Maneuvers Flashcards
Power on Stall Nose Low
160 KIAS entry ~8,500 (18,500) entry Alt 30-60% Torque (35%) 15-30* NH If turning 20-30* AOB
Uncommanded nose drop/ roll
Max Relax Roll
3NM forward and 3NM in direction
of turn
Expect 1,500-2,000ft gain
Energy Gainer
Power On Stall Nose High
160 KIAS entry ~ 8,500 or 18,500 entry Alt 30-60% Torque (35%) 30-40* NH (don’t pull through 40) If turning 20-30* AOB
Uncommanded nose drop/ roll
Max Relax Roll
3NM forward 3NM in direction of turn
- 1,500 to 2,000ft gain
Energy Gainer
ELP Stalls
Glide to high key: 125 KIAS wings level 4-6% torque Then raise pitch till gear warning horn Recover: 4* NL and reestablish 125knots 300ft Loss Alt
Glide from High Key to Low Key:
120KIAS (gear down, flaps up)
4-6% Torque
Raise pitch to decay airspeed until stick shaker or approach to stall indication
Lower 8* NL until 120 KIAS regained
Continue 30* AOB
~ 800ft loss Alt
Glide between Low Key and Runway:
120 KIAS (gear down flaps TO)
30* AOB
4 - 6% Torque
Raise pitch to about level sight picture
Allow airspeed to decay until stick shaker or approach to stall indication
Pitch 8* NL
Continue 30* AOB
~ 900ft loss Alt
Energy Loser
TP Overshooting (Nose Low) Stall
120 KIAS minimum (configured)
LDG, TO, or Up
2,500 ft Below
3NM all directions
Simulated Final Turn 10-15% Torque 30* AOB Then PCL idle Increase bank and back stick pressure to approach stall indication
Max, Relax, Roll
Minimize altitude loss
Chase stick shaker (15.5-18units)
Recover complete when wings level and safely climbing
TP Undershooting (Nose High) Stall
120 KIAS minimum (configured)
2,500ft below
3NM all directions
Initiate base turn 30* AOB Pull power to idle Reduce to 20* AOB Pitch NH to approach to stall indication
Max Relax Roll
Chase stick shaker (15.5-18units)
Recovered when wings level and climbing
TP Landing Attitude Stall
5-10 knots above final approach speed for flaps setting (configured)
2,500ft below
3NM all directions
Pull power to Idle
Simulated round out for landing
Hold landing attitude constant until approach to stall indication
Max, Relax, Roll
Don’t allow 3point touchdown or nose first touchdown
Chase stick shaker(15.5-18units)
Recovered when wings level and safely climbing
TP Closed Pull Up Stall
Departure leg
Overly aggressive closed turn
First approach to stall indication
Reduce back stick pressure and rapidly roll wings level
Reduced torque may be necessary in a left closed turn
TP Break Stall
200 KIAS
Simulate normal break turn
60* AOB
10% Torque
Midway through increase bank and back stick pressure until approach to stall indication
Recover by decreasing AOA
Adjust bank as necessary to continue turn to simulated downwind
Start with Max Relax Roll
Aileron Roll
180-220 KIAS
80% - Max Torque
20-30* NH initial pull up
Constant roll
Pass inverted flight with nose above horizon
Split S
- diving 180* heading reversal
Idle - 80% Torque
Initial Pull Up:
40KIAS above briefed entry airspeed
20* NH
Relax back stick pressure and pause before next step
Roll Inverted:
20KIAS above briefed entry airspeed
Straight Pull Through:
B/w 120-140 knots
Max nose track (15.5-17units)
AGSM w/ 3-4Gs
Maneuver Completion:
Relax back stick pressure at approximate lead point
Don’t overshoot level flight
G Awareness Exercise (GX)
200-220 KIAS 80% - Max Torque 3-4Gs 180* of Turn 4 - 5 AGSMs Bank as required (~80* AOB)
“Ready for G’s?”
Lazy 8
200-220 KIAS
50-60% Torque
2,000 ft above, 1,000ft below
Increase NH pitch with shallow bank
As NH reaches 45* you should be 45* through turn
At peak of the first leaf 80-90* AOB and nose on the horizon
As you pass 135* of turn, nose should be 45* NL
Blend stick pressures and rudders to level off at entry airspeed to complete first 180* of turn
Complete opposite direction lead turn in same manner.
Barrel Roll
200-220 KIAS
80% - Max Torque
2,000ft above 1,000ft below
Select reference point
Place nose 45* off of reference point
Increase pitch and bank. As you reach 90* AOB you should be directly above reference
Decrease backstick pressure and increase bank. Plan roll so you reach inverted flight as wings are level. (Should be same distance from reference as when you began maneuver)
Continue roll with increase back stick pressure. Should be 90* AOB directly underneath reference.
Continue roll with increased backstick pressure to roll wings level on the horizon to the right of your reference.
Your nose should draw a circle around the reference in this maneuver
230-250 KIAS
MAX torque
3,000ft above
Smoothly pull nose up to obtain 3-4Gs
Maintain wings level with “wingtip, wingtip, ball”
Should be 100-120 KIAS at top of loop
Pull through and increase G loading again to maintain constant nose track until wings level
Maintaining rudder control is very important
230-250 KIAS
MAX torque
3,000ft above
First half of a loop (3 - 4Gs)
When about 10* NH inverted ease backstick pressure and roll to level flight.
Should be 100-120 KIAS in level flight. Pause for a moment and maneuver is complete.
Cuban Eight
230 - 250 KIAS
MAX torque
3,000ft above
Perform first half of loop until 45* NL
Perform aileron roll to the right
Maintain 45* NL until beginning pull up for second loop
Initial second pull up 35-40 KIAS below entry airspeed, but trying to attain entry airspeed and wings pass level flight
Perform loop and continue until 45* NL inverted
Perform aileron roll to the left (opp direction as first roll)
Level off at entry altitude