Managing And Developing Human Resources Flashcards
What is the definition of Human Resources?
It is the planned and continuous effort by management to recognize and develop opportunities to improve employee competency levels and organizational performance
What are the advantages of a Human Resource Development program?
Enhance Productivity, Improve Moral, Promote Individual and Departmental Growth, maintain or improve technical skills, Increase morale and cooperation
To determine Human Resource Development needs it takes what three types of analysis?
Organizational analysis, Task analysis, People analysis
What are two major difficulties in implementing an HRD program
Convincing empoyees of the merits of the program and finding qualified trainers
What are three types of HRD programs
Orientation, Re-Orientation and Leadership Development
What is the primary purpose of Orientation?
To explain policies, rules, benefits and disciplinary procedures
What opportunity does a Reorientation provide?
To introduce new policies and procedures or employee practices. You can also update equipment changes and operational procedures. Fulfill government mandated educational training
What are the two most universal tools in hiring?
The application form and the Interview
true or false. The most common form of hiring is the interview, even though its reliability and validity are generally low.
True or false. The effectiveness of the interview is not affected by poor preparation.
True or False. Prior knowledge does not cause any bias towards the candidate.
What are the five main ways to improve interviews?
Structure the interview, Have a trained interviewer, Provide the interviewer detailed job information, Standardize interview evaluation form and Take notes
Interviews should be… ?
Unbiased, fair, honest
Why should interviewers take notes?
To provide accuracy in the interview evaluation process
When is a second interview recommended?
If it’s a key upper management position, the employees are very close in qualification or you need to include higher level staff in the process
Any job offer should be given in _______.
The offer should clearly state the conditions of employment as well as some if not all of the following
Agreed Salary Structure Title of position Hours of work / Start time Starting date of employment Person and location to report Length of probation (if any) Policy and benefits manual
Most government hiring involves some form of political hiring. Usually it is determined by
Past Practice
Union Contract ( Seniority over Ability)
Internal organizational politics ( friendships, nepotism )
Political Party politics ( campaign obligations or promises
Political hiring will have a _____ effect on the overall production of the organization.
In 1963 the Equal Pay Act established?
Employees doing essentially the same work will initially receive the same salary
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 established?
Prohibits discrimination in hiring, compensation and terms of employment on the basis of race, religion, color or national origin. 25 employees or more
Civil Rights Act of 1991 re-enforced the CRA of 1964 how?
It returned the burden of proof that discrimination did not happen to the employer. Permitted women and religious minorities the right to seek punitive damages. Needed because litigation had watered down the CRA and EEA.
What the Age Discrimination Act of 1967 do?
Protected employees aged 40-65 from discrimination in employment because of age.
What jobs are excluded from the Age Discrimination Act?
Pilots, Police, fire and college professors.
In order to file a discrimination suit, you must prove that one of the following conditions was violated.
The person is a member of a protected group
Adverse employment action was taken
Person qualified for job was denied position
Person replaced by younger person
What did the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 do?
It required companies receiving $2,500 a year or more in federal contracts to recruit and employ qualified disabled workers. Reasonable accommodations should be made.
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 prohibits?
Discrimination based on pregnancy in regard to hiring and insurance coverage. It also provides reasonable time off for child birth and guarantees return to the same or equal job.
NJFMLA facts
Must have worked 1000 hours in 8 months Must justify the leave provide 30 days notice where possible Can be paid or unpaid or combination Health insurance must continue Employee may return to the same position or equal. Position must remain available
Does NJFMLA provide leave for an employees own health condition?
No, Only Federal FMLA does that.
What will employee appraisals achieve?
Enforce the goals of the organization
Motivate employees
Enhance productivity
What is a performance appraisal / evaluation?
the formal process in an organization whereby each employee is evaluated to determine how he or she is performing.
What is the main purpose of an appraisal?
to tell an employee how they are doing.
What should be discussed during an appraisal?
An employees strengths and weaknesses.
What does the appraisal provide?
Two way feedback
Performance appraisals are designed to?
improve employee performance
tell an employee where they place compared to an established standard
encourage self development
give recognition to each employees accomplishments
Identify employees performing below standards and suggest ways to improve
one on one conversations
set goals
What things does EEO require with regard to appraisals?
employers must have bias free human resource practices
must be conducted to some established interval and standard
Appraisers must be trained in the process
What three main categories are part of an appraisals?
Normal Performance - performance is consistent with stated requirements for that job
Need to improve - behavior you feel is inappropriate based on stated requirements
Above expectations - above average performance based on the requirements of the job
The evaluation interview should?
Always be in a convenient location
Stress the importance of the meeting and its effects
identify strengths and weakness and how he could work to improve
Explain each area of the evaluation
Give employee chance to help establish performance goals
Never sound threatening
Name the four factors that distort appraisal.
Leniency Error
Halo Error
Similarity Error
Central Tendency
What is the Leniency Error in appraisals?
evaluating against one’s own values or standards, not the departments
What is the Halo Error in appraisals?
an individual trait influences our overall assessment of every trait
What is the Similarity Error?
evaluating employees based on the way the evaluator concludes them to be. Not by the standard
What is Central Tendency?
the tendency of the rater to give all average ratings
What are two factors that can cause Human Problems at work?
Organizational Problems and Personal Problems
Which Human Problem does management have an obligation to investigate and resolve?
Organizational Problems
Name some Organizational Problems
Poor or a lack of equipment to do the job
Limited support of employees by management and staff
Environmental Factors / working conditions
Name some Personal Problems
Alcohol Abuse Substance Abuse Illiteracy Financial / Gambling Domestic Stress
When should you attempt to treat a personal problem?
What is an EAP or Employee Assistance Program?
A comprehensive approach that many organizations have taken to deal with all forms of personal problems
The most common way to recognize Personal Problems?
A change in physical appearance
What is the role of a supervisor in determining the cause of substandard performance?
Determine whether problem stems from organizational or personal problem
If determined to be personal problem do not confront the employee
Provide a quiet private place for discussion
What is discipline?
A condition or stipulation whereby employees conduct themselves in accordance with organizational rules or standards of behavior
What is corrective action?
Management action taken to correct employee behavior on the job.
What factors need to be considered when disciplining?
Seriousness of the offense Duration of the problem Extenuating factors - problems within employees environment Degree of socialization History / Past Practice Management Support
Name four causes for discipline.
On the job behavior
Outside activities
Disciplinary action should always be?
Progressive and in writing
Failure to discipline or inconsistent action will result in?
can be interpreted that rules are not followed
Frustration of employees
Charges of discrimination
Moale and production problems
Why should disciplinary records be kept?
This will result in establishing equitable treatment of all employees
What percentage of accidents are caused by unnecessary chances, horseplay, improper tools and equipment or not using proper safety equipment?
What problem is directly associated to employee carelessness?
Low Morale
Some causes of accidents
Forced or allowed to work in an unsafe environment
Poor training in lifting of heavy materials or equipment
Poorly lighted or ventilated atmospheres
Allowed to work in unsafe clothing or footwear
Using equipment for other than its intended purpose
Lack of safety inspections of vehicles and tools
True or False Some employees are accident prone due to their physical or mental makeup.
True or False It would not be advantageous to have a safety program designed for Public Works
True or False More Public Works employees get hurt than any other departments in government
What are some critical areas of responsibility for safety?
Defensive Driving, PPE, Equipment Inspections, Equipment Use, Work Zone Safety, Confined Space Entry, Right to Know
What are the six clues to detecting hazardous materials presence?
Occupancy / Location, Container Shapes, Markings and Colors, Placards and Labels, Shipping Documents, Senses
What are the routes of entry to the body for hazardous materials?
Inhalation, Absorbtion, Ingestion, Injection
Chemical exposure is described in two ways, name them.
Acute and Chronic
Define a confined Space.
An area with limited ingress and egress not designed for human occupancy
By nature confined spaces have a lack of natural air. What hazards can this cause
Oxygen deficient atmosphere
Flammable atmosphere
Toxic atmospheres
At what point is an area determined to be Oxygen deficient?
When the area has less than 19.5% available oxygen
Can the work being done effect the oxygen level in a confined space?
Can the Oxygen level be influenced or displaced by other gases
What will an oxygen enriched atmosphere (above 21%) cause
A flammable atmosphere
Toxic atmospheres can be caused by…
Product stored in the space and work being performed in the confined space
Name the types of Physical Hazards.
Temperature extremes, Engulfment hazards,Noise, Slick / Wet Surfaces, Falling Objects