Instrument Test Flashcards
Name the three instrument penetration approach procedures/What are the three types of procedural tracks that may be depicted on an approach?
DME/non-DME teardrop, radials (straight in), radials and arcs
How many seconds should you time for every 1000 ft you are low before doing a course reversal?
15 seconds
What is the descent rate and pitch for a non-DME teardrop?
2600-4000 fpm, 8-10 degrees NL
Who can request an enroute descent?
Pilot or ATC
What is the descent rate for an approach surveillance radar (ASR) approach?
800-1000 fpm
When do you descend during a Holding-in-lieu-of-PT (HILOPT) approach?
From the holding fix or on the inbound leg
What airspeed should you maintain for a high altitude descent?
What is the turn rate for a no-gyro turn?
Standard rate turn in pattern, half rate turn on final
What is the clearance and radius of an emergency minimum sector altitude (EMSA)?
1000 ft clearance, 100 NM
When should you not fly a procedure turn on an approach?
SNERT rules- Straight-in/No-PT/Established in Holding/Radar Vectors/Timing
You should delay your climbout turn until when?
400 ft AGL unless you can see the DER. If you can see the DER, delay turn until you are at the DER
When doing a circling approach, if you can’t maintain a visual with the runway, what should you do?
Turn toward the runway of intended landing and intercept the missed approach procedure
Decision altitude is reported in ___ and is used in what types of approaches?
MSL; precision
For precision approaches, the MAP is the point at which what occurs?
When the decision altitude is reached
When transferring from instrument to visual on landing, when should you start looking for visual references?
As you approach the MSL altitude for reported ceilings (usually 100-200 ft prior)
What does a Trouble T indicate?
Takeoff minimums to avoid obstacles
When flying an RNAV, the approach must be loaded at least ___ miles from the FAF.
What are the three types of entries into holding?
Direct, parallel, teardrop
How many degrees is the buffer zone when choosing an entry method for holding?
What is the maximum bank angle for an inbound turn?
30 degrees
When would you deselect OBS on an approach when being vectored to final?
When you are 90 degrees off the approach course
If the holding pattern is over a NAVAID, what should you use to determine the length of the pattern?
If you want to descend 10,000 feet in 20 NM, what pitch should you use?
5 degrees
What is approach speed in any aircraft?
1.3 times the stall speed
From what point do procedure tracks originate?
If a holding fix is a VOR or VORTAC, how do you determine that you are abeam the fix?
Cone of confusion or when the aircraft passed 90 degrees off the outbound course
What are the three types of runway lighting systems?
HIRL (military airfields)/MIRL/LIRL
What is reported on a runway remaining marker?
Runway distance remaining in thousands of feet
What illusion does breaking out of the weather to a wider than usual runway create?
You are closer/lower than you actually are
What are weather ceilings reported in?
What is the missed approach point?
The last point where a decision is made to land
When should you slow to holding airspeed with regards to the holding fix?
Within 3 minutes of the fix
What are the 4 steps to arcing?
4 steps
Determine turn direction
Calculate lead point
Place head of bearing pointer at the 90 degree index
What approach requires more visual cues than a straight in?
When flying a radial approach, what should you do as you pass the FAF?
Turn immediately in the shorter direction of the approach course
What are the two approaches the T-6 is not authorized to fly?
What clearance does a minimum sector altitude (MSA) or minimum vector altitude (MVA) provide?
1000 ft of obstacle clearance
(T/F) The required visibility increases when ALS is inoperative.
What are the three types of procedure turns?
3 types
Racetrack method (base turn/teardrop)
If the holding fix is an intersection, when should you start your timing?
Wings level outbound
What clearance does the circling MDA provide?
300 ft obstacle clearance
When are lost comm instructions given?
Radar downwind or base
What are radar approach speeds on downwind/base/final?
Radar approach speeds
Downwind: 150-200
Base: 120-150
Final: 110-120