Local Government Flashcards
There are ______ Municipalities in New Jersey?
There are _____ Counties in New Jersey?
Which form of government was established by the “Walsh Act”?
The Commission Form
What are some of the powers of a Municipality?
Organize and regulate Internal Affairs
Adopt and enforce ordinances and impose penalties
Sue and be sued, contract and be contracted, adopt, amend and repeal ordinances and resolutions
Exercise powers of taxation , borrowing and condemnation
Is a municipality a corporation?
How do you change your form of government?
Conduct a Charter Study, create a Charter Study Commission. Commissioners are elected by the general public
Name some of the duties of a Charter Study Commission
Study current form of government
Compare with available forms of government
Ask could the current form be strengthened
Determine if a changed form of government would be more efficient or economical
How many classes of Counties are there in New Jersey?
Are there different forms of County government?
Yes, there 5 others options
Name some of the forms of County Government
Traditional, Optional County Charter Law, County Manager Plan, County Supervisor Plan, Board President Plan
What is the elected term of a Board of Chosen Freeholder?
3 yrs.
What does “NJSA” stand for
New Jersey Statutes Annotated
What is the Estoppel Period in an ordinance?
The period of time (20 days) to go to court to stop payment. Heard by the Superior Court
Resolutions can be approved on one reading with the following exceptions.
Salary Resolutions now require public comment or hearing.
Budget Resolutions
What does the Open Public Meetings require?
The public and the press have advance notice of and the opportunity to attend most meetings
What is the annual notice?
The list of public meetings provided once a year 7 days following the reorganization meeting
Special Meetings require?
48 hrs notice and notice mailed and faxed to two newspapers and posted in the Municipal Building
How does the governing body go into Executive or Closed Session
The public body must adopt a resolution in the open meeting and read the adequate notice statement
What are some of the permitted topics for an executive session?
Federal, State law or rule of court requirements
Information that would impair funding the U.S.
Information that would constitute an invasion of privacy
Collective bargaining negotiations
Purchase, lease or acquisition of real property
Tactics and techniques for protection
Pending litigation
Employment, appointment, termination
Deliberations that may result in civil penalties
Rice Notice provides?
All personnel matters may be discussed in closed session, unless the individual employees or appointees whose rights could be adversely affected request in writing that such matters be discussed in public session
What is required to hold an official meeting?
A Quorum
What is a Quorum
The number representing the majority of members when duly assembled is legally competent to conduct business
Give some examples of Agenda items
Pledge of Allegiance Statement of the Open Public Meetings Act Roll Call Approval of Minutes Presentation of communications Reports of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Payment of Bills Resolutions - Ordinance
All meetings must be?
Open to the public and can have a time limit
Are minutes required?
Yes, all public bodies must keep reasonable comprehensible minutes of all its meetings.
What is “OPRA”?
The Open Public Records Act.
What records must be made available under OPRA?
All records unless exempted by law. They must be available for inspection, copying or examination.
What are some “OPRA” exemptions?
Legislative Records Medical examiner records Criminal investigations Victims records Trade secrets Attorney-Client privilege Computer security Building security Advantage to bidders Court orders Personal identifying information
What is the DARM?
The Division of Archives and Records Management
What does the Destruction of Records Act do?
Defines a public record Prohibits destruction without consent Created the State Records Committee Other Main Terms Records retention Schedule Record Series Titles Retention Periods
What does the New Jersey Tort Claims Act establish?
Provides protected immunity to public agencies, even if such injury arises out of an act or omission of the public entity
Establishes a procedure and time constraints
Defines parameters of liability
What are the time constraints for filing a claim?
Claims shall be presented not later than the 90th day after the accrual of the cause of action.
After 6mos from the date of notice of the claim is received, the claimant may file suit in the appropriate court of law.
Can a government official or public employee accept a gift?
No local government officer or employee or member of his immediate family may accept any gift, favor, ETC.