Specializes in dealing with time and human relationships as they arise in organizations.
An attempt to create a desirable future, keeping the past and the present in mind.
Practice in and reflects a particular historial area.
Practice that produces consequences and effects that emerge over time.
Act in relationships that are two-way series.
Act in relationships that have spillover effects on other people, for better and for worse.
Juggle multiple simultaneous relationships.
A key ingredient to the success of the community, hospital pharmacy or any drug establishment in light of the rapidly changing pharmaceutical healthcare marketing arena.
Effective pharmaceutical management/Pharmaceutical Administration
Managing a pharmacy requires focus. (T or F)
It is a conscious, organized effort to harness all the resources available as well as using them to attain the goals of the pharmacy effectively and efficiently.
Pharmaceutical Management
- There is a need to clearly establish correct priorities.
- Well-defined objectives in quantifiable and measurable terms.
- Clear policies, procedures, systems, and methods
- Practical control mechanisms proacticely appropriate budgets
(T or F)
The use of strategic planning both in hospital and community settings results in:
A. Higher sales and profitability
B. More clinical or value-added services
C. Better administrative, distributive, and clinical performance especially in hospitals
_______ among departments/groups has a positive impact on the commitment of pharmacist.
Eight Dimensions of Pharmaceutical Management
- Managerial and Entrepreneurial
- General Management
- Customer-oriented
- Results-driven
- Visionary
- People-focused
- Innovative
- Effectiveness and efficiency
The executive duties of owners and operators of the business in getting results done through other people with some degree of calculated risk.
Managerial and Entrepreneurial
The process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the resources of the firm toward achieving the desired results relative to organizational goals.
General Management
The business exists for the purpose of creating a customer, markets, and satisfying wants.
The tasks involve performance, productivity, maximization of profit, and economic results.
A complex task of balancing the present and future demands, bringing the future to the present.
The business exists because of people, the employees emerging as the firm’s greatest asset.
Continuous and little improvement of products and services, redirecting resources for high-yielding results, improving and modifying business operations.
The former means doing the right thing the first time and all the time. Efficiency pertains to the input of effort in all areas of activity.
Effectiveness and Efficiency
_______ pertains to the input of effort in all areas of activity.
Formulation of objectives, programs, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations in order to achieve the goals of the business.
Activites involved in planning.
• Developing objectives
• Forecasting
• Programming
• Scheduling
• Budgeting
• Developing policies
• Establishing procedures
Referes to grouping people, establishing relationship among them, and defining the authority and responsibilty they have.
3 Steps involved in organizing.
- Grouping of people and identification of work to be done.
- Delegation of authority and responsibility.
- Establishment of relationships among people and tasks.
The work of the manager to entrust others with responsibility and authority and to create accountability.
The sum of the rights and power assigned to a position.
The obligation to assume responsibility and exercise authority in conformity with understood and accepted performance standards.
Determines what positions to be filled.
Staffing involves:
• Preparing the job description
• Identifying the sources of potential applicants
• Search, interview and select applicants
• Orienting new employees to their job
• Train and evaluate their performance
A highly qualitative process, as such, the manager must have both the technical and knowledge of the jobs to be performed and the feel how people will fit in their new work environment.
It involves keeping personnel and other resources focused on the goals of the pharmacy and ensuring that they are utilized in a manner consistent with the policies established.
Directing is a process which sets:
• Personnel goals
• Establish work standards
• Develop leadership style
• Motivates personnel
• Trains, retains and evaluate personnel
• Discipline, dismisses and promotes personnel
The process of measuring and correcting the activites of subordinates and the company itself to assure conformity eith its plans.
Deals with issurs regarding third-party payers. He/she must identify which payer can afford the provision of quality patient care.
Good Pharmacy Manager
Looks for other opportunities to generate additional revenue and decrease expenses, effectively purchasing pharmacy items, proper inventory level, and having appropriate number and type of personnel needed to do certain jobs.
Management-minded pharmacy manager
People who are tasked to manage a business of institution.
A well-rounded and mature individual who encourages other people to work together for a common cause as effectively as possible.