Male Genital Reproductive Pathology Flashcards
Cause of Hypospadia
Failure of fusion of urethral folds due to exposure to estrogens/progestins in utero
Cause of Epispadia
Rare failure of genital tubercle migration
- Prepuce Orifice which prevents normal retraction of foreskin
- Phimotic prepuce: entrapment of retracted foreskin behind coronal sulcus -> Forced retraction over glands penis
- Causes pain, urethral constriction, + acute urinary retention
- Infection of Glans + Prepuce
- Candida; Anaerobes, Pyogenic, Gardnerella
Penile Fibromatosis
- Alt name
- Path
- Peyronie’s Disease
- Fibrous thickening btwn corpus cavernosum _ tunica albuginea
Condyloma Acuminatum Eti
HPV 6/11
HRT: Viral genome incorporation
LRT: Episome in cytoplasm
Bown Dx
- Morph
- alt name
- Carcinoma In Situ
- Men + Women; Shaft of uncircumscribed men
- Morph: Solitary thick gray-white opaque lesions OR Shiny red velvety plaques
- Erythroplasia of Queyrat
Bowenoid Papulosis
- S/S
- A/S
- Eti
- Sexually active young adults
- pigmented grey/red brown papules
- mistaken for Condyloma Acum
- HPV 16 -> CIS
Penile SCC types Histo/morph
Verrucous: Exophytic + well-differntiated
Well-differentiated: Acanthotic, hyperkeratitic; finger-like projectionc
Poorly Differentiated: Nuclear pleomorphism
- Types + Controls
- Most common location
- Histology
- Tx
- Transabdominal (MIS); Inguinoscrotal (androgen)
- Undescended testis in inguinal canal
- Hist: Germ Cell Arrest; Thickening of spermatic tubules; INC interstitial stroma; No affect on Leydig Cells
- Tx: Orchioplexy
Eti Epidydimitis/Orchitis (5)
- UTI (Gram - Rods; Staph, Pseud. Chlam)
- Auto immune granulomatous Orchitis
- STIs: Gonorrhea + Syphillis
- TB
- Mumps
- Morph
- Lab
- Spread
- Tx
- EPI: Most common/50%; Never occurs in infants
- Morph: Bulky mass, homogenous gray-white; lobulated; Tunica albuginea
- Lab: (+) PLAP; INC serum HCG
- Spread: Mediastinal + supraclavicular nodes; Hematogenous spread to lungs, liver, brain, + bones
- Tx: Extremely Radiosensitive
Leydig Cell Tumor
- Eti
- Epi
- S/S
- Morph
- Histo
- Et: Elaborate Androgens
- EPI: Age 20 - 60
- S/S: Gynecomastia, sexual precocity, testicular swelling
- Morph: homogenous golden brown Circumscribed nodules; 80% benign
- Histo: Large round/polygonal cells’ Rod-shaped crystalloids of Reinke
Yolk Sac Tumor
- Histo
- Histo: reticular + endodermal sinus pattern; Schiller-Duvall Bodies (Rounded papillae w/ ding central vessel lined by columnar Cells)
Embryonal Carcinoma
- Morph
- EPI: aggressive tumor in 20-30 YO
- Morph: Variegated, hemorrhagic, invasive; Large anaplastic Glandular cells