In the early ____, large organizations, such as production factories, had to be managed too.
Scientists like ___________, the first foundations were laid for modern scientific management.
Henri Fayol (1841-1925)
Underlying factors for successful management.
Principles of Management
Henri Fayol synthesized how many principles of management?
14 principles of management
- Division of work
- Authority
- Discipline
- Unity of command
- Unity of direction
- Subordination of individual interest
- Remuneration
- Centralization
- Scalar chain (line of authority)
- Order
- Equity
- Stability of tenure
- Initiative
- Esprit de Corps
Specialization encourages continuous Improvement in skills and the development of improvements in methods
Division of work
Managers have the right to give orders and should be given the power to exact obedience
The legitimacy of this authority is only possible when managers provide _____?
Good leadership
Employees should work hard consistently, and rules should not be bent.
Employees should receive direction from only one supervisor.
Unity of command
People engaged in the same work should have the same goals.
Unity of direction
When employees are at work, they should think about only work.
Subordination of individual interest
Employees should receive fair payments for services.
Management functions should be consolidated, and decisions should be made from the top.
There should be a formal chain of command running from the top to the bottom of the organization.
Scalar chain (line of authority)
All materials and personnel have a prescribed place.
Employees should be treated equitably but not necessarily identically.
Employees will work better if they have a sense of job security.
Stability of tenure
Employees should be able to demonstrate their strengths, talents, and innovative ideas.
Management must foster employee morale.
Esprit de Corps
Henri Fayol defined ___ functions of management for the management component, and these are still seen as relevant to organizations today.
This five functions focus under the relationships between personnel and its management , and they provide points of reference so that problems can be solved in a creative manner.
5 functions of Management
- Planning
- Organizing
- Commanding
- Coordinating
- Controlling
According to Henri Fayol, drawing up a good plan of action is the hardest of the five functions of management.
Planning requires an ____ ______ of the entire organization. With ____ __ ____ and implementation.
Active participation, respect to time
Planning must take the organization’s _______ resources and ______ of personnel.
available, flexibility
Types of Planning
• Strategic
• Operational
• Business
• Resource
• Organizational
• Contingency
An organization can only function well if it is well-organized.
Organizational structure with a ____ _____ of functions and tasks is of crucial importance.
good division
Organizing is an important function of the five functions of management.
Organization of employees and workers into various operating units.
Helps maximize the organization’s productivity.
It is the process of acquiring, deploying and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality for the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.
Is defined as the process of achieving organizational objectives through managing people.
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Managing people is essential to any pharmacy because it deals with providing care to people and to ensure the pharmacy’s efficiency.
Human resource management also includes recruiting, hiring, training, developing, and terminating employees.
Establishing employment policies is of critical importance to the staffing process.
Personnel Policies
By having well-thought-out policies, both management and prospective employees will understand what the employment with the pharmacy means.
When given orders and clear working instructions , employees will know exactly what is required of them.
All employees will be optimized if they are given _______ instructions with respect to the activities that must be carried out by them.
Capable of motivating a team and encouraging employees to take initiative.
Involves guiding and motivating other people to work toward a common goal.
What is a key factor in influencing human behavior?
The concept of motivation revolves around the idea that an individual’s need, or desire is what moves him or her to action.
Professional seek jobs that would help them grow and advance in their careers, earn them recognition, and give them enjoyment.
Factors affecting motivation
• Attainment
• Power
• Belonging
• Independence
• Respect
• Equity
Methods of non-monetary motivators:
• Recognition
• Celebrafion
• Compelling mission
• Balance of achievement and challenge
• Increase responsibility
When all activities are harmonized, the organization will function better.
Coordination therefore aims at _____ _____ and ______ within the group.
stimulating motivation and discipline
Coordinating requires clear ______ and good ______.
communication, leadership
Verifying whether everything is going according to and with conformity with the plan.
In management, ______ is an important function that allows a person to adjust the operations of the organization to its predetermined outcomes.
Control takes place in 4-step process:
- Establish performance standards based on organizational objectives
- Measure and report on actual performance
- Compare results with performance and standards
- Take corrective or preventive measures as needed
Also known as performance review.
Employee Performance Appraisal
It is a method of control that documents and evaluates the job performance of an employee.
Employee Performance Appraisal
Employee Performance Appraisal are factors that can be evaluated in an appraisal according to ?
Tootelian, Wertheimer, and Mikhailitchenko (2012)