main features of operant conditioning Flashcards
what type of learning is OC
learing through consequence
what is positive reinforcement
recieve something we want/like for performing a desirable behviour
what is primary and secondary positive reinforcement
primary - satisfy survival needs
secondary - aids survival needs
what is negative reinforcement
something undesirable taken away in response to a desired behviour
what is positive punishment
presenting something unpleasant/painful when undesirable behaviour shown
what is negative punishment
removing something pleasant after undesirable behaviour
what did skinner do with rats
positive reinforcement - rats press lever = food
negative reinforcement - rats press lever = avoid shock
punishment - press lever = shock
evaluate OC
+ skinners box, posive and negative reinforcement and punishment
+ thorndike, time for cats to press level to be let out of box became shorter as reinforced with food, +ve reinforcement
+ used in therapy to encourage desirable behaviours through punishment
- breland and breland, pigs rewarded if wooden token put into piggy bank, dropped it and showed natural rooting behaviour, only works if animal learning similar behviour
- cant explain observed learning bahviours, SLT
- studies on animals reducing credibility