March 10th Flashcards
what is the mnemonic for the brachial pouches, arches and clefts? What are they derived fro?
CAP–> outside to inside
- Clefts–> ectoderm
- Arches–> mesoderm and neural crest cells
- Pouches–> endoderm
What do the brachial arches give rise to?
mesoderm–> gives rise to the muscle and arteries
Neural crest cells–> give rise to the neurons
What does the 6th brachial arch give rise to?
All intrinsic muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid
What innervates all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx?
Recurrent laryngeal
What is more common bones mets or primary bone cancer? What are the primary bone cancers?
- Multiple myeloma and Lytic
Pt has bone mets from what location cause lytic lesions?
What bone mets cause mixed lytic and blastic lesions?
Male who is 85 years old. What is the class blastic bone mets original cancer location?
- the most common bone mets cancer
what are the most common causes of bone mets?
elderly pt presents a Posterior hip dislocation. What nerve is commonly involved and what actions should the pt have trouble with?
Inferior gluteal nerve
- problems standing from sitting
- Trouble climbing stairs
- trouble jumping
Why does a pt with problems of the inferior gluteal have troubles standing from sitting, climbing stairs or jumping?
Glut max is a powerful hip extensor
- hip extension is required for all of these actions
What activates CDK’s?
hense cdk= cyclin DEPENDENT kisases
what is the most common no-hematopoietic cancer?
How can one differetiate between photosensitivity and stevens-johnson syndrome?
SJS has 2 or more mucous membranes involved
What drugs are more common to cause SJS or TENs?
What other diseases resemble SJS?
Mycoplasma in children
Pts has very bad acne vulgaris. What is the common RX?
What else do tetracyclines act against?
Rickesial Cholera Lyme dz Mycoplasma Chlamydia
What muscles does the radial nerve innervate?
- Brachioradialis
- Extensors + aBductor pollicis longus
- supinator
- Triceps
What increases your chances of tendon rupture from flouroquinolones?
>60 years old Renal transplant Renal failure Hemodialysis Long term glucocoritcoids
Pts comes to office with tender muscular and soft mass at the proximal calf. He is having extreme pain of the right ankle and difficulty walking and plantarflexion. Likely DX if hes on abx’s?
Achilles tendon rupture
What metabolizes 6-Mercaptopurine?
Xanthine oxidase
Thus what increases the toxic motabolite of azathioprine?
Xanthine oxidase inhibitors
- Allopurinol
- Febuxostat
If one were to take both allopurinol and Azathioprine , what would be the unfavorable SE?
Aplastic anemia
What nerve innervates the adductor pollicis?
Ulnar nerve
What is Froment sign?
Pt has a palsy in the ulnar nerve. They recruit their flexor pollicis to try old a piece of paper with their thumb and index rather than adduction of the thumb
Young pt comes to office with short stature and large head. He has a mutation in FGFR3. What is the disease and what is it associated with?
ass. with advanced paternal age