Male Path 2 Flashcards
urethra opening on the ventral surface (1 in 300)
urethral opening on the dorsal surface
prepuce can not be retracted
poor hygiene–infection–phimosis–infection–?carcinoma
phimotic prepuce is forcibly retracted
-constriction and swelling–pain–acute urinary retention
What are complications of gonorrhea?
urethritis-urethral strictures-sterility- and ectopic pregnancies
Who is more likely to get chlamydia non gonorrheal urethritis male or female?
chlamydia lymphogranuloma venereum
small epidermal vesicle–ulcer—inguinal and rectal lymphadenopathy
chlamydia trachomatis
chronic keratoconjuntivitis
reiter syndrome
can pee cant see cant climb a tree
-conjunctivitis, polyarthritis and genital infection
What is 1,2,3 syphilis?
1 (3 weeks)- chancre
2 (2-10 weeks)-palmar, solar rash, lymphadenopathy, arthritis, headache, fever, condyloma latum
3 (years)- neurosyphilis, aortitis, gummas
Condyloma Acuminatum
HPV 6,11
Gross: single or multiple sessile or pedunculated, red papillary excrescencies, one-several mm
Micro: papillary proliferation of squamous cells. koilocytosis- clear vacuolization of cytoplasm
Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis Risk factors HPV type Gross Micro
poor hygiene and phimosis-accumulation of smegma, and history of genital warts
-circumcision confers protection
HPV types 16 and 18
Undescended testis
- majority idiopathic, trisomy 13
- unilateral, 25%-bilateral
- complications-infertility and germ cell neoplasia
Gross: small, firm testicles
Micro: tubular atrophy
Testicular Torsion
twisting of the cord–thick walled arteries patent–vascular engorgement–infarction
- sudden severe pain
- congestion, edema, hemorrhage—hemorrhagic infarct–fibrosis
- surgery within 8 hrs–80% slalvage
- after 10 hours–20 % salvage
What is the epidemiology of testicular tumors?
15-34 most common tumor in men bimodal young and old young-germ cell old-lymphoma white: african american 5:1