Language Flashcards
- phonation
- vocal cords-10
- dysphonia-hoarse, whispering, breathy - articulation
- lips, tongue, palate, pharynx-7,9,10,12
- connections with cerebellar and extrapyramidal systems provide the motor cord needed
- slurred, choppy, indistinct
respiratory function
communicating by means of symbols
-cerebral cortex in dominant hemisphere
What artery supplies the language centers?
disorder of previously acquired language ability due to a lesion in a cortical language center
ease, facility and quantity of speech regardless of content or meaning
can follow verbal or written commands
repetition the phrase needs to be repeated perfectly true or false
WHen does imperfect repetition occur?
when there is a lesion in either perisylvian language center (broca’s or wernicke’s) or the connecting arcuate fasciculus
abnormal word or syllable substitution
-seen particularly in wernicke’s aphasia
nonsensical or foreign sounding word or phase
Broca’s aphasia
posterior inferior frontal lobe lesion in the dominant hemisphere
- fluency is very impaired
- comprehension is relatively preserved
- repetition is imperfect
-often an accompanying right hemiparesis since the lesion may also involve the primary motor cortex
Wernicke’s aphasia
posterior superior temporal lobe lesion
-fluency is preserved
-comprehension is impaired
-repetition is imperfect
may think patient is drugged
Conduction aphasia
lesion of arcuate fasciculus
-pathway connecting broca’s and wernicke’s
- fluent
- imperfect rep
- comprehension intermediate
Global aphasia
extensive lesion that virtually damages the entire perisylvian language region
- severe hemiplegia
- nonfluent
- imperfect rep
- poor comprehension
posterior parts of dominant hemisphere
impairment of reading when visual cortex is disconnected rom language centers critical for reading
posterior parts of dominant hemisphere
-lesion disconnects the motor cortex for the dominant hand from language centers critical for writing
- semantic and emotional meaning of language as conveyed by changes in pitch, inflection tone or melody
- can convey mood
Lesion in non dominant posterior superior temporal lobe-opposite to wernicke’s produces what type of aprosody?
- doesnt understand
- can’t mimick
- can do
Lesion in non dominant posterior inferior frontal lobe opposite to broca’s produces what type of aprosody?
- can’t do
- can’t mimick
- can understand