Types of Managers
first-line managers
middle managers
top managers
Lowest level of management and manage the work of non-managerial employees.
First-line managers
Manage the work of first-line managers.
Middle managers
Responsible for making organization-wide decisions, plans and goals in the entire organization.
Top managers
Mintzberg’s Management Role Approach
- Interpersonal roles
- Informational roles
- Decisional roles
Symbolic head, required to perform a number of routine duties.
Responsible for the motivation and direction of employees.
Maintains a network of outside contact who provides favors and information.
Under Interpersonal
- Figurehead
- Leader
- Liaison
Receives wide variety of information, serve as nerve center of internal and external information of the organization.
Transmit information received.
Transmits information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies and results. Serve as expert on organization industry.
Under Informational
- Monitor
- Disseminator
- Spokesperson
Search for opportunities and initiates project to bring about to change.
Responsible for corrective action when faces important, unexpected disturbances.
Disturbance handler
Makes or approve significant organizational decisions.
Resources allocator
Responsible for representing the organization at major negotiations.
Under Decisional
- Entrepreneur
- Disturbance handler
- Resource allocator
- Negotiator
Skills Approach
- Technical skills
- Human skills
- Conceptual skills
Ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.
Technical skills
Ability to work with, understand motivate other people both individually and in groups.
Human skills
Mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations.
Conceptual skills
Conceptual skills ranking
Top Managers > Middle Managers > Lower-level Managers
Human skills ranking
Top - Middle - Lower-level (all equal)
Technical skills ranking
Lower-level managers > Middle Managers > Top Managers
Managers have people from different socio-cultural backgrounds, managing these diverse groups with uniform set of practices and approach is a significant challenge.
Cultural diversity
Society expects businesses to display active responsiveness towards them by demonstrating a socially responsible behavior.
Social responsiveness
There is a great expectation of stakeholders of business that the managers should display ethical correct behavior.
Ethical and moral obligations