What theory did Margaret Newman found?
Health as Expanding Consciousness
What was the main basus of the development of Margaret’s theory, health as expanding Consciousness
Martha Roger’s theory of unitary human beings
Newman’s Quote is
We have to embrace a new vision of health. Our caring must be linked with a concept of health that encompasses and goes beyond disease. The theory of health as expanding Consciousness provides that perspective
Major Assumptions in Newman’s Theory
Health encompasses conditions heretofore described as illness or in medical terms, pathology
Is the pattern if the whole of a person and includes disease as a manifestation of thewhole, based on the premise that life is an ongoinf process of expanding Consciousness
According yo Newman, the pattern of the individual patient is essential. The expanding Consciousness is pattern recognitions
The model also addresses the interrelatedness of time space and movement. Time and space are the temporal pattern of the patient and have a complementary relationship
Time space and movement
According to newman the process of recognizing the patient in relation to the environment and it js the process of understanding of consciousness
Person PEHN
The human is unitary. It cannot be divided into parts and is inseparable from the larger unitary field
Environment PEHN
Environment us described as a “universe of open system”
Being the larger whole ehich contains the Consciousness of the individual
Health PEHN
Are synthesized as health the fusion on state of being (disease) with its opposife (non disease)
Nursing - PEHN
Caring in the human health experience. Seen as a partnership between the nurse and client withboth grow in the sense of higher levels of consciousness
This tehory is relevant today and started to be the tonefront if a paradigm shift in nursing care
Application to Literature
Christian nurse force to help patuent know of his healing power. Not having the absence of disease or inability to hopeforbexternal life may contribute to becomes stuck in space and time
Christian nursing care