Mandatory - Conflict Avoidance, Management and Dispute Resolution Procedures Flashcards
How can you avoid conflict in the first place?
State in the tender/ contract documents what is required between all parties.
Maintain good, open communication.
Put everything in writing to provide documented evidence.
Follow company procedures and policies.
Follow RICS standards, professional statements and guidance.
If conflict occurs, how do you deal with it initially?
Raise the issue with all parties and try to resolve through negotiation and communication.
A face to face meeting usually helps.
What could indicate the success of a final account negotiation?
All parties come away happy.
Costs agreed within client’s budget.
Issues resolved in a timely manner.
What is the cause of most disputes?
Commercial aspects.
Unclear or conflicting information or instructions.
People working under too much pressure.
Insufficient detail in the contracts.
Unclear scope of service.
What can I do if a negotiation breaks down?
Try using an Alternative Dispute Resolution.
What is dispute resolution?
Several process that can be used to resolve a disagreement or conflict.
What does ADR stand for?
Alternative Dispute Resolution.
What are the main forms of ADR?
What is the TCC?
Technology and Construction Court. Handles building, engineering and surveying disputes – usually for projects £250k and over.
What is negotiation?
Process whereby the disagreeing parties come to a resolution of their own accord. Suitable for simple matters that are easily resolvable and where compromises can be accommodated. The negotiation ends when both parties cooperate and come to and agreement.
What is mediation?
The disagreeing parties agree to use an impartial third party to facilitate discussions with the goal of reaching a settlement. The disagreeing parties have to agree to settle, but the process is led by a mediator. The process is non-binding and the mediator does not award a winning party. Both parties have to volunteer to take part but the process can be started by either party.
What is conciliation?
Similar to mediation but the conciliator will set out their solution to the problem. If neither party disputes their recommendation, then it becomes binding.
What is the difference between a mediator and a conciliator?
The conciliator is more involved in the process and can offer solutions and make recommendations to resolve the problem. The mediator only facilitates discussions.
What is an expert witness?
A persons whose experience and knowledge in a particular field is beyond what is expected of a layman. They make their knowledge available to courts or bodies to help them understand the problem and reach a fair decision.
What is expert determination?
Both parties agree to refer their problem to an independent expert, who will review the evidence and make a binding decision. The disagreeing parties must agree who that expert will be. Simpler and cheaper than arbitration or litigation.