Mapeh WEEK 4-6 Flashcards
– made with or presented on digital technology
– includes art done on a computer or hand-drawn images scanned into a
computer and finished using a software program
Digital art
– used by filmmakers because of the higher quality of the images and effects
– most commonly refers to the 3D computer graphics used to create characters,
scenes, and special effects in films, television, and games
Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)
– easy, convenient, and can be done anywhere
– uses apps to draw, edit photos, or make videos, and accessible
Mobile phone art
– depends on the gigabytes of their camera which they can take an unlimited picture
Digital photography
are automatic, compact, cheaper, and have
permanent lenses with lower resolution.
Point-and-shoot cameras
offer manual controls, interchangeable lenses, higher resolution,
and are bulkier and more expensive.
DSLR camera
– a computer, a digitizing tablet, a stylus, and a particular software to digitally create the
Digital Painting
– even entertainment now comes courtesy of computer devices
– major component of such entertainment is in the form of video games of every
conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill level
Video games
– full-length movies created using animation techniques,
such as drawing, computer-generated imagery (CGI), or stop-motion
Animated Features
– The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
– access to family planning, reproductive health services, and maternal care, helps
couples make informed choices, reduces maternal and infant deaths, provides sexual
health education, and allows teenagers to access contraceptives like condoms and birth
control pills with parental consent
RA 10354
– Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
– to reduce smoking and protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke by banning
smoking in public places, requiring health warnings on tobacco products, and limiting
tobacco ads targeting minors
RA 9211
– Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
– focuses on preventing and controlling illegal drug use, trafficking, and manufacturing
by imposing strict penalties and providing rehabilitation programs for drug dependents
RA 9165
– Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
– to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines through education, testing, and
support for affected individuals
RA 8504
– National Blood Services Act of 1994
– promotes voluntary blood donation, ensures the safety of the blood supply, and
establishes a national blood service to support healthcare needs
RA 7719
Kneel on the floor, tuck your chin to your chest, and reach back to
hold your heel
Rabbit Pose
Sit back on your knees, lower your forehead to the floor, and stretch your arms forward; gently stretches your back
Child’s Pose
Position yourself on hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips
Table Pose
Sit cross-legged with a straight back and relaxed shoulders
Easy Pose
start in a standing position, step one foot back, and bend your
front knee and raise your arms overhead, keeping them straight
Warrior 1 Pose
squat deeply with your feet wide and toes pointing out, then raise your arms to shoulder level.
Goddess squat pose
Turn your body to face the side, keep your front knee bent, and extend your arms parallel to the floor with palms facing down
Warrior 2 Pose
Lie flat on your back with your legs extended and arms by your sides, palms facing down
Corpse Pose
Start in a backbend position, lift your hips, and reach one arm overhead while the other arm stretches towards the floor
Wild Pose
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring your knees toward your chest and hug them with your arms
Relieving Pose
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross one leg over the other and gently twist your lower body to one side, turning your head to face the opposite direction
Belly Twist Pose
Lie on your stomach with your legs straight and tops of your feet on the floor. Place your hands under your shoulders and press into your hands to
lift your chest off the floor
Cobra Pose
Start in a plank position, keeping your body straight.
Slowly lower your body towards the floor while keeping your elbows close to your
Four-Limbed Staff Pose