Mandatory - Conduct Rules, Ethics and Professional Practice Flashcards
What is ethics?
Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or conducting of an activity.
How do the RICS ensure that standards and quality are maintained in terms of both the conduct and advice provided by chartered surveyors?
RICS has rules of conduct for members and firms.
Why does the RICS have rules of conduct?
The rules provide a consistent approach to the service provided.
It maintains professional standards, governance and regulation.
Provides a framework for members act in a professional capacity at all times, focusing on ethics and delivering good service.
The rules help promote trust in our services to the general public. Security for clients knowing a chartered surveyor is acting in line with the charter and giving the most appropriate advice.
What are the rules of conduct for members?
New rules of conduct came into effect on 2nd February 2022.
There are five new Rules which have been updated to address challenges relating to sustainability, the use of data, and diversity and inclusion. The new Rules are based on the ethical principles of honesty, integrity, competence, service, respect, and responsibility.
- Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations, including obligations to the RICS.
- Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary expertise.
- Members are firms must provide good quality and diligent service.
- Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion.
- Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence in the profession.
- What are the rules of conduct for firms?
As above. The New Rules replace:
* The rules of conduct for members.
* The rules of conduct for firms.
* Global professional and ethical standards.
You attend a work social event and witness two colleagues acting in a way that could bring the firm into disrepute. What would I do?
Speak to the colleagues immediately and tell them to change their behaviour. Address their actions formally at work by reporting to a Director.
RICS Professional Standards – What types are there, and what is their status?
- Professional Statements – Mandatory requirements, along with details of regulatory interventions if these are not adhered to.
- Guidance Notes – not mandatory, but recommend best practise for tasks.
- Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) – Threshold of knowledge, requirements and guidelines for entry into the profession.
- Data Standards – Ensures technology and software can include RICS standards into the applications and outputs.
Why does the RICS have guidance notes? Do I need to follow them?
Guidance notes outline best practise within the profession and provide advice to surveyors on how to complete certain activities. It is best to follow this advice and stay up to date with any changes to the documents. I don’t have to follow them BUT if there is ever a claim brought against my work, the courts will review the guidance notes and check whether my actions were ‘best practice’ and if I acted competently.
What is the RICS Black Book?
A suite of guidance documents for best practice technical standards for QS and construction professionals. I have read these as part of my APC CPD and the fluctuations one was very helpful for my work at Exeter Cathedral.
What are the RICS ethical principles?
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Competence
- Service
- Respect
- Responsibility
How do I act with integrity?
Be trustworthy.
Be open and transparent with my work.
Respect confidentiality.
Don’t take advantage.
Don’t allow bias, conflict of interest or the influence of others to override my decisions.
Don’t accept things from people that may leave me susceptible to bribery or feeling obligated to act in a way that makes me uncomfortable.
Why is it important to act with integrity?
I’m representing both myself and the profession. Want people to think highly of both of us.
It’s one of the ethical standards.
What is the difference between ethics and integrity?
Ethics looks at the big moral picture and integrity is focused on personal characteristics.
How do I take responsibility?
Be accountable for my actions/ decisions.
Act with skill, care and diligence.
If someone makes a complaint about me, make sure they can use a complaint handling procedure.
If I think something isn’t right, be prepared to speak up.
How do I treat others with respect?
Be polite and courteous.
Be considerate to others and aware of circumstance.
Don’t discriminate.
Be mindful of unconscious bias.
How do I provide a high standard of service?
I provide the best possible advice and act within my scope of competence.
I complete work to a high standard and by deadlines.
Be transparent about fees, level of service and what work I am committing to.
Communicate regularly, openly and in a way that enables them to make informed decisions.
How do I promote trust in the profession?
Understand how my actions affect others and the environment.
Fulfil my obligations.
Work to the spirit of the professional standards, and not just carry out the bare minimum required.
Act in a trustworthy way – both professionally and privately.
How do I maintain a high ethical standard?
Keep learning and updating my knowledge/ skills. CPD.
Act in a trustworthy way – both professionally and privately.
Follow advice given by the RICS on ethical behaviour.
Help my company and clients develop and maintain ethical working practises.
Address unethical behaviour where appropriate.
Report unethical behaviour where appropriate.
What should employers do to provide an ethical environment?
Establish confidential procedures for whistleblowing, that doesn’t follow the normal organisational hierarchy.
Have an ethical evaluation section in performance reviews.
Make ethical standards part of hiring, contracts and ongoing training.
Become chartered with RICS.
Promote annual ethical CPD for all staff. Or whenever RICS updates professional standards.
What tools can I use to help me make ethical decisions?
The RICS decision tree. Read the Rules of Conduct.
What would I use the Decision Tree for?
Step by step practical advice on how to deal with an ethical issue I’m facing.
Using the prompts to ensure I’m dealing with a potential conflict in the correct manner.
What are the key areas of ethics in relation to my work?
Gifts, bribes, hospitality and inducement.
Equal opportunity, discrimination and harassment.
Conflicts of interest.
Money laundering and financial transactions.
Confidential information.
Fair competition.
Environmental, community, political and social conflicts.
What should I consider if I find out a competitor is charging less than me on a job I am also bidding for?
Having inside information is a conflict of interest.
If I lower my quote to be competitive, can I actually deliver a quality service for the revised cost?
What does CPD stand for?
Continued Professional Development.
What are the CPD requirements for Chartered Surveyors?
A minimum of 20 hours per year, at least 10 hours of which must be formal.
Maintain a relevant and current understanding of RICS Professional and Ethical standards during a rolling 3-year period.
How is CPD recorded?
Via the RICS website or App.
Must submit their record by 31st January each year.
What is formal CPD?
Structured learning that has a clear learning objective and outcome.
- Training course.
- Structured online learning.
- Learning with an assessment.
What is informal CPD?
Self-managed learning that is related to my professional role.
- Private study.
- On the job training.
- Attendance at informal seminars or events.
How can I decide if CPD is formal or informal?
Use the RICS CPD Decision Tree.
What professional development have I done as part of my training?
- Read the Black Books and RICS Standards.
- In house training.
- External/ online training.
- Mock APC submissions/ interviews.