bandura ross and ross 1961 Flashcards
what was the aim
investigate whether exposure to a real life aggressive model increases aggression shown in children
what was the method
-72 children stanford university nursery
- 1 female exerimenter, 1 male and 1 female role model
- 24 children conrol group, 8 groups of 6
- experimental group watched an aggressive or non aggressive model of same or different sex
- children matched on physical and verbal aggression by experimenter and nursery teacher
- children watched model in opposite corner
- aggressive condition - played with tinker toy, act aggressively towards bobo doll for 9 mins, kick hit with mullet, punch
- non aggressive condition- sit in corner and play with tinker toys
- after 10 min children were taken into another room to play with toys for 2 mins, taken away after to prevoke them
- children taken into final room to play
- verball aggression, physical imitated aggression and non aggressive verbal responses observed
what were the results
aggressive model = 25.8
non aggressive model = 1.5
more non imitative aggression after same sex
female model = 21.3 male =8.4
what were the conclusions
higher aggression shown when shown aggressive role model
stronger imitation with same sex
+ large sample size 72, generalised to target population
- ethnocentric all children from stanford university, cant generalise to other backgrounds
+ not androcentric, 36 of each gender
+ control group to compare aggression to, reliable
+ standardised procedure, recordings every 6 seconds for every child, reliable
+ understand school shootings, may be exposed to more aggression
- lack of task validity, children arent kept in a room after demonstrated aggressive behaviour
- children may be psychologically harmed as they may be more aggressive, experimenter didnt try to reduce effects