on her bed is lovely.
rýchly pruh
fast lane n /ˈfɑːst leɪn/
In a pedestrian fast lane, the maximum speed is 3 mph.
vyčistiť (sa), prečistiť (sa)
fine v /faɪn/
Police officers fine people not following the rules.
stánok s kvetmi
flower stall n /ˈflaʊə stɔːl/
There’s a flower stall in the town centre.
výmena domov
house swap n /ˈhaʊs swɒp/
They are doing a house swap with a family in the United States.
majetok v domácnosti
household possessions n pl
/ˌhaʊshəʊld pəˈzeʃnz/
Huang Qingjun takes photos of people outside their homes
with their household possessions.
strážiť dom
house-sit v /ˈhaʊs sɪt/
Felix is house-sitting for a friend.
industry n /ˈɪndəstri/
He is famous for rebuilding the Thai silk industry.
živý, čulý, plný života
lively adj /ˈlaɪvli/
The nightlife is lively.
poloha, umiestnenie, miesto
location n /ləʊˈkeɪʃn/
He visited one location where a couple had to move house.
market place n /ˈmɑːkɪt pleɪs/
I really like the market place in your town.
bludisko, labyrint
maze n /meɪz/
This city’s like a maze.
mikrovlnná rúra
microwave oven n /ˌmaɪkrəweɪv ˈʌvn/
I’m disappointed there’s only a microwave oven in the kitchen.
zrkadlo, zrkadielko
mirror n /ˈmɪrə(r)/
Did you see the mirror on the bedroom wall?
úzky (relatívne k dĺžke), tesný (do šírky)
narrow adj /ˈnærəʊ/
Many Italian towns have small or narrow streets
navigácia, navigovanie
navigation n /ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn/
Dustcart is a friendly-looking robot with maps and GPS
o podnikaní
on business phr /ɒn ˈbɪznəs/
There are so many people who come here on business.
na dovolenke
on holiday phr /ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ/
I really don’t understand why they come here on holiday.
vo verejnej doprave
on public transport phr
/ɒn ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt/
Can you get to work or university on public transport?
na internete
on the internet phr /ɒn ðiː ˈɪntənet/
You just look it up on the internet.
na ceste
on the way phr /ɒn ðə ˈweɪ/
I was on the way to the city centre.
on time phr /ɒn ˈtaɪm/
Nobody’s ever on time for anything.
v televízii
on TV phr /ɒn ˌtiː ˈviː/
Do you prefer watching films on TV or at the cinema?
pan n /pæn/
Use this pan to cook the pasta in.
- uncparkovanie
- uncparkovisko
parking space n /ˈpɑːkɪŋ speɪs/
It’s difficult to find a parking space.
pouličný umelec
pavement artist n /ˈpeɪvmənt ˌɑːtɪst/
In the summer you can see pavement artists on some of
pešia zóna
pedestrian area n /pəˈdestriən ˌeəriə/
The pedestrian area is good for shopping.
play area
play area n /ˈpleɪ ˌeəriə/
There’s a play area for the children.
projekt, plán
project n /ˈprɒdʒekt/
He began this project in 2006.
nakladateľ, vydavateľ, nakladateľstvo
publisher n /ˈpʌblɪʃə(r)/
I’m the writer, publisher and the salesman.
zúrivosť, hnev, zlosť
rage n /reɪdʒ/
He was so angry. I had never seen him in such a rage before.
recyklovať, opätovne použiť č
recycle v /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/
These days, we recycle more and more of our rubbish.
robot, (výrobný) automat
robot n /ˈrəʊbɒt/
Dustcart is a street-cleaning robot.
unc(BrE) odpad(ky), smeti
AmE= garbage, trash
rubbish n /ˈrʌbɪʃ/
There’s a huge problem with rubbish in the city centre.
rohož, koberček, predložka
rug n /rʌɡ/
I don’t like the white rugs in the sitting room.
bezpečný, bez rizika
safe adj /seɪf/
The city centre is safe at night.
satelitná anténa
satellite dish n /ˈsætəlaɪt dɪʃ/
The photo shows a satellite dish on the house.
plachta, prestieradlo
sheet n /ʃiːt/
All the beds have got clean sheets.
predajný výklad
shop display n /ˈʃɒp dɪˌspleɪ/
The people in front of me were walking slowly and taking
photos of the shop displays.
(na)kupujúci, zákazník
shopper n /ˈʃɒpə(r)/
There are so many shoppers on the streets.
solution n /səˈluːʃn/
One solution to the problem is a pedestrian fast lane.
predajca suvenírov
souvenir seller n /ˌsuːvəˈnɪə ˌselə(r)/
There are lots of souvenir sellers in summer.
stánok, predajný stôl
stall n /stɔːl/
The market has all kinds of stalls.
čudný, divný
strange adj /streɪndʒ/
Some people think that it’s a strange idea.
statue n /ˈstætʃuː/
It’s famous for its statue of a lion.
Čistič ulíc
street cleaner n /ˈstriːt ˌkliːnə(r)/
The street cleaners keep our city looking nice.
pouličný umelec
street performer n /ˈstriːt pəˌfɔːmə(r)/
You can see street performers every weekend in our city.
študentské ubytovanie
student accommodation n
/ˈstjuːdnt əˌkɒməˌdeɪʃn/
Petra is staying in student accommodation this term
kohút(ik), uzáver
tap n /tæp/
I can’t work the taps in the bathroom.
uterák, osuška
towel n /ˈtaʊəl/
The towels in the bathroom are lovely.
výškový blok
tower block n /ˈtaʊə blɒk/
There are plans to build some tower blocks in the city centre.
nákladné auto
truck n /trʌk/
Rubbish trucks don’t find it easy to get around the narrow
wardrobe n /ˈwɔːdrəʊb/
I’m surprised there isn’t a wardrobe for our clothes.
wash basin n /ˈwɒʃ ˌbeɪsn/
The wash basin in the bathroom is very small.